I have a quick question that hopefully will allow me to articulate my thoughts.
Isn't it true that what we eat as part of our diet will have a direct effect on our short term and long term health? Say a person lives mostly on fast food, the result would be an increase in cholesterol which could lead to heart attack or stroke. Look at it like cause and effect in the same manner as perhaps working around dangerous chemicals, or lets say asbestos will more than likely result in cancer. In the same way, working in a wood or sheet metal shop will increase your chance of having a finger cut off. In other words, there are certain things that are relative in cause and effect to what you ingest and the environment in which your surrounded.
As I have gotten older, I've developed allergies and several years back they were so bad that I couldn't sleep or function and nothing over the counter would slow them down and yes, I prayed fervently that God take my allergies away. Finally, I went to the Dr.'s and he gave me an allergy shot and a prescription and alas, I was able to sleep and function.
A couple years later I'm at a health seminar and they are talking about antioxidants etc, and to make a long story short, I bought this natural isotonic and guess what? Since I've taken this isotonic, my allergies rarely flare up and since I've become more active (I ran 7 miles last night) my allergies are almost non existent with the exception of a short sneezing episode now and again, or perhaps some itchy eyes if I pick up the cat this time of year. But more to the point, I altered my diet and my lifestyle.
So your probably asking yourself, "What's your point Jeff"

Well, here it is.
In some cases, the way we live and the things we ingest will have a positive or negative impact on our health. Medicine is no different. However, it has been my experience that often, there are alternatives to conventional medicine, and those medicines would include ones lifestyle. I prayed for healing and I believe that God answered my prayers by bringing the right people into my life at just the right time and because of it, I'm healthier than I've been in many years... without prescription drugs
In summary, if you've just had a stroke, or your at risk of a stroke because you've eaten fast food all your life, perhaps God can heal you through bringing to light a better, healthier way to live, which may just be the medicine one's looking for.... Just some thoughts