Ah. So you separated yourself from the body of Christ and now you're a "Lone Ranger" for Jesus. The Sola Scriptura says not to do that.
Heb 10:23-25 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.
But I understand your position.
I know of many people who have given up trying to find a "real" church among the plethora of family businesses masquerading as churches or churches where every other sermon is on tithing but that don't have and ministry to the poor.
Thy an Orthodox church. They don't do "new winds of doctrine."
It because what you or I think we have been shown by the Holy Spirit is not the basis of truth.
The CHURCH is the pillar and foundation of the truth. (1Ti 3:15)
It is the leaders of the Church who have been given the deposit of truth which they are consecrated by God to passed to the next generation of leadership. ( 2Ti 2:2) That is what is meant by "Apostolic Succession." The deposit of apostolic teaching is passed on to each successive bishop. (Presiding elder of a congregation; overseer)
People who think that they are able to discern the meaning of scripture better than the tens of thousands of legitimate Bible Scholars need to get their arrogance level checked. Individual interpretations are the source of every error and heresy that has come down the pike since before the Gospels were even written.
No, I have not separated myself from the Body.

Christs body is alive and well, I am sure of it. No "lone ranger" here. Interesting you say that, I have heard that from others who disagreed with what I have had to say. The lone ranger took matters into his own hand. I simply am taking matters, of my salvation, out of the hands of other men. I read through the links you posted about the Orthodox church. They are no different than the others, except having a different set of beliefs. I do have a question about them - do they really believe Mary was without sin the entire time she was alive? As in, she never sinned? I got that idea when reading through several of the different links, and even tried to google it, and I kept on coming up with that's what they honestly believe.
No, the Church is not the foundation. Christ is, and His Church is being built upon it. His Body is a pillar of truth, of which The Spirit guides - not man. We all have been given the truth. Not just leaders. They are their to help, to serve, not to dictate. Paul only dictated when people were erring from the truth and more than once he told them if they did not believe it they should find it out for themselves that he is speaking the truth.
I don't see "Apostolic Succession" as Biblical at all - as far as those having the true source of truth and "others" not having equal truth. I do not pretend to be able to discern any better than any other believer indwelt with the Spirit, but I will defend the Spirit's ability to give me the same discernment as one who has studied for years and years. Wisdom from God does not come in human form. His wisdom is from above, man's is from below.
I once had a pastor, who taught OSAS and pre-trib rapture, say the very thing you just did. He wanted to know if I thought Bible scholars and men with hundreds of hours of teaching actually could know less about the truth than I do. He honestly, 100%, thought that earthly wisdom that comes from the teaching of men, over ruled the possibility of God using a humble servant to impart truth too.
Here is the thing that 'seperates' me from the others. I don't demand, or want anyone to follow me. I want to stir others to seek the truth, not listen to me as the source of it. I am not the source of truth.