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This language to me is in more keeping with the idea of making oneself as though one knows nothing except the topic at hand, I don't see where it has any value in proving that graven images are acceptable in context.

Again here in context with chapter 2 we see paul saying he is crucified with with christ, and if this verse is indeed strictly littoral I can see it as a positive to your point of view on this. Now, we know he wasn't literally crucified so it would seem to lean more towards poetic types of language rather than strictly litteral ones so I am more inclined to believe that this is not paul saying he brought a literal crucifix when he preached, but rather made the arguments for salvation and Jesus death obvious to them, maybe he brought proof to put before their eyes or some such thing as that.

Yeah that's in exodus 20
4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

Now we know we are not under the law, nevertheless all scripture is relevant for us even today. I can expound upon this later in the day.

They did teach all the known world of that time, now we can most certainly agree that the great commission goes on today, however this doesn't nessesitate new apostles, especially seeing as how not one new apostle that walks in the real and tangible power of God to perform miracles has risen since.

Acts 21 states the specific requirement of "these men which have companied with us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us" which is a principle and scripture i believe supports my view on this issue in context.

Again what is the mark in scripture of these apostles? Real Power and authority to do actual verifiable miracles is it not?



Of course
Does scripture say what is each of the Ten Commandments?

I don’t see l any list of commandments only contents

the church provides the listing

Ten Commandments

Ex 20

Scripture has no list (1, 2, 3, etc.) of the Ten Commandments

According to subject matter or context:

First commandment: ex 20:2-6
One God

Second commandment: ex 20:7
God’s name

Third commandment: ex 20:8-11
God’s original sabbath

Fourth commandment: ex 20:12

Fifth commandment: ex 20:13

Sixth commandment: ex 20:14

Seventh commandment: ex 20:15

Eighth commandment: ex 20:16

Ninth commandment: ex 20:17

Separating the two about coveting makes sense!

Ninth: Thou shalt not covet Thy neighbors goods.

Tenth: Thou shalt not covet Thy neighbor’s wife.

What’s your understanding
This language to me is in more keeping with the idea of making oneself as though one knows nothing except the topic at hand, I don't see where it has any value in proving that graven images are acceptable in context.

Again here in context with chapter 2 we see paul saying he is crucified with with christ, and if this verse is indeed strictly littoral I can see it as a positive to your point of view on this. Now, we know he wasn't literally crucified so it would seem to lean more towards poetic types of language rather than strictly litteral ones so I am more inclined to believe that this is not paul saying he brought a literal crucifix when he preached, but rather made the arguments for salvation and Jesus death obvious to them, maybe he brought proof to put before their eyes or some such thing as that.

Yeah that's in exodus 20
4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

Now we know we are not under the law, nevertheless all scripture is relevant for us even today. I can expound upon this later in the day.

They did teach all the known world of that time, now we can most certainly agree that the great commission goes on today, however this doesn't nessesitate new apostles, especially seeing as how not one new apostle that walks in the real and tangible power of God to perform miracles has risen since.

Acts 21 states the specific requirement of "these men which have companied with us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us" which is a principle and scripture i believe supports my view on this issue in context.

Again what is the mark in scripture of these apostles? Real Power and authority to do actual verifiable miracles is it not?



Of course
I this case Paul does not qualify but we know he is an apostle
And one the two great apostles

I would think if it’s not possible it’s not required

No doubt Peter is the blessed and chosen visible head of the church
Matt 16:18-19

This language to me is in more keeping with the idea of making oneself as though one knows nothing except the topic at hand, I don't see where it has any value in proving that graven images are acceptable in context.

Again here in context with chapter 2 we see paul saying he is crucified with with christ, and if this verse is indeed strictly littoral I can see it as a positive to your point of view on this. Now, we know he wasn't literally crucified so it would seem to lean more towards poetic types of language rather than strictly litteral ones so I am more inclined to believe that this is not paul saying he brought a literal crucifix when he preached, but rather made the arguments for salvation and Jesus death obvious to them, maybe he brought proof to put before their eyes or some such thing as that.

Yeah that's in exodus 20
4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

Now we know we are not under the law, nevertheless all scripture is relevant for us even today. I can expound upon this later in the day.

They did teach all the known world of that time, now we can most certainly agree that the great commission goes on today, however this doesn't nessesitate new apostles, especially seeing as how not one new apostle that walks in the real and tangible power of God to perform miracles has risen since.

