Freegrace doctrine was created to rationalize and justify living in sin. Plain and simple.
Prove it.....
Sinning ,for me ,is like sticking my hand in a fire....why on “ earth” would I want to encourage it,rationalize it, or justify
Statements like these that you make on an everyday basis just reveal your ignorance about the subject
Not to brag, but I’m a pretty sharp guy.....I get a lot of, Sin is Bad.....Obedience is Good....I strongly oppose the former....I fully support the latter.... The only thing I am trying to say and share is this——-Sinning is Bad , But it does not send you to will get you punished with the hope being it will help drive sin out of your life— for your OWN benefit. Isn’t that the reason you punish your OWN Children? They may not understand it and they certainly will not like it , but as they mature and have Children Of their own , they will figure it out. The main thing is, we do not “ disown or “ cast out” errant and foolish children . God is like this with His Children
I have heard it explained this way—— If we send a rocket ship to the moon and it gets “ off course”, do we just abandon it and let it crash to the ground? Of course not—- we “ tweak” it...we “ fine - tune it” to get it back on its proper course.....
God does not Damn His precious Children ever time the get “ off course”.....He uses a combination of Chastisement and Holy Spirit Transformation to conform us into the Image Of His Son
In our Christian Walk , we carry with us the Burden Of our Old Adamic Nature ...Believers can and WILL be weak at times and disobey what their New Nature would prefer they do......Believers do not constantly bounce back and forth and in and out of Salvation 50 times a day. Grace is what covers our sins during our Walk Of Faith as God attends to the Task Of changing us from the inside out ( that “ INSIDE of the Cup” thing)
We will be punished for sins during the time we spend on Earth assured all you vengeful Legalist and Religionists .....Believers can try to take advantage of Grace but Nobody “ gets away” with anything
We must never forget that our Salvation was a GIFT from God that we not receive because our Behavior was Good , and on the Flip side we don’t lose that Salvation when we are Bad.....Our Salvation BEGAN with a Pure Act Of Grace and even though your Behavior is very apt to improve over time, you will still be enough of a Sinner to need a TON of that Grace the Day you Die.... From beginning to end, it is “ ALL of Grace”, otherwise , we just do not stand a Chance
God has us ALL “ trapped like Rats”......we can’t be Perfect, which is the Standard to get into Heaven , and “ Trying” to be Perfect by obeying all the Rules and Commandments in order to be “ Worthy” is a Fool’s Errand......Trying to do everything that we should do can only show us the utter futility of it......Follow God’s Way to get to Heaven—- Grace is the only thing that works and that is why I go with “ Super Hyper Grace”......Knowing That all of my Sins are on the Cross and that I can not be damned for them is what Spurs the Love For God that leads to a Heart- Felt Obedience that God wants us to live ......Obedience is PARAMOUNT to the Christian Life must understand and LIVE the Life Of Grace To activate that TRUE OBEDIENCE.....
God bless....