Evil did not enter only into Adam and Eve and all of humanity...
It also entered into nature.
Romans 8:19-22
19For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God.
20For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope
21that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God.
22For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now.
There is moral evil and there is natural evil.
A hurricane does not sin,,,but it is evil in Christian theology.
The Problem of Evil Evil is a major theoretical and practical problem for a Christian. Evil is of two types. First, there is natural evil. There are destructive forces in nature, ranging from earthquakes and tidal waves to cancer. Second, there is moral evil which has its source in the choice and action of humans. This type of evil includes war, crime, cruelty, and slavery.
source: https://www.studylight.org/dictionaries/eng/hbd/e/evil.html
The analogy quoted here is a
typical Christian white wash of the REAL reason for evil in the world. We redefine the
problem and reorient our minds away from the
problem so as to not see it. In the end we persuade ourselves that the
problem of evil is something other than US. In the end, like a dog eating its own vomit, we always return to it.
Pseudo philosophical/theological treatment of
the problem serves only to mask and obfuscate the REAL source of evil -
While admission is allegedly made to evil by separating it into types, the exercise serves only to distract the reader's attention away from the source of
the problem and those who receive its consequences - US. In truth evil IS OUR FAULT and it is WE who suffer the guilt of it. DEATH is the consequence of
our choice to break God's LAW.
PERSONAL EVIL isn't mentioned at all in our doctrine of demons. Instead it's further subdivided into dispassionate impersonal categories. What is war? What is crime? What is cruelty? What is slavery?
WAR is SIN on a personal level approved by society. Each and every soldier on the field as well as each and every civilian at home is guilty of individual evil. We use political rhetoric to justify it, but in the end it's nothing less than evil which WE willingly and gladly force upon our fellow man. We embrace it. We love it. Some of us carry guns to bring evil into the world. The rest applaud this madness.
It is well that war is so terrible, lest we grow too fond of it." - General Robert E. Lee
Here in the 21st century we are not only fond of war, but we glorify it in our entertainment, our celebrations and in our media. We celebrate those we train to be murderers and we deny the evil they've personally brought to other human beings by calling it something it isn't - honorable.
Yet in the dark of night on their bedroom pillows they remember the personal evil they've done. They remember their SIN. More have died at their own hand from guilt than from enemy bullets. WAR is SIN that eats away the heart of a nation and each soldier that executes it.
A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death." - Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Indeed, we are already there. We have arrived at spiritual death. Our nation is dead to peace, to righteousness and to morality. We shall drink the bitter dregs of war and violence and SIN for the rest of our natural lives or until the nation itself is brought to its knees and changed.
CRIME is SIN on a personal level without the approval of society. "
If an American is concerned only about his nation, he will not be concerned about the peoples of Asia, Africa, or South America. Is this not why nations engage in the madness of war without the slightest sense of penitence? Is this not why the murder of a citizen of your own nation is a crime, but the murder of citizens of another nation in war is an act of heroic virtue?" - Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
CRUELTY is SIN fogged by language of the day. It isn't personal unless you are the one being mistreated. A supervisor who demands his subordinates work long hours to profit the company at the expense of an employees health and family isn't being cruel. We are told she is being efficient when in fact she is as cruel as any Nazi storm trooper with a rifle and bayonet.
SLAVERY is an accepted SIN of life except for the ones who are victimized by it. Both slave and employer suffer from this most personal form of SIN, yet it is seldom admitted even by the one who suffers. The good of the company or the country is hoisted as a flag to be saluted, yet it flies in the face of decency and peace and the logic of consideration of one's fellow man.
In all this the Name of God is not honored or considered. The violation of God's LAW isn't even mentioned. It is this LAW which defines SIN against God and man, yet we ignore it as easily as we flush our troubles down the toilet drain.
EVIL arises when God's LAW is broken. The chief offender is the church and the minions who bring it home in a personal way are
US. WE are EVIL and it is WE who God died on the cross to save from it.
Turning the light of truth away from US doesn't address the definition of evil - it masks it and confuses the solution.
The solution is REPENTANCE according to the LAW of God.
The solution is to humbly approach the throne of God with the sacrifice He has provided.
The solution is to ADMIT TO GOD AND OURSELVES that WE are evil and to ask forgiveness for our SIN.
The solution MAY be to receive a new life that denies evil in all its forms; WAR, CRIME, CRUELTY, SLAVERY and all the SINs listed in God's LAW.
Evil is that condition that arises as a result of personal SIN.
EVIL is NOT a theory or a
IT IS the result of SIN. Its consequence is DEATH.
Is death a
problem for you?
You tell me.
that's me, hollering from the choir loft...