I knew nothing of the idea of Biblical interpretation....
FC, I read this post and I think your use of the word "interpretation" is a little fuzzy. I must admit I am having difficulties interpretating what you mean by the word "interpretation." I would ask someone else to interpret what you mean, maybe someone experienced in reading your words, but of course then I must depend upon their ability. I would much rather use my knowledge of the rules of grammar of the english language and simply read your words in context. The meaning of your words can usually be derived from context, but in this case, I am questioning if you are using the word "interpretation" correctly. Now you must be wondering if your interpreting my words correctly. You might think I am joking here, or maybe you think I am just babbling nonsense. Hopefully our words are clear enough that we are not responsible for differing interpretations, but if different interpretations happen, sometimes its because people read what they want to read.
It did have the effect of peaking my interest in the history of Christianity, and in learning NT Greek.
Very interesting. You can read Koine Greek? What GNT do you use? I just purchased a new one, a readers GNT.
So it had it’s own purpose in my life. Learning about the history of Christianity and its many denominations led me to search for the True Church.
The "true church"..... is that that one with all the perfect people in it?
All I found was one denomination that expresses more than the other denominations the interpretive idea of the Church. In other words, I found the true expression of Christianity. The question is, did I find the true expression of the Body of Christ? The other denominations would not think so. They think their own denomination is the true expression of the Body of Christ. Even when they don’t explicitly make the claim, their existence as a distinct denomination makes the claim for them.
........"interpretive idea of the Church"........"Christianity"............."Body of Christ"............"Other denominations"...
Hmmm, I will let others more capable than me work on this one.
.......I began to understand the Bible through interpretation under the influence of Christianity...
Your under the influence of what? I was under the influence on a few occasions in my youth. It was not Galatians in action, more like, well, Corinthians.
Understanding the Bible through the exercise of my own mind. A conversion began through the Spirit that became a return to the flesh. Galatians in action.
You did not understand the bible by its grammar, syntax, and historical setting? Then why did you study Greek?
I noted eventually two things that led me to realize that Christianity is a man-made religion. Its obvious human nature as evidenced by its denominationalism, and .....
Yeah, taken as a whole, Christianity is not so hot. Even Paul would have agreed with my statement. He wrote some fairly angry epistles. What does all this have to do with interpretation of the Bible?
denominationalism.......through its practice of Biblical interpretation it has changed the meaning of reality as it’s understood in the Bible.
I think I am getting it now. Denominationalism through its practice of misinterpretation has changed a few things. Did I interpret you correctly? You said "interpretation" but meant "misinterpretation?"
The true expression of Christianity, and all the other expressions of Christianity are nothing more than an expression of mankind. A religion that has a diversity of opinions.......
The diversity of opinions in Christianity is not so great as you might think. Also, I would disagree with you as to the causes of this diversity. Take for instance the protestant world. The main issue of diversity among protestants involves liberalism. Actually, Machen wrote a book that Liberalism is a completely different religion from evangelicalism. Its not interpretive issues that we differ on so much, its the nature of the bible itself. Its not that liberal cannot interpret the bible correctly, its that they just do not take it as seriously as an evangelical would.
Finally I gave up the practice of interpretation for a return to listening to the teaching of Christ through the Spirit. A return to the Spirit.
I think you are talking about mysticism. Certainly there is a mystic part of Christianity, I do not doubt that, but when you give up the bible, that is the foundation. Once you give up the bible, certainly you cannot claim to be a christian. Of course you whole nick is "Former Christian." I think you know that.
Now you’re telling me I should return to interpreting the Bible? We should walk by the Spirit (see Rom 8, 2 Cor 3 Gal 5, Col 3, 1 Pet 1, 1 John 3-5, Rev 1-3). In that comes the true understanding of the Bible. The burden of proof is on the Bible interpreters to show that the Bible says we should understand the Bible through the practice of interpretation.
I claim that what I believe is only what Christ has taught me to believe through the Spirit. From the reason to convert to my present understanding of the ekklesia described in the Bible as something different from the Churches of Christianity. Because I believe it to be from Christ, that is the only reason I believe it at all. If it was just an interpretation, a personal opinion, one among many opinions; why should I continue to believe it? Why should I believe the opinions of others are any more true than my own?
Would you like to talk about some specific text?