CF Ambassador
- Dec 26, 2015
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She was unclothed.
Why do you think Adam and Eve had to have a sin nature to sin? Do you have to have the nature of a dog to bark like a dog? Of course not. The difference between you barking like a dog, and a dog barking is, you don't do that by the very nature of who and what you are. A dog does. That's why I have to say you barking LIKE a dog. You are not by nature a dog. You can only be like a dog.
So because it is the nature of a dog to bark he has no choice but to do that. Likewise with us in regard to sin. Because of a change of nature we don't have to sin. We still can, but we don't have to by nature anymore. Our old nature was that we DID have to sin, like a dog has to bark. God turned us over to that so that sin would be our very nature. Are you still in that nature, or do you agree with Paul that we are no longer slaves to sin in that we HAVE to sin, like a dog has to bark?
Adam and Eve, after they sinned, DID have to sin as a matter of who and what they were, because God turned them over to that. In Christ, that nature is removed and replaced with a new nature--the nature of Christ's righteousness--a nature that doesn't have to bark....I mean....sin. The sinful nature was not that Adam and Eve were capable of sin. The sinful nature was sin becoming the very characteristic and definition of who they were and what they did--like how barking defines a dog. I'm thinking you're not getting this because you still can't distinguish between what a creature can do, and what that creature does because it is in the nature of that creature to do so.
Ooops Jethro -
You're back into the sin nature. We were discussing Adam and Eve.
Been busy. Will be doing my studying today on whether or not The Flesh and The Sin Nature is the same.
But back to Adam and Eve:
They didn't have to have the sin nature to sin?
And sin wasn't in their flesh.
So, here we are again. WHAT made them sin?
Hint Jethro. There's no answer...