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The covid injections don't work

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Not every one of us is an anti-vaxxer. In fact, most of us aren't.

We see lots of ICU personnel burning and out, crying from watching foolish people needlessly die.

I make a point of looking for news about people doing the right thing. Every day, I find dozens of such cases. Maybe it depends on what you're looking for.

That story's been peddled since the beginning of civilization. But we keep on muddling though.

All you've done is try to justify and normalise human sacrifice, changing your argument after you were first denying it...
Good for you. It's disgusting to say the least
If what I just saw happening in a video from Greece was to quickly happen throughout the earth with hundreds of millions, then perhaps the globalists' ambitions would be sidelined. Though it's a big if.
Obviously, some understand clearly what is happening.
Before the information was changed, I learned that the same groups, such as international bankers, secret societies, authoritarian countries, etc., were behind Hitler.
We are in a war of truth versus lies.
All you've done is try to justify and normalise human sacrifice
If you have, one of us have. Is it your idea that we shouldn't vaccinate so that we can sacrifice more people to the virus? If so, your posts make more sense.

You've repeatedly misrepresented what I've written here. It's disgusting to say the least. Shame on you.
No, the purpose of the vaccine is to keep people from becoming ill and/or dying. And it works well for that. In Texas, unvaccinated people are about 20 times more likely to die of COVID-19, compared to vaccinated people.

But since vaccination also usually prevents infection, it means that vaccinating more people will reduce others being infected.
"Usually " , But it is not working out that way for Gilbraltar .

Quote from link .
"The vaccine rollout in Gibraltar has been phenomenally successful, the territory administering 94,937 COVID jabs so far, including 39,815 second doses, with an additional 14,241 booster jabs - a vaccination rate of 139.5%."

Gibraltar cancels official Christmas celebrations amid surge in COVID cases

Successful for who ?
If you have, one of us have. Is it your idea that we shouldn't vaccinate so that we can sacrifice more people to the virus? If so, your posts make more sense.

You've repeatedly misrepresented what I've written here. It's disgusting to say the least. Shame on

LoL that's just stupid...
Human sacrifice is via human intervention, not by natural causes...
Death from natural causes to an 85 yo is normal. Remember? I doubt it
And death to a young person is tragic. Especially via forced experimental drugs.

Your willing to sacrifice the young for the old, throw children into the fire

Your the one misrepresenting. Im not calling to take peoples choice away to vax...

I'm calling to stop forcing it.
Stop discriminating against us.
Stop erroneously claiming it's safe. (informed consent)
And stop all the panic and lockdowns and other restrictions

Don't you at least agree with some of that?
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LoL that's just stupid...
Human sacrifice is via human intervention, not by natural causes...
Sorry, that excuse won't work for you. I get that you're upset. I can see you're getting more and more shrill in your angry accusations.

But it won't help you. At some point, you're going to have to make your peace with reality.
Your willing to sacrifice the young for the old, throw children into the fire
If you think you have to lie to make a point, isn't that a pretty good clue as to the value of your argument?

Calm yourself. Think a little and try again.
"Usually " , But it is not working out that way for Gilbraltar .
It's a tiny population in the 5th most densely populated area on Earth. So not usual. Notice again that none of the most vaccinated nations are on the list of highest death rates posted here earlier.
Exodus 1:12 kjv
12. But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were grieved because of the children of Israel.

Isaiah 61:3 kjv
3. To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified

2 Chronicles 16:9 kjv
9. For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of themwhose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars.


Isaiah 45:3 kjv
3. And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the LORD, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel.

So how do we see the oppression placed on The oppressed turning to Salvation in Christ Jesus and all the alternative medical treatments giving longer physical life?

That of Jew and Gentile making one new man.

Left off

Ecclesiastes 9:11
11.I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.

Mississippi redneck
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Sorry, that excuse won't work for you. I get that you're upset. I can see you're getting more and more shrill in your angry accusations.

But it won't help you. At some point, you're going to have to make your peace with reality.

If you think you have to lie to make a point, isn't that a pretty good clue as to the value of your argument?

Calm yourself. Think a little and try again.

LoLz. Your the only one getting angry my friend...

