- Jul 9, 2013
- 4,169
- 793
In reading your reply i read you keep the laws like every one else, that being, how you feel they apply to you... ... I was under the impression there would be something more.
Not quite. It's not about how I feel they apply, but how the Bible says they apply. For example, there is a commandment that tells farmers to neither sow nor reap every seventh year. To be able to keep that commandment, I would have to have crops to sow and reap the other 6 years. Since I'm not a farmer and have no crops, that commandment doesn't apply to me. If I ever did decide to grow something (I'm a horticulturalist), then that would apply and I would follow it. Every command either applies to everybody, or only to a specific group, such as farmers, males, females, first-born or some other group. If a commandment applies to everybody, then it applies to me. If it applies to a group I belong to (such as males), then it applies to me. If it applies to a group I don't belong to (such as farmers), then it doesn't apply to me. If I change groups (e.g. if I become a farmer), then the rules that apply change, and I follow the newly applicable rules.
You have labeled your self a gentile I see gentile is one of the 3 choices why not label your self of the church of God?
I chose "Gentile" as part of my user name, in relation to the "Torah Observant" part, as opposed to a "Torah observant Jew". I am, of course, also part of the church of God. Jews are physical descendants of Jacob (AKA Israel). Gentiles are everybody else. There are both Jews and Gentiles in the church of God. So, why the 3 choices then? If you read the whole chapter, you'll see that this is said in the context of eating meat that has been offered to idols. Contrary to what many teach, Paul actually says that we should avoid such meat if we know it has been sacrificed. But, whether we eat it or not, we should do it in such a way that it doesn't offend others, neither the (unsaved) Gentiles who offer it to us, the (unsaved) Jews who believe it is unclean, nor the saved Jews and Gentiles in the church who, because of their various stages of maturity, sometimes believe it's sinful and sometimes not. Note that this is not about eating pork or shellfish, but about otherwise kosher food, such as beef or lamb, which has been offered to an idol.