Jethro Bodine
- Oct 31, 2011
- 23,344
- 5,951
When you focus on the relationship the sin comes into the light so it can be dealt with.i cant help what it sounds like .it bible you focus so much on the sin you overlook the relationship
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When you focus on the relationship the sin comes into the light so it can be dealt with.i cant help what it sounds like .it bible you focus so much on the sin you overlook the relationship
I guess you didn't understand what I showed you about you using Romans 11:29 out of context....The “Gifts of God” are WITHOUT RECALL
That doesn't make God a liar because he said continuing to believe is the condition for continued salvation. That's the part Freegrace doctrine ignores.and if God “opens your Heart” to the Gospel as He did for Lydia ( the seller of purple) AND Peter.....He ain’t gonna Open It Just to turn around and Shut it....He can’t ..... it would make God a Liar ...
How you behave doesn't make you saved.Indeed ! This would be the MOTHER of All jokes If it were True! Fortunately for me ,it’s all lies ....How One man could get so much Wrong astonishes me.....I am not going to explain myself again ......I don’t give a Rat’s Patootie what you think of me or my Doctrine Of “ Nothing But The Blood” For Salvation....One Of my fellow “ Hell Bound “ Teacher friends just taught about this the other day....Us Believers in Salvation by Paul’s Gospel Of Grace Plus Nothing try to explain Trusting instead of Trying or how we can Never lose our Salvation because of the Finished Work of the Cross and how we are saved by What we Believe , NOT how we Behave ....
My buddy says that he has come to the conclusion that some of God’s Truths must be discerned “Spiritually” and many who criticize what they can’t understand , simply Lack God's Spirit. That may be a little Harsh, but it sure would explain a lot .....
You're saying that if I have to continue to believe in Christ to stay saved that's a works gospel.If it is True that a Believer can become an UNbeliever and become Damned , it would take all the Promises Of God concerning Salvation and Grace and turn them into Promises Of Probation and Performance. You may as well be a Muslim....
You are the first person that I have EVER heard say that Nonsense.....No Law Age? has been estimated that 3 Billion pitiful, innocent sheep were Slaughtered when The Temple Of God was open for business —- mainly so that the Requirements Of The Law Age could be carried out...Tell all of those poor sheep that there was no “ Age Of Law”.......You are very,lucky you did not have to live in that live in a magnificent Age Of Grace presently whether you choose to believe it or not
When you focus on the relationship the sin comes into the light so it can be dealt with.
When you focus on the relationship the sin comes into the light so it can be dealt with.
Every person, regardless of their learning, knowledge and understanding of God's Word is fallible in some degree due to the continued presence and work of "the old man." There will always be that sin-tainted spot in our understanding, thus nothing we do apart from God (which is quite a bit) can be perfect. To think the understanding of a layman (giving both are equally intelligent) in the Word of God has as much or more understanding of a theologian is merely to misunderstand the two terms. How we study and understand the scriptures determines if we are a Paul or a Timothy to one another.You're making a very big mistake.
Theologians are not above being checked against the scriptures as even Paul himself was:
The fact that the Berean Jews had to confirm what Paul was teaching was because their understanding like most at that time who were not writers of the Word wasn't the same as Paul's concerning the Word of God (OT and what the Apostles were teaching at that time)."Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true." - Acts 17:11
"Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true." - Acts 17:11
r, 1 Corinthians 6:12.
Sounds like Freegrace theology. BB quoted that very verse to defend his Freegrace doctrine.
Every person, regardless of their learning, knowledge and understanding of God's Word is fallible in some degree due to the continued presence and work of "the old man." There will always be that sin-tainted spot in our understanding, thus nothing we do apart from God (which is quite a bit) can be perfect. To think the understanding of a layman (giving both are equally intelligent) in the Word of God has as much or more understanding of a theologian is merely to misunderstand the two terms. How we study and understand the scriptures determines if we are a Paul or a Timothy to one another.
The fact that the Berean Jews had to confirm what Paul was teaching was because their understanding like most at that time who were not writers of the Word wasn't the same as Paul's concerning the Word of God (OT and what the Apostles were teaching at that time).
It's my opinion that there's a lack of being properly taught the rudiments of Scripture (esp. the growth doctrines in the Pauline Epistles), and is also why commentators seem confusing, misunderstanding them and often the writers of the Word. Our understanding just needs to be more mature (Heb 6:1). With everyone reborn there is only a single issue that remains. It's not salvation because there is nothing in it from which to grow, it's fully applied. It's our walk, in learning to appropriate and manifest all that we already are in the Lord Jesus (Mat 10:25; 1Jo 3:3; 1Jo 4:17), and all that we already have (2Pe 1:3).
Just need to reread the NT more often, because it's where the majority of Christian growth in the faith is supplied!