Acts 21 states the specific requirement of "these men which have companied with us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us" which is a principle and scripture i believe supports my view on this issue in context.

Again what is the mark in scripture of these apostles? Real Power and authority to do actual verifiable miracles is it not?



Of course
Just curious was Fabian committing idolatry when he sang Venus?

Christ reformed the mosaic covenant into the new covenant
Heb 9:10
That verse is a Non Sequitur.

Mary is the reigning and ruling queen in heaven
Rev 12:1
There is absolutely ZERO evidence that Mary, specifically, is being talked about here.
And as we were all in Christ (seed) and he was in Mary and Mary gave birth to him she also gave birth to us
That's an Assumption.

Jesus has Omnipotence as He is God.
Why would
Jn 19:26 Jesus does not make her our mother here but declares her to be our mother!
Behold Thy mother!
THY mother.
NOT "mother of all Christians". You missed the "thy".
And besides, that is DESCriptive NOT PER-scriptive.
AND - how do you know this wasn't a birth-mother??

25Near the cross of Jesus stood His mother and her sister, as well as Mary the wife of Clopas and Mary Magdalene. 26When Jesus saw His mother and the disciple whom He loved standing nearby, He said to His mother, “Woman, here is your son.” 27Then He said to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” So from that hour, this disciple took her into his home.…
Berean Standard Bible

No doubt Peter is the blessed and chosen visible head of the church
Matt 16:18-19
WAS. He's dead now.
As I currently don't believe that you instantly go to your eternal fate on death, he is probably awaiting the Resurrection.
New covenant is the new Israel the heavenly Jerusalem
Holy mother church
Gal 4:26

Where in the text does "mother church" appear? A: nowhere.

(26) Jerusalem which is above.—The ideal or heavenly Jerusalem. (Comp. Hebrews 12:22, “Ye are come to . . . the heavenly Jerusalem;” Revelation 21:2, “the holy city, new Jerusalem.” This “new” or “heavenly” Jerusalem is the seat or centre of the glorified Messianic kingdom, just as the old Jerusalem had been the centre of the earthly theocracy. The conception of the “heavenly Jerusalem” among the Jews, like the rest of their Messianic beliefs, took a materialistic form. It was to be a real but gorgeous city suspended in mid-air, “three parasangs” (11¼ miles) above the earthly city. Sometimes it is regarded as the exact copy of its earthly counterpart, and at other times as forming a perfect square. (Comp. Revelation 21:16.) No such materialistic notions attach to the idea as presented by St. Paul. “Jerusalem which is above” is to him a spiritual city, of which the Christian is a member here and now. It is part of the Messianic kingdom, to the whole of which the Apostle gave an ideal character. He could not but do so, seeing that the kingdom began with the coming of its King, though there was no earthly and visible realisation of it. The Christian “conversation” (or, rather, commonwealth, the constitution that he was under) was “in heaven,” while he himself was upon earth. (See Philippians 3:20.)
Which is the mother of us all.—The true reading is, undoubtedly, which is our mother, omitting “all.” The heavenly Jerusalem was the metropolis of Christianity, just as the earthly Jerusalem was the metropolis of Judaism.

How does a man become born again?
The Bible has the answer. NOT the RCC.

Can you be saved without a priest?
Yes. The Bible makes no mention of needing fallible men to be saved.
Sacraments are biblical
The old covenant had sacraments and ordinances

The word oath or sacred promise from God is a sacrament

Seven Sacraments are instituted by Christ that applies His grace for the salvation of our souls!

Heb 8:8 better sacraments
Lk 1:72
Acts 2:39 referring to ez 36:25-27
Acts 1:4
Acts 2:33
Acts 13:23
Acts 13:32
Acts 26:6
Acts 26:7
Rom 1:2
2 Tim 1:1-2
2 pet 1:4
1 Jn 2:25 and many more!

“This promise” (sacred oath of God or sacrament) of the Father acts 2:38-39 with reference to ez 36:25-27 Also a mystery Mk 4:11 Eph 5:32 eph 6:19 1 Tim 3:9 3:16 Col 1:27 2:2 4:3
OK then these are NOT the RCC saacraments. These are a whole new kind. the RCC has warped sacraments, IF you are correct here.
But you use douay rheims so you have a bias from the outset.
Paul is a catholic

By what definition?
  1. Of broad or liberal scope; comprehensive.
  2. Including or concerning all humankind; universal.
  3. Of or involving the Roman Catholic Church
    4. A member of a Catholic church, especially a Roman Catholic

Obviously he was NOT a catholic in the way of today's RCC!
So what is the "it"?
It is in opposition to the doctrine of “scripture alone”!
If you take verses out of context the Bible can even be framed as contradicting itself! The opposition is hollow.

why? even one word is still the inspired word of God!

