You are quite correct there. And indeed there is even more to see. It's like they were saying that the Prophet lacked knowledge and was talking like he was a child -- they were mocking him, they were the brilliant ones with their wisdom of words. I also notice that many translators prefer the translation, "with the lips and tongues of foreigners" or something equivalent so you're not the only one who sees it like that.
Jesus Martyr You are very welcome, O Sweet Smell! and I see you took me literally and just let it flow from the abundance of your heart. Thank you.
May I tell you a story about REST, please? I'm the main character (or so it appears) so pardon my bragging -- but still, it's a good story.
So there I was and it was Saturday and I was going to go to the little church that me and my family attended. You might like to know it was called "King of Glory Pentecostal" but church flavor doesn't matter here at all. It was a tiny little church and it had a white steeple too! The entire church was comprised of blacks (African Americans?) -- race doesn't matter here either! But I remember feeling like I was the "only popcorn face in a sea of black" while we joined in worship. This isn't my church home (we moved) and I'm not trying to promote that little assembly -- just setting the stage.
Now, here is something peculiar with me. Early on in my Christian life (I'm 62 years old) I understood that the Bread of Life was worth way more than grocery store bread. So I told the Lord that if I were ever able to trade bread (my bread, from a local bakery) for H
READ, I'd be the beneficiary! So there I was, on my way to Saturday church service (they weren't 7th Day people - they were every day people) and I knew there was going to be kids there because we had a whole afternoon planned out. Now I said that I'd be the star of this story but that's not quite true because here came the real star... It came in a simple idea. I thought of my "bread deal" and stopped at the Pizza place and ordered three large. It was a small (poor) church so that would be enough and I was blessed financially in a mighty way then so the cost was nothing to me.
When I got there (here's a picture):
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... when I got there, I parked the van and my kids piled out. I grabbed the pizza and we went in. It wasn't very long (within a minute) that the kids there smelled the pizza. And it was then that I heard something very curious. Tiny little voices began to cry out:
"It is the LORD."
"It is the LORD."
"It is the LORD!"
Yes. The STAR of the SHOW had arrived. It was not me. It was not the pizza. It is the L
I was curious so I asked. Turns out that the kids were hungry and they had asked about lunch but the adults that had planned the deal didn't have the money (it's a poor church - but lovely!) and so they didn't have anything for the kids. So what do them little angles do? They say, "I know! Let's pray.)
What can the adults do in the face of faith like that. They let the kids gather together and circle to join hands in the N
I didn't get a text message. Nobody called me on the phone. What really happened was years and years ago, the Holy Spirit dropped something into me. A mini-revelation, if you will. I knew the meaning of bread.
Thank you for sharing your bread.
I'm here to say, "It is the L