- Oct 16, 2016
- 374
- 47
I agree their inward desire to want to keep God's law and teach it opposes The Gospel Promise by Faith, but like I showed with the Genesis 49:10 prophecy, that the Jews ("Judah") would maintain care of God's law all the way to Lord Jesus' future return, that reveals God put that desire in them. So the matter requires a deeper understanding why God has done that...If they have access to the same NT writings we have, those propensities should have ceased.
They are groundless.
Think for a moment, if Christian society no longer held to 'any' of God's laws from The Old Testament? I mean, Apostle Paul never said all of God's laws were nailed to Christ's cross, but only the handwriting of ordinances in the law. It is still against God's law to do murder, thefts, rape, perjury, etc., even as Apostle Paul showed in 1 Timothy 1 and 1 Corinthians 6. And Paul did say that the law was NOT made for the righteous, but for the sinner and the ungodly.
Thus there is a purpose for the Jews having a propensity towards keeping and teaching God's laws, and God put that desire in them. (No, I'm not Jewish either.). That we should help them understand, in contrast to the Promise by Faith first given through Abraham, which was The Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Thus under The Gospel of Jesus Christ, they still are not to try and use keeping of the law as a requirement of Christ's Salvation, which is by Faith only. The Orthodox Jews are not going to heed The Gospel, and some of them try to creep in among Christ's Church, and that is something those of us in Christ need to watch out for, and contend, like Apostle Paul did in Acts and Galatians.
I think I already covered that. Again, see what Apostle Paul taught about the law in 1 Timothy 1, and 1 Corinthians 6. He quoted things covered in God's law.As He has already "come", the Law's time is over...according to Jewish scripture.
Which parts of the Law do you think were not nailed to the cross ?
I know that 9 of the original 10 are now written in our hearts, but are there any others ?
Gen 49:10
10 The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.
On a deeper note, I can grasp a deeper purpose for God having 'blinded' the majority of unbelieving Jews per Romans 11. One of the reasons would be their ordained duty in keeping His law for the peace and prosperity of even Christian society, even though they at present reject Jesus Christ. Apostle Paul showed they won't reject Jesus forever, but when the fulness of the Gentiles comes in, their rejection will change (see end of Zechariah 12).