I'm gonna scream cause I have to bring up the parable of the sower again.That doesn't make God a liar because he said continuing to believe is the condition for continued salvation. That's the part Freegrace doctrine ignores.
"2By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you." - 1 Corinthians 15:2
So, according to this verse, am I saved if I don't hold firmly to the word preached to me?
Freegrace says, 'yes'.
The verse says, 'no'.
Simple words for a simple people.
I think that people are saved when they come to God, it is possible to lose salvation, and become unsaved.The most understandable and encouraging attribute concerning salvation is that of its permanency, after all, it is called “eternal salvation” (Heb 5:9). What part of salvation is temporary, seeing that one of the meanings of redemption is that of being saved from “eternal damnation” (Mar 3:29). Is it a sensible truism that one can be eternally saved and then not eternally saved? Thus being temporarily saved from “everlasting punishment” (Mat 25:46) is clearly a concept of an oxymoron?
I agree, but then again.....they probably haven't gotten to the part where they have been given the Spirit. People who like how they live life and "everything happens to me" a victim mentality and people who really think they are okay.......these people probably aren't looking for God anyways.Most people go to Church and never hear of such a thing. Many Christians are waiting for “God to fix them” apart from their active participation in this process.
Their are people right here on this Forum who are promoting the idea that any of this “active participation“ of being led by the Spirit to cleanse ourself or even confess our sins to God, is the work of the flesh; That it’s a pharisacial self righteous works driven gospel, so it’s not wonder people are cautious about engaging in this all important pursuit of righteousness, of holiness, of learning by the Spirit to be set apart.
Using the word “ obligatory “ makes you a Legalist
I agree, but then again.....they probably haven't gotten to the part where they have been given the Spirit. People who like how they live life and "everything happens to me" a victim mentality and people who really think they are okay.......these people probably aren't looking for God anyways.
People who really are looking for God and care about truth will find it! The truth, not an individuals truth but the absolute truth. If none of us were on here, God will still call people out of the world unto himself. He did me. My doctrine comes from no-one but him. All these different doctrines you all talk about, I really have no clue. I just know I grew up Catholic and what God has shown me through his Word is not what I grew up with (parts, but I was really clueless)
My doctrine comes from no-one but him.
I actually don't want to compare it to the army, cause it is plants we are speaking of. The plant can't withstand the elements and probably fell off a cliff or something.
I meant no-one but him = The Word/Spirit (Edit) and Flesh Jesus I'm confused too with why you would say that I'm not from Him?This post would be the “poster child” of your doctrine not being from Him.
just sayin
You are the first person that I have EVER heard say that Nonsense.....No Law Age? has been estimated that 3 Billion pitiful, innocent sheep were Slaughtered when The Temple Of God was open for business —- mainly so that the Requirements Of The Law Age could be carried out...Tell all of those poor sheep that there was no “ Age Of Law”.......You are very,lucky you did not have to live in that live in a magnificent Age Of Grace presently whether you choose to believe it or not
How you behave doesn't make you saved.
How you behave shows if you're saved.
You need to get the argument straight.
This “ could “ be referring to the BIG one time Confession of Sin where the Holy Spirit delivers you FINALLY from the Fool’s Paradise Where you Are falsely convinced that YOU are not the Sinner That God is talking about in the Bible ——THAT Sinner That needs Salvation is that Murdering Rapist out there in the Penitentiary....Me? I’m Good Enough.....I’m doing the Best that I Can....
If you have been blessed by a night of sheer terror where your eyes have been opened to your TRUE condition before your Holy God , seeing with eyes that have had the scales removed,seeing that you are NOTHING but a Wretched Sinner who is headed for Hell like a speeding bullet and the Hell you racing For is Well Deserved!
At this point one should be reduced to saying only Two Things—- pretty much the things that all of those that “meet God “ say——- “ woe is me, I am UNCLEAN” and then,”Lord, have Mercy On me , a Sinner....”
The night of my “Awakening” was so Powerful, it split my Life in Two! One day I was a Blind Fool , Thinking That , despite my many faults , I was “ good enough” to get into Heaven.....I was trying to do the best I could do, after all !
The-next day, my eyes and ears having been opened by that scary visitation from the Holy Spirit ( That “ Conviction” thingy we have all heard about ) I have never been blinded by Satan again. I was Born a Sinner ....I will die a sinner......and if it were not for Two Things and these Two Things Only—- - I would still be as Lost as I always was— The “ Two Things” That Saved me are “ Christ’s Blood and My Faith”
Has anybody else out there in the audience had this “ Woe is Me” experience? ...Sometimes I think it’s absence might result in a man becoming a mere “Religionist “ as opposed to being a “man of Faith” True Christian I alone in my experience?