- Apr 22, 2011
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- 16,457
Every person, regardless of their learning, knowledge and understanding of God's Word is fallible in some degree due to the continued presence and work of "the old man." There will always be that sin-tainted spot in our understanding, thus nothing we do apart from God (which is quite a bit) can be perfect. To think the understanding of a layman (giving both are equally intelligent) in the Word of God has as much or more understanding of a theologian is merely to misunderstand the two terms. How we study and understand the scriptures determines if we are a Paul or a Timothy to one another.
The fact that the Berean Jews had to confirm what Paul was teaching was because their understanding like most at that time who were not writers of the Word wasn't the same as Paul's concerning the Word of God (OT and what the Apostles were teaching at that time).
It's my opinion that there's a lack of being properly taught the rudiments of Scripture (esp. the growth doctrines in the Pauline Epistles), and is also why commentators seem confusing, misunderstanding them and often the writers of the Word. Our understanding just needs to be more mature (Heb 6:1). With everyone reborn there is only a single issue that remains. It's not salvation because there is nothing in it from which to grow, it's fully applied. It's our walk, in learning to appropriate and manifest all that we already are in the Lord Jesus (Mat 10:25; 1Jo 3:3; 1Jo 4:17), and all that we already have (2Pe 1:3).
Just need to reread the NT more often, because it's where the majority of Christian growth in the faith is supplied!
It's only when we take the understanding of scripture off of what theologians teach, as even they can not agree with each other, and put our focus on that which has already been written, which are not the doctrines of Paul or any other Apostles, but the doctrines of what they have taught that Christ gave them to write is when we receive truth through the Holy Spirit that either teaches us directly or works through others to help our understanding of the word of God.
Commentaries are only as good within what they teach that has to line up with the full context of scripture for what has already been written as we are to Spiritually discern that of what we are being taught. We search for truth, not by man's understanding, but by the truth given by the Holy Spirit who teaches us all truths.
This is why many fall away from God's salvation as they would rather believe the doctrines of devils as they are seduced into believing lies.