Like I said. Your justifying covid vaccine deaths. Human sacrifice. You have no morals what so ever so I'm not interested in your twisted thoughts.
You keep abetting the evil one...:shame
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Omnicron variant has had only one death... It's weaker than the common cold...
Yet the panic in Europe is insane. Using it to try and strike fear into the weak minded...:shame
Omnicron variant has had only one death... It's weaker than the common cold...
Yet the panic in Europe is insane. Using it to try and strike fear into the weak minded as an excuse to stab everyone with the lethal injection...:shame
LoLz. Your the only one getting angry my friend...
I see your denial, but your language is getting more and more shrill. You justify hundreds of thousands of deaths over unfounded fears of vaccines. It makes no sense at all. Meantime, your increasingly hysterical accusations continue.

You have no morals what so ever so I'm not interested in your twisted thoughts.
You keep abetting the evil one..

Maybe it's time you calmed yourself a bit, and thought about what you're doing here.
I didn't directly call anyone anything.
Incorrect. You said, "Yet these numpties still believe them and ostracise us for speaking the truth...

It doesn't matter that you weren't specific; you clearly have a group of people in mind that you think are numpties and morons.

But your directly attacking me by calling me un-Christlike. Hypocrisy
Incorrect. I said, "Name calling is un-Christlike"; I didn't say you were.

The fact is the gov and msm made the following claims...
Such claims have been well and truly refuted...

They claimed these shots would bring herd immunity...
Claim refuted
They claimed these shots would end the pandemic...
Claim refuted
They claimed these shots would bring life back to normal...
Claim refuted
And, yet, it doesn't take much thinking to understand why these things haven't panned out as initially thought.
What other words did I post besides the words of the Lord?

I didn’t try to explain what the verse meant. I only presented what Jesus said.
That is false. This is what you stated:

'When Jesus heard that, He said to them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. Matthew 9:12

Why would people who are perfectly well go and have an experimental, unapproved vaccine injected into their body in direct violation of the words of Christ?'

You clearly used the verse to say that getting the vaccine directly violates the words of Christ. That is a gross misuse of the text, completely divorced from the context. Not to mention it is very dangerous advice to be giving on public forums.
Okay all. The posts are becoming too personal with the name calling and accusations. Please stick to the topic of the discussion and avoid making things personal. I don't care who started first, it just needs to end now.
That is false. This is what you stated:

'When Jesus heard that, He said to them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. Matthew 9:12

Why would people who are perfectly well go and have an experimental, unapproved vaccine injected into their body in direct violation of the words of Christ?'

You clearly used the verse to say that getting the vaccine directly violates the words of Christ. That is a gross misuse of the text, completely divorced from the context. Not to mention it is very dangerous advice to be giving on public forums.

Here is my post number 298 to which I referred.

Without truthful facts all the logic and critical thinking in the world still only amounts to lies.

  • Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick

Do you believe this statement from Jesus is the truth?

I do.
You clearly used the verse to say that getting the vaccine directly violates the words of Christ. That is a gross misuse of the text, completely divorced from the context. Not to mention it is very dangerous advice to be giving on public forums.

Please present the post where I said… “getting the vaccine directly violates the words of Christ.”

This is a gross exaggeration and blatantly misrepresents me, which is a flagrant violation of the TOS.

Please just discuss what I or others actually say, and don’t make up things that are not said to create a slur against me or others.

Here is my post number 298 to which I referred.

Without truthful facts all the logic and critical thinking in the world still only amounts to lies.

  • Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick

Do you believe this statement from Jesus is the truth?

I do.
Already asked and answered.

Please present the post where I said… “getting the vaccine directly violates the words of Christ.”

This is a gross exaggeration and blatantly misrepresents me, which is a flagrant violation of the TOS.

Please just discuss what I or others actually say, and don’t make up things that are not said to create a slur against me or others.
I made up nothing. I quoted your post, word for word, but it was conveniently deleted by another administrator. Kind of strange that it was since it didn’t violate the ToS.
Defenders of human sacrifice, forced shots and discrimination... Geez...:shame
This world is collapsing fast now with the denigration of basic morals...

Now it's normal for a young person to die from a vaccine. Yet panic when an old person dies of natural causes...:shame

Sacrificing the younger generation for the old. Throwing children into the fire for their false Gods, the science, the msm, the government. God warned about this
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