One word of Christ is eternal!
We both agree.

That’s why we baptize infants
Acts 2:38-39
Repent and be baptized
They can’t repent
37When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and asked Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” 38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39This promise belongs to you and your children and to all who are far off—to all whom the Lord our God will call to Himself.”…
Berean Standard Bible

WHO AMONG THE PEOPLE... were babies??

Infant baptism is unneeded.
Baptism only works if you are aware and have a choice.
255 dogmas?
wow, that will be a long read.

"The soul, for the immediate vision of God, requires the light of glory." <-- I don't know for sure what this means.

"The divine attributes are really identical among themselves and with the Divine Essence." Verse?
How would you distinguish one from another? I see no reason for them to be "identical".

"God is absolutely simple" WHAT? What does this mean??
TWICE (so far) the dogma says "God is incomprehensible" . So if God is "ABSOLUTELY simple" then how can He be incomprehensible at the same time??

Not to mention the lack of a verse backing "ABSOLUTELY" simple.

" being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways."

Catholicism unstable!!

So from the outset we see conflicting ideas.

"God is absolute veracity."
What does the phrase mean?
What Scripture backs this? (dont use douay rheims)

"God is absolute ontological goodness in Himself and in relation to others."
I agree that God is good, but this phrase puts in too many words. Again, Where is the verse/s??? God is love (1 John 4:8 ) but i remember nowhere where He IS any other of His attributes.
what does the phrase, "absolute ontological goodness" mean??

"God is absolute benignity."

Define "absolute benignity." and give the verse.

Seems like the catholics are just using fancy words to say "God is good." Note: Christians typically use 'good' as an adjective.
But there is so much more material added, one has to wonder if extraBiblical ideas are being promoted.

"God loves Himself of necessity, but loves and wills the creation of extra-divine things, on the other hand, with freedom."

Does this imply that God is limited? He could choose to not love Himself, right? But He wants to keep loving Himself.

"In God there are two internal divine processions.

"The Divine Persons, not the Divine Nature, are the subject of the internal divine processions (in the active and in the passive sense)."
Meaning and verse needed.

"The Second Divine Person proceeds from the First Divine Person by generation...."
What does this mean?
Jesus never began to exist because He ALWAYS existed! So the text in orange should NOT be used against Jesus' eternality.

I'll write more, probably.
Does scripture say what is each of the Ten Commandments?

I don’t see l any list of commandments only contents

the church provides the listing

Ten Commandments

Ex 20

Scripture has no list (1, 2, 3, etc.) of the Ten Commandments

According to subject matter or context:

First commandment: ex 20:2-6
One God

Second commandment: ex 20:7
God’s name

Third commandment: ex 20:8-11
God’s original sabbath

Fourth commandment: ex 20:12

Fifth commandment: ex 20:13

Sixth commandment: ex 20:14

Seventh commandment: ex 20:15

Eighth commandment: ex 20:16

Ninth commandment: ex 20:17

Separating the two about coveting makes sense!

Ninth: Thou shalt not covet Thy neighbors goods.

Tenth: Thou shalt not covet Thy neighbor’s wife.

What’s your understanding
I would have to ask if you completely omit the section in 20:4 concerning graven images, and if so, then why? I cannot see any real reason to separate the coveting sections other than to brush away the graven image command and still be able to call them the 10 commandments as most of the church has called them for a very long time. If I am being frankly honest with you without knowing the intents, it seems to me to be an attempt to omit a certain element of what we call the 10 commandments while still being able to call them so, in practical effect changing the commandments.
I this case Paul does not qualify but we know he is an apostle
And one the two great apostles

I would think if it’s not possible it’s not required

No doubt Peter is the blessed and chosen visible head of the church
Matt 16:18-19

I made mention of Saul / Paul as being a possible exception to the general rule already I believe. Saul did have a very unique thing happen, as Jesus appeared to Him personally in all His glory on the way to damascus. This to me is another case of "the exception does not invalidate the rule." I believe we will enter a time before the day of the Lord arrives where a final batch of real apostles will rise up and correct the churches back to the original teachings, these people obviously won't have known Jesus in His earthly ministry, however they will be marked by real and tangible, provable power, with the word of God on their lips. My main point here is this second bit, that real apostles called by God and not called apostles by themselves or man or any church are marked by that kind of power, Jesus Himself being the one who called them and making that evident.
Just curious was Fabian committing idolatry when he sang Venus?

