- Apr 22, 2011
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True. That is why it's pointless to try and justify the flesh. Or more accurately what is "in" the flesh.
It is more interesting to see WHY the flesh is adversarial. It's not because of the organic compounds flesh is made of, but rather, what is IN it. If we dissected the flesh we are not going to find physical evidence of either indwelling sin or evil present with us. These are in fact adversarial spiritual workings that we have all been placed UNDER, in the flesh.
We will find no physical evidence for any of it, in the flesh.
The instant we perceive temptations/lusts/deceptions are in fact of the tempter who has been granted his hold in the flesh through these/workings, then we have pinned down the culprit, and practice separation from our adversary, thereIN. It should and WILL Spiritually repulse us to be enslaved. But to say the attempts are not there is fruitless. Indwelling sin and evil present with us in the flesh PROVE the attempts are ever present in the flesh.
How many are willing to justify our adversary? Many more will be led to deny it happens because of that adversary working in their own flesh. Or even worse, to justify that adversarial working therein by denying they have it.
Eph. 6:12
Some will see the dilemma. Most won't.
Who is trying to justify the flesh, but only those who have not Gods Spirit dwelling in them. People love to blame Satan (and no there is no justification there either) for all the wrong in their life, but it is those who live by the lust of the flesh that will never see the kingdom of God.