The end of the world is almost here! God will bring judgement day on May 21, 2011

Summer in June? No, for me, Summer is Dec - Jan. Surely you are wrong :)
True - depends on what hemisphere you're in. I have summer in Dec-Jan too.

I'm not sure what implications this has....
I don't get this May 21, 2011 date. It's not on a feast day, not on Pentecost. The moon is waning gibbous about 4 days past full.

If anyone noticed, the Lord always fulfilled prophecy in accordance with the calendar and the Spring/Pentecost feast days were fulfilled at Christ's first coming at the time of the feast. There is nothing historically that fulfilled the autumn feasts yet, but God put them there for a purpose to denote His plan and prophecy (not to watch Israel party 3 times a year).

The feasts are: Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits, Pentecost, Trumpets Atonement and Taberbacles. (There are several others the Jews added to commemorate things such as Purim and Hanukkah but the feasts designating God's plan are in Levitcus 23.) May 21, 2011 is not one of them.
Is California still here???DAY AFTER DAY
(Tommy Reynolds / Stuart Margolin / Jerry Riopelle)


Day after day, more people come to L.A.
Ssh! Don't you tell anybody the whole place is slipping away.
Where can we go when there's no San Francisco?
Ssh! Better get ready to tie up the boat in Idaho.

Do you know the swim? You better learn quick, Jim.
Those who don't know how to swim, better sing the hymn.
Tuna at the bowl. Fine fillet o' much soul.
Whoo! Whoo! What can we do with a bushel of wet gold?

Day after day, more people come to L.A.
Ssh! Don't you tell anybody the whole place is slipping away.
Where can we go when there's no San Francisco?
Ssh! Better get ready to tie up the boat in Idaho.

Where can we go when there's no San Diego?
Ssh! Better get ready to tie up the boat in Idaho.

Do you know the swim? You better learn quick, Jim.
Those who don't know how to swim, better sing the hymn.
Tuna at the bowl. Fine fillet o' much soul.
Whoo! Whoo! What can we do with a bushel of wet gold?

Day after day, more people come to L.A.
Ssh! Don't you tell anybody the whole place is slipping away.
Where can we go when there's no San Francisco?
Ssh! Better get ready to tie up the boat in Idaho.
Better get ready to tie up the boat in Idaho
(repeat to fade)
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reading the bible carefully it indicates in fact both

that noone will know
and that god's people will know [in adavance]
as did noah

but 1ve seen these [may 21st] posts all over the net and so 1 feel no need to paste
the references they've clearly posted to provide evidence of this

whether or not the date is correct
the fact is they have demonstrated via scripture a clear poosibility that
gods people will know in advance the exact hour day year of the event.

all the references are on their site ...

i edited my wording here on relection for accuracy sake
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tsunami predecited too !
lk 21:

25 “There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea.

Could Jesus mean Tsunami here ? Is that not a roaring and tossing of the sea ? Dont they cause anguish and perplexity ? Is not Japan having those emotions now, and great concern around the world ?​
I do not believe that anyone can know when He will come. But, I agree with other posters, that we should put our time and effort into living Gods word and showing His love. When it comes it will come, and I just hope I have done all I can to help others when it is here.
tsunami predecited too !
lk 21:

25 “There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea.

Could Jesus mean Tsunami here ? Is that not a roaring and tossing of the sea ? Dont they cause anguish and perplexity ? Is not Japan having those emotions now, and great concern around the world ?​

Really? Which tsunami? Every tsunami? Have we been in the endtimes ever since there have been tsunamis?:chin
Awesome are we doomed again? This might get me out of filling in next years tax return yay!!

These end time declarations are going to be so funny in 2013 when we look back on them.

Thanks for posting that Nick I love doomsday prophecies they always give me a grin :)

These guys are getting in before the 2012 Mayan calendar advocates.. clever.

people who make these things never quote this verse for some reason. Predicting the end day would make scripture wrong and flawed.. Bad plan.

mattew 24:36 NIV
"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
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Awesome are we doomed again? This might get me out of filling in next years tax return yay!!

These end time declarations are going to be so funny in 2013 when we look back on them.

Thanks for posting that Nick I love doomsday prophecies they always give me a grin :)

These guys are getting in before the 2012 Mayan calendar advocates.. clever.

people who make these things never quote this verse for some reason. Predicting the end day would make scripture wrong and flawed.. Bad plan.

mattew 24:36 NIV
"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
:lol Reckon!
BTW, this same group have predicted the end of the world before. :D
OK But you need to define 'end times' .
I think you do. You made the claim that what I said (definiing the end times) wasn't correct. I asked you to elaborate, so the ball's in your court.
Really? Which tsunami? Every tsunami? Have we been in the endtimes ever since there have been tsunamis?:chin

You misunderstand, could a tsunami be what Christ is referring to with ther words perpexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea ?
Yes, I get your point Nathan. I'm not saying I'm ruling out May 21st - any day is a possibilty - but I don't really think we should be putting so much effort into predicting dates.

I received his Wheat and the Tares book in the mail recently but have not yet read it. I do like to listen to him, though, even if I don't agree with every detail of what he says.

I see our God and the heavenly Jerusalem like the tender and compassionate parents we know who cradle their child and do not fault with them for being their age and for knowing only what a child at a particular age ought to know. I believe we are saved more on the basis of being a child who loves our parents back as we should rather than on having to obtain any certain level of knowledge.

It would not surprise me either if Camping turned out to be right. But I think I see what will happen on that day different from he even if he should be right about it being the day.