I'm not familiar, but if it is a song encouraging worship of Venus then probably.
That's an Assumption.
Concerning the "mary gave birth to use because she gave birth to Jesus" I would go farther than just an assumption. There seems to be an exceedingly undue amount of adoration for mary prevalent in the roman catholic church, so much so that many people are moved to tears when praying to mary at the foot of one of the many statues repurposed to represent mary.

Now, I'm all for giving honor unto whom honor is due, but it seems to me we should adore Jesus rather than mary since Jesus is the author and finisher of our salvation, not mary. Unfortunately, it seems impossible to get this specific idea across in a meaningful way as the immediate answer is always "We don't worship mary!" even though many in the roman catholic church do, and it is evident that it is so.

To me, mary is a vessel to be honored for sure in that she had the faith and was chosen of God to bear the messiah, however God could just as easily chosen any other woman of her generation as God's work doesn't begin and end with any specific person on earth. Only God knows why He chooses people to be who they become, but we have to remember that even if mary had not been born God would still have His work done. mary is only the mother of Jesus is the strictest sence, that is the flesh, and being in flesh was full of sin such as any other man or woman. The apostles themselves re-interated this fact "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God" Not "For all have sinned except mary blessed mother of Jesus...". Only Jesus of all born of a woman was pre-existant.

little bit of a rant there lol, I know you dont agree with the roman catholic church from reading your messages.
Also something that has always erked me, It seems to me that the very act of prayer in Judaism has always been equivalent to worship if anyone of you know where someone very intimate in Judaism has stated otherwise or expounded upon Jewish prayer I would like you to link me there so that I may study and weigh it against my own research.
That verse is a Non Sequitur.

There is absolutely ZERO evidence that Mary, specifically, is being talked about here.
Who is the child?
Who is the mother of the child?

The child is Jesus Christ!
The mother of the child is Mary most holy, ever virgin and mother of God!
That's an Assumption.

Jesus has Omnipotence as He is God.
Why would

THY mother.
NOT "mother of all Christians". You missed the "thy".
And besides, that is DESCriptive NOT PER-scriptive.
AND - how do you know this wasn't a birth-mother??

25Near the cross of Jesus stood His mother and her sister, as well as Mary the wife of Clopas and Mary Magdalene. 26When Jesus saw His mother and the disciple whom He loved standing nearby, He said to His mother, “Woman, here is your son.” 27Then He said to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” So from that hour, this disciple took her into his home.…
Berean Standard Bible

WAS. He's dead now.
As I currently don't believe that you instantly go to your eternal fate on death, he is probably awaiting the Resurrection.
Only Jesus is biologically born of Mary most Holy, sacred womb
Lk 1:42

to the disciple, therefore all disciples

Is it ok to pray scripture?
OK then these are NOT the RCC saacraments. These are a whole new kind. the RCC has warped sacraments, IF you are correct here.
But you use douay rheims so you have a bias from the outset.
Actually I use the KJV

Sacramental life of the Christian church: I come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. Jn 10:10 Jn 1:16-17

Baptism: (initiation into the covenant)
Mk 16:16 Jn 3:5 acts 2:38-39 8:36
1 Corinthians 12:13 2 pet 1:11
For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.

The Eucharist: (holy communion)
Mt 26:26-39 Jn 6:51-58 1 Cor 11:23-25

Confession of sins:
Jn 20:23 / 1 Jn 1:9 / 2 cor 5:18

Lk 22:32 acts 8:14-17
acts 14:22

Matt 19:4-6

Holy orders: (priesthood)
Jesus Christ continues HIS ministry in His new covenant church thru His priesthood in Peter, the apostles, and their successors with the same mission, power, and authority!
Mt 10:1-8 Mt 16:18 Mt 28:19 Lk 10:16 Jn 8:32 Jn 13:20 Jn 15:5 Jn 16:13
Jn 20:21-22 acts 1:17 acts 6:4 acts 8:26
2 Cor 5:18 1 Tim 4:14 Eph 2:20

Extreme unction: (anointing with oil)
1 Tim 4:14 James 5:14

The ark of salvation: one, holy, catholic, (universal) and apostolic church founded by Jesus Christ on Peter and the apostles!
So what is the "it"?

