Hi again
You know, I don't know if you've ever talked to one of the 'studious' atheists concerning the discrepencies, errors, contradictions and the like, that they find in God's word.
Now, these people have read that particular area and have thought of themselves to come to an understanding that we, believers, know to be in error. And you can point that out to them and tell them that there is going to be a lot of misunderstanding of what God is telling us in His word, without the indwelling Holy Spirit to give us understanding. But they don't understand that. They don't have a clue what is even being said when a believer tells them that they need the indwelling Holy Spirit for full understanding of God and what He has revealed to us. But they don't understand that.
But you may have talked to enough to know that they believe that what they believe is the truth. That's a hard battle to overcome in a person. But with much love and careful understanding, sometimes, a light will dawn.
My point here is that often times people without the Spirit of God have a hard time understanding the things of God.
Jesus began to build a 'church' upon the earth. That 'church' is the total body of born again believers living upon the earth at any given time. It is not defined by some religious hierarchy or ecclesiastical body of people. It is not defined by any earthly labeled denomination. Although there are some who make it harder than it needs to be. It is not the building down on the corner with the steeple on the top. It is not even the plot of land on which such a place might stand.
The 'church' of Jesus is the total of all born again believers living upon the earth at any given time. According to the Scriptures, there will be some from every tribe and tongue and nation taking part in the eternal promise of God for those who will trust and believe the testimony of His Son, and strive to live as he did when he walked among us. That is the church. It didn't start with anyone other than Jesus, although many faithful born again followers went out and began teaching the truth that Jesus brought to us. They were servants of God most high.
But the 'church' continued to build from that humble beginning on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was loosed upon the earth and given unto believers as their deposit guaranteeing their coming salvation from God's wrath. Many religious bodies have tried to take over and run 'their' church as they see fit to run it, but most of those efforts aren't a whole lot different than the efforts of the Jewish Scribes and Pharisees who thought to run the Jewish faith as they saw fit. Which Jesus pretty soundly rebuked them for.
Don't confuse the 'church' that is described in the Scriptures as some identifiable body of people meeting in a particular place or building. Don't confuse the 'church' that loves Jesus as only living under some man inspired edict that seeks to control their lives, apart from the Scriptures.
God bless,