Soul Sleep yes or no?

If spirits are breaths, there is. Spirit is not breath, but rather it is mind-directed force.
The word pneuma has more than one meaning and it is the context which determines meaning. You can't just go plugging in whatever meaning you want.
The word pneuma has more than one meaning and it is the context which determines meaning. You can't just go plugging in whatever meaning you want.
One who would be considered “the life of the party”, could also be said to have brought “the spirit of the party”.

The mind and life and spirit he brought might be questioned.
Was it an evil spirit or a loving spirit?
The word pneuma has more than one meaning and it is the context which determines meaning. You can't just go plugging in whatever meaning you want.
I don't "plug in whatever meaning" but having more than one meaning lacks consistency. It is not English.
One who would be considered “the life of the party”, could also be said to have brought “the spirit of the party”.

The mind and life and spirit he brought might be questioned.
Was it an evil spirit or a loving spirit?
And this is different from mind-directed force, how?
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Man is a living breathing soul. That’s what he is while he is alive. Animals are the same. They too are living breathing souls. But animals don’t get resurrected from the dead. Jesus was resurrected from the dead. It was into the hands of God that Jesus committed his life to. He gave his life and then took it back again when raised from the dead. Like all other man, Jesus was not given an immortal soul which they refer to as being the “real person” who supposedly dies and goes immediately to be with God. No, that is false. Man needs to have a body and breath of life to be a real person. To be a real living soul.
By biblical definition, a soul (nephesh/psyche in Hebrew and Greek) is a living being. After death it's still a being, but not living, the "living breathing" part ceases to exist, so how could it be immortal? If you read Gen. 2:7 carefully, man was formed from the dust of the ground, he orginially was dust and only dust, he BECAME a living being when he was activated by the breath of God, therefore "living being" is a status, not an entity.
On the contrary:

Mat 10:28 And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. (ESV)
That's a reference of the SECOND death. Death of body is the first death, death of both body and soul is the second death.
By biblical definition, a soul (nephesh/psyche in Hebrew and Greek) is a living being. After death it's still a being, but not living, the "living breathing" part ceases to exist, so how could it be immortal? If you read Gen. 2:7 carefully, man was formed from the dust of the ground, he orginially was dust and only dust, he BECAME a living being when he was activated by the breath of God, therefore "living being" is a status, not an entity.
I think we agree on this.
By biblical definition, a soul (nephesh/psyche in Hebrew and Greek) is a living being. After death it's still a being, but not living, the "living breathing" part ceases to exist, so how could it be immortal?
Why do you think it ceases to exist ?
If you read Gen. 2:7 carefully, man was formed from the dust of the ground, he orginially was dust and only dust, he BECAME a living being when he was activated by the breath of God, therefore "living being" is a status, not an entity.
I think we agree on this.
It is of utmost importance to understand the original concept of life, because the Beast will replicate the process and make his own counterfeit version. According to some Jewish and Islamic lores, God created Adam in his image, granted him his authority on earth, and ordered all the heavenly hosts to worship him. Satan and his angels refused to do so, and they were cast out. If that's true, then that is Satan's game plan. This image of the beast is very likely to be artificial intelligence. I don't wanna push any conspiracy theory, but it is a reality that AI is gaining power to control and enslave human beings, this is known as "technocracy", and sadly the tech giants will accelerate this process through the Trump administration.

And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. (Rev. 13:14-15)
For we who are in this tent groan, being burdened, not because we want to be unclothed, but further clothed, that mortality may be swallowed up by life. (2 Cor. 3:4)
For Paul, immortality means having a body prepared for him by resurrection from the dead.
If he were not raised from the dead to be clothed with a new body mortality could not be swallowed up by life. There would be no life.
If there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not raised, and if Christ is not raised, faith is worthless.
We all die, return to dust, and stay there.
Nevertheless, the spirit returns to God, and we get a new angelic body.
The spirit is on loan to man. If God gathers again His spirit and His breath all flesh would cease to exist and man would return to dust. Job 34:14-15

It is man who returns to dust. Not just the body of man, but the man himself.

God made it very clear when He said “dust YOU are, and to dust YOU shall return.”
But the RCC says, “no, no, that’s not right. Only the body of man returns to dust, the man himself, the “real person” goes to be immediately with God.”

That’s because they twisted and added to the words of man’s creation by saying “man was given an immortal soul” rather than the actual words that say “the man became a living soul.”