I've been reading about global warming and climate change for years now. But there is something I do not understand; and I have yet to find any scientist who will even acknowledge my question. If carbon emissions and pollution are merely holding in the heat of the sun; then why isn't the temperature consistent all over the earth?
The pollution covers the entire earth; yet there is still winter with extremely freezing temperature's in various places. The year before last we had a day when the wind chill put us below -50 F; last year we had an ice storm that knocked down many tree's in the neighborhood here in Michigan. If the heat is trapped, why isn't it consistent?
The pollution covers the entire earth; yet there is still winter with extremely freezing temperature's in various places. The year before last we had a day when the wind chill put us below -50 F; last year we had an ice storm that knocked down many tree's in the neighborhood here in Michigan. If the heat is trapped, why isn't it consistent?