Drew said:
Bubba said:
But the bottom line is that the works that justify as per Romans 2 are the works of the Holy Spirit in the believer, not works that spring from our sin-tainted self-effort
I agree that it is the Holy Spirit working in us, but if the instrument is not completely pure, is the work accomplished without the taint of sin?
This is a very good question for which I do not have an immediate answer. However, Ithink that whatever answer one might come up with, one still needs to deal with Romans 2 and Paul's clear statements that eternal life at the coming judgement is, in fact, granted on the basis of the quality of the entire life led by the believer. And many Christians, including many on this board simply refuse to answer questions about Romans 2. And that is very telling.
So, to be fair, I will post what I consider to be clear and valid questions about Romans 2. Many simply refuse to answer these questions. I present them for your consideration and for the consideration of any others:
1. In Romans 2, Paul writes this:
But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God's wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed. 6God "will give to each person according to what he has done." 7To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life.
Do you agree that this requires you (who deny that good works justify) to believe that Paul intends us to understand that precisely
zero persons will be given eternal life as a result of their persistence in doing good? Please answer "yes" or "no", but of course add any explanatory material that you wish. If you answer "yes", what do you think Paul intended us to understand when he wrote "7To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life", if he, in fact believes that
zero persons will receive eternal life in this way?
2. In Romans 2, Paul writes:
There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile; 10but glory, honor and peace for everyone who does good: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile
Do you agree that this requires you (who deny that good works justify) to believe that Paul intends us to understand that precisely
zero persons will receive glory and honour and peace at the Romans 2 judgement? Please answer "yes" or "no", but of course add any explanatory material that you wish. If you answer "yes", what do you think Paul intended us to understand when he wrote about "glory, honour, and peace" for people who
do good, if he, in fact believes that
zero persons will receive eternal life in this way?
3. In Romans 2,Paul writes:
For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous.
Do you agree that this requires you (who deny that good works justify) to believe that Paul intends us to understand that, at the Romans 2 judgement, precisely
zero persons will be declared righteous in virtue of their obeying the "law" ? Please answer "yes" or "no", but of course add any explanatory material that you wish. If you answer "yes", what do you think Paul intended us to understand when he wrote about people who
obey the law being declared righteous, if he, in fact believes that
zero persons will be declared righteous in this way?
I found this article, but Ido not have the author who put it together. If you read it through, I think it will answer your points. Bubba
Theological Problem
It might seem that Paul is saying that A PERSON EARNS eternal life BY DOING GOOD. "What must I do to inherit eternal life?" At first glance Paul’s answer seems to be, "to earn eternal life you must patiently continue in well doing" (v.7) or "to earn eternal life you must do good" (v.10). In order to solve this theological problem, consider the following points:
According to the Scripture, what must a person do to have eternal life (John 3:16; 3:36; 6:47; 5:24; 11:25-26; Acts 16:30-31, etc.)?
According to the Scriptures, is eternal life something that a person must earn by doing good works and good deeds or is eternal life a FREE GIFT that even a sinner can receive by faith (Romans 6:23; 5:16-18; Ephesians 2:8-9)?
Paul’s teaching elsewhere in the book of Romans is that a person cannot get to heaven by his own good works (Romans 3:28) but only by putting his faith in Jesus Christ (Romans 4:5).
A very common misconception that people have is that GOOD PEOPLE GO TO HEAVEN BUT BAD PEOPLE GO TO HELL. But consider the following:
a) How many good people are there (Romans 3:10,12)?
b) How many bad people are there (Romans 3:19,23; 5:12)?
c) The Pharisee described in Luke 18:9-13 was religious, morally upright and one who practiced many good deeds. According to verse 14, will this "good" man be in heaven?
d) The penitent criminal who died next to Christ was certainly a "bad man", and yet, would he go to heaven (Luke 23:42-43)?
e) Will ungodly people be justified and saved (Romans 4:5; 5:6)? Will any sinners be saved and go to heaven (1 Tim. 1:15)? YES, HEAVEN WILL BE POPULATED WITH "SINNERS SAVED BY GRACE." If our hopes of heaven depended on how good we have been, NONE OF US WOULD MAKE IT!
We must keep in mind what Paul’s purpose is in Romans 2:7-10. This section does not deal with SALVATION, it deals with JUDGMENT. In this section Paul is not showing men how to be saved; he is showing men that they are lost and condemned before a righteous Judge. Paul is simply pointing out a fundamental principle of judgment: THAT GOD PUNISHES EVIL MEN AND REWARDS RIGHTEOUS MEN. In this section Paul does not discuss HOW MEN CAN BECOME RIGHTEOUS. He will do this later in Romans when he discusses the wonderful doctrine of justification (see Romans 3:24; 3:28; 4:5; 5:1 etc).
In Romans 2:7-10 Paul discusses and describes two groups of people:
CLASS #1 "Those who patiently continue in well doing" (v.7)
CLASS #2 Those who do not patiently continue in well doing (by implication.)
CLASS #1 Those who are not selfish (by implication)
CLASS #2 Those who are "contentious" (selfish) (v.8)
CLASS #1 Those who do not obey unrighteousness (by implication)
CLASS #2 Those who "do not obey the truth" (v.8)
CLASS #1 those who do not obey unrighteousness (by implication)
CLASS#2 Those who "obey unrighteousness"
CLASS #1 Those who do not do evil (by implication)
CLASS#2 Those who "do evil" (v.9)
CLASS #1 Those who do good works(v.10)
CLASS #2 Those who do not do good works (by implication)
Compare John 5:29 which also sets forth two classes: 1) those that have done good (LIFE); 2) those that have done evil (DAMNATION).
JOHN 3:19-21 sheds much light on our problem. Here we are told that those who do evil are those who hate the light (Jesus Christ) and who refuse to come to the light (Jesus Christ). In other words, those who do evil are unbelievers. IN GOD’S SIGHT, the person who does good or "does truth" is the person who COMES TO THE LIGHT (Jesus Christ).
3 JOHN 11 is also very important. "He that doeth good is of God (he belongs to God, he has been born of God, he is a believer in Christ) but he that doeth evil hath not seen God (compare 1 John 3:6: the person who does evil is an unsaved person who has never been born again).
Therefore we must conclude from these passages that CLASS 1 (see above) is made up of born again believers and CLASS 2 (see above) is made up of those who are unbelievers and who have refused to come to Christ.
No person in and of himself can do good (Romans 3:12). All of our righteousnesses are as filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6). Apart from faith and without faith we cannot please God (Hebrews 11:6 and Romans 8:8). In other words, apart from saving grace, every single person would be in CLASS 2 (see above)!
When a person is saved and born again, a wonderful thing happens! God makes it possible for the saved sinner to DO GOOD! This is because God now lives in this person and works through this person to accomplish His good pleasure. (Philippians 2:13). The saved person is able to perform good works (Ephesians 2:10). The believer performs good works not in order to be saved but BECAUSE HE IS SAVED. Good works are the result of salvation not the cause of salvation. As Matthew 7:17-19 clearly teaches, every saved person WILL DO GOOD and every unsaved person CANNOT DO GOOD.
CONCLUSION: Paul is setting forth the simple principle of judgment that God rewards the good and punishes the evil. Paul is dealing here with how people are judged, not how people are saved. In Romans chapters 3 and 4 Paul will proclaim the good news that God is able to save wicked people by His grace. We will then learn how men are saved.