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Route pics


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I missed your comment about the tree..........that is really sad the tree is dying.

I said I loved the picture because of the way the sunshine seemed to make the tree so alive.

The leaves are grey or brown.this is a date palm.
What a cutie!

Wouldn't want it as a pet....but it is cute!
I made a friend of a horse.I had a dog that reminded me of Cheyenne and her live for rides.if you opened the car door in front her she would herself to a ride.the eyes light up and ears perk up.
I like that driving path. For some reason, it's attractive.

Studebakers were good vehicles in their day.......

You would love the home and barn back there.covered in palm fronds.the owner I know from years ago.he saw me and remembered me.he use to play guitar at church with another coworker
built in 1925,before the city owned the plant it is in. the city bought the plant after the failing vero electric depending on what source I use. this is a pre depression edifice. its why I like it. it has that 1920s industrial feel to it. I can see her powering my town in ww2, and up to her decommissioning. there are some who remember when this plant ran. I remember it when it would run a few times. talk about pollution.
At least the building will be utilized.

I take it bus service is excellent throughout the area?

The building was connected to the vero furniture,not really. ItS great if you have no rush to get hour to go from my house to city hall which I can walk to from that edifice.i practically have done it reading as the diesel plant is close and park across from it and read that area.long route but a fun one.
The reason I asked about bus service: the program is to assist moms & their babies/little kids. Usually, if a mom needs help with getting diapers for her baby, she doesn't always have access to a car.
The reason I asked about bus service: the program is to assist moms & their babies/little kids. Usually, if a mom needs help with getting diapers for her baby, she doesn't always have access to a car.
Bus stops are nearby,library, court house,pocahontas park,really close.


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