For example, let's look at a NON-evolution theory, . . . the Big Bang.
Can you clarify this please Deav. I dont understand. How is Big Bang theory NON-evolutionary? It's a LYNCHPIN of evolutionary theory!
It is also true when it comes to knowing that the world is FAR older than 6,000 - 10,000 years old. It is true when viewing sellestial bodies who's light took WELL beyond 6,000 - 10,000 years to arrive here, allong with events that took place in that distant past.
If your talking about measuring redshift then that is entirely theoretical science my friend and doesn't equal KNOWING our Earth is over 10,000 years old.
Science is not a religion. . . and it amazes me that people can say/believe that [while typing on a computer invented by scientific discovery].
No one said that.
I stated that THEORETICAL science is a religion.
In the same way Christians believe in God yet have no solid physical proof that He exists (from an aethiests point of view anyway) so too scientists who take theoretical science as fact are religious because they believe in things that they have no firm physical proof for either.