If you take verses out of context the Bible can even be framed as contradicting itself! The opposition is hollow.

We both agree.

37When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and asked Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” 38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39This promise belongs to you and your children and to all who are far off—to all whom the Lord our God will call to Himself.”…
Berean Standard Bible

WHO AMONG THE PEOPLE... were babies??

Infant baptism is unneeded.
Baptism only works if you are aware and have a choice.
Grace I s a powerful work ethic f God

Jn 3:5 cannot enter the kingdom without baptism being administered to you. 2 pet 1:11

Including infants

Acts 2:39 this promise (sacrament) is also for your children

Acts 16:15 entire household baptized! Does not say adults only or except infants!

Acts 1:8
Witness of Augustine!

It is this one Spirit who makes it possible for an infant to be regenerated . . . when that INFANT is brought to baptism; and it is through this one Spirit that the infant so presented is reborn. For it is not written, "Unless a man be born again by the will of his parents" or "by the faith of those presenting him or ministering to him," but, "Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Spirit." The water, therefore, manifesting exteriorly the sacrament of grace, and the Spirit effecting interiorly the benefit of grace, both regenerate in one Christ that man who was generated in Adam (Letters 98:2 [A.D. 408]).

“The sacrament of baptism is most assuredly the sacrament of regeneration” (ibid., 2:27:43).

“Baptism washes away all, absolutely all, our sins, whether of deed, word, or thought, whether sins original or added, whether knowingly or unknowingly contracted” (Against Two Letters of the Pelagians 3:3:5 [A.D. 420]).

“This is the meaning of the great sacrament of baptism, which is celebrated among us: all who attain to this grace die thereby to sin—as he himself [Jesus] is said to have died to sin because he died in the flesh (that is, ‘in the likeness of sin’)—and they are thereby alive by being reborn in the baptismal font, just as he rose again from the sepulcher. This is the case no matter what the age of the body. For whether it be a newborn infant or a decrepit old man—since no one should be barred from baptism—just so, there is no one who does not die to sin in baptism. Infants die to original sin only; adults, to all those sins which they have added, through their evil living, to the burden they brought with them at birth” (Handbook on Faith, Hope, and Love 13[41] [A.D. 421]).

So what is the "it"?

If you take verses out of context the Bible can even be framed as contradicting itself! The opposition is hollow.

We both agree.

37When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and asked Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” 38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39This promise belongs to you and your children and to all who are far off—to all whom the Lord our God will call to Himself.”…
Berean Standard Bible

WHO AMONG THE PEOPLE... were babies??

Infant baptism is unneeded.
Baptism only works if you are aware and have a choice.
“It” is finished
What’s your understanding?
wow, that will be a long read.

"The soul, for the immediate vision of God, requires the light of glory." <-- I don't know for sure what this means.

"The divine attributes are really identical among themselves and with the Divine Essence." Verse?
How would you distinguish one from another? I see no reason for them to be "identical".

"God is absolutely simple" WHAT? What does this mean??
TWICE (so far) the dogma says "God is incomprehensible" . So if God is "ABSOLUTELY simple" then how can He be incomprehensible at the same time??

Not to mention the lack of a verse backing "ABSOLUTELY" simple.

" being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways."

Catholicism unstable!!

So from the outset we see conflicting ideas.

"God is absolute veracity."
What does the phrase mean?
What Scripture backs this? (dont use douay rheims)

"God is absolute ontological goodness in Himself and in relation to others."
I agree that God is good, but this phrase puts in too many words. Again, Where is the verse/s??? God is love (1 John 4:8 ) but i remember nowhere where He IS any other of His attributes.
what does the phrase, "absolute ontological goodness" mean??

"God is absolute benignity."

Define "absolute benignity." and give the verse.

Seems like the catholics are just using fancy words to say "God is good." Note: Christians typically use 'good' as an adjective.
But there is so much more material added, one has to wonder if extraBiblical ideas are being promoted.

"God loves Himself of necessity, but loves and wills the creation of extra-divine things, on the other hand, with freedom."

Does this imply that God is limited? He could choose to not love Himself, right? But He wants to keep loving Himself.

Meaning and verse needed.

"The Second Divine Person proceeds from the First Divine Person by generation...."
What does this mean?
Jesus never began to exist because He ALWAYS existed! So the text in orange should NOT be used against Jesus' eternality.

I'll write more, probably.
255 but they are short concise statements

Veracity means truth or true!