mondar, I want again to thank you so much for having a deep and meaningful conversation on this topic. I read through your response and again found it informative and insightful. Believe me, this conversation is helping me sort out a lot of questions that I've had for awhile. I've tried to have conversations about it before, but was attacked and felt defensive, just because I asked the questions.
Any way, I wanted to revisit this:
mondar said:
handy said:
handy wrote:While the point that Paul's basis for the instruction to the Ephesians was grounded in the order of creation is a valid one, it still raises questions. Two of the most important questions it raises is why, if it is a matter of creation that women are always to be submissive to men, (as opposed to wives being submissive to husbands) did God raise up women leaders from time to time and why did God gift women with gifts such as prophesy that requires a woman to speak and speak with authority in the church?
If it is indeed a matter of creation that women are to be subject to men, all women to men and for all time, then one can only wonder why God raises godly women to lead men.
I am not sure what to make of what you say here. On the one hand, you seem to accept the exegesis that in 1 Tim 2, Paul gives instruction to his "apostolical delegate" Timothy, not to choose female overseers (Bishops). Then on the other hand, you seem to be questioning Paul's reasoning. If that is true, it is an issue that you would have to take up with Paul. That is an issue of scriptural authority.
Is not that the bottom issue? I would agree that if Paul only intended the instructions of 1 Timothy to be kept at Ephesus, then it would not apply to local Churches elsewhere. However, since in my mind, Tim 5 and Cor 7 can be harmonized, why not the issue of female leadership.
I'm not questioning Paul's reasoning so much as addressing the fact that his reasoning still leaves unanswered questions, one of which is, if woman is never to hold authority over man because of Creation itself, then why did God call Deborah to judge Israel and call Huldah to be His profit and if a woman is never to speak out in the congregations, because of Creation, why did God gift women with the gift of prophesy? I'm not saying that there was anything wrong with Paul's instruction to Timothy, just questioning if his stated reasons had more to do with a specific issue that was in the Ephesian church, rather than something that was binding for all time.
I agree with you that we do need to seek after the answers to these questions within the Scriptures and not rely upon anecdotal situations. However, it is through the Scriptures that we do see that God placed Deborah as judge over Israel and called Huldah to be His prophet. At both times, when these women were called upon to serve in authoritative positions, the nation of Israel was in a state of turning away from God and seeking after false gods. A state which was prophesied that the Church would go through as well. Whereas some would say that we must hold to Paul's instructions to Timothy in the matter of women ministers, others say that just as God called women to step into the breach left by men in the past, He will do so now that there is so much apostasy going on.
After reading all that has been discussed in this thread, (at least the more rational of the posts), I have this mind about this issue. I do believe that it is God's norm that men be the leaders in the church and women, while not needing to be 'silent' (I do think that was a specific instruction) are to be subject. I believe that in the healthier of the churches, this is the norm. However, given the times that we live in, and what is to come, it's just possible that God is calling upon Godly women to rise up to be His prophets and to be leaders, when men are leading the flock astray. Whether or not He is in fact doing so, is still a great big "I don't know" for me, but when I read the testimonies of sisters like Destiny, it seems pretty certain that for some, He sure is. In the matter of prophets today, I'm not big on any "new relevation" type of teaching, but I do believe that there are those who are gifted in preaching and teaching God's word in such a way that it holds fast to what is good and it seems as though Destiny is certainly one who does that.
At any rate, I used to believe very firmly that if a church had a woman pastor, they were without a doubt an apostate church to be shunned and avoided at all costs. Now, I see this issue as an issue that Christians can come to differing opinions about and yet still embrace each other as brethren. Just as the church can, with a certain amount of validity, disagree on issues like full submersion baptism, Calvinism, and whether or not it's OK to drink wine, the church can also, with a certain amount of validity, disagree on the subject of women pastors.
With this I'm bowing out of this discussion unless a new point is raised. Oh, if whirlwind reads this, I can see what your point is, and it is somewhat new, but I think that you might be overgeneralizing the matter. While I'm not sure that Paul is speaking for the whole of the church for all time, or addressing a specific situation in Ephesus that Timothy needed to deal with, I'm pretty certain that the issue was the role of the sexes within the church, and not the Body of Christ and Christ the Head.
Thanks again, mondar, for a great discussion.