I lost my reply!How could Jesus' death and resurrection impact those who died a hundred or thousand years before Him ?
They couldn't repent of sin or be baptized using His name for the remission of past sins.
All men, from all times, will be judged by their consciences.
Those, post-Christ, have been supplied mighty weapons for the fight for our souls.
Weapons the pre-Christ men did not have.
Jesus died for all men, for all the world.
This means everyone that ever lived.
Also, Jesus is our atonement...everyone that was ever saved, was saved by HIS power.
Jesus is the propitiation for all men.
With God there is no time.
Jesus died in time, but God is not in time and Jesus had died already from the beginning.
- Prior to Jesus on the cross, all people (Jews and Non-Jews, from Adam until Jesus) were saved on an ‘I OWE YOU’ kind of system (kinda like Layaway). They were ‘saved’ knowing that one day their sins would be fully paid for by Jesus. God held them close until the work was done.
- When Jesus died for the sins of the whole world, His sacrifice covered everyone, past, present and future. He was the only One who could die and cover any sin at all, much less all the sin of the world. He could do that because He was God (infinite) and human (legit to be a sacrifice for humans). Pretty cool huh?
- Bottom line – everyone has been ‘saved’ based on their relationship to God, and Jesus cleaned up the mess.