Choir Loft
You keep telling me to read Genesis 3. What makes you think I haven't?
You also tell me I'm not going to understand something or other and that I've been pretty much brainwashed by either the Catholic Church
or Calvinism---quite a jump BTW.
Mankind has a choice.
Did I say they don't?
So you can't explain why Lucifer fell and I rely on MYTHS.
Which is rather interesting since I don't really know any myths.
You over-generalize because the rest of us are too dumb to have a real conversation with you.
You haven't answered my basic question:
You say sin CAUSES EVIL....
It seems to me that satan appeared BEFORE they sinned.
We don't really need to continue this conversation since I might not understand your position.
You may have read Genesis 3, but you seem to be too busy accusing me of something rather than considering anything written in that book and chapter.
I'm trying to help here. Please consider the obvious Biblical definitions of SIN and EVIL rather than confusion created by philosophers apologists and preachers who have one hand on the Bible and the other in someone else's pocket.
Predilections to pagan myths promoted by the RCC and accepted by the American Protestant church, which marches in lock step with the Vatican, cloud a clear understanding of God's Word. I perceive your difficulty with my explanations are due to answers not in agreement with Vatican doctrine. Nevertheless I will attempt to do so again.
SIN is an action which DELIBERATELY contradicts the revealed Will of God - God's LAW.
In Genesis 3 God told Eve and Adam to NOT eat of the fruit of the tree of Opinion (knowledge of good and evil is 'opinion'). To eat of it is to put one's OPINION on a higher level of authority than God's Word or LAW. Eve SINNED first when she was tempted by the opposer/snake/devil. Eve then seduced her husband Adam to follow her into SIN.
As a consequence of disobedience/SIN, God cursed the couple. They knew what they were doing (SIN) because God had spoken to them prior to their action. His Will was already established in their minds.
The action came first. It's called SIN.
God's curse followed the act. Thus the curse is called EVIL.
Evil is thus the consequence of SIN. Evil follows SIN as night follows day. Why is this difficult to understand? Read Genesis 3 and you'll see the progression of ideas and actions and how they relate to each other.
Eve and Adam were autonomous in their actions. You use the word 'pure', which is a reference to SIN or the lack of it. It's much more than purity my friend - much more. One might be more accurate to substitute the word guilt for purity. Either way it falls short of the situation in Eden prior to the fall.
To be autonomous is to be without restriction or handicap in anything one thinks or does. In other words, Eve and Adam had no predilections to SIN
-or- to righteousness. It may also be noted they had no understanding of LOVE either - of LOVE as the Bible teaches it. The Bible also suggests Eve and Adam didn't have a basic understanding of sex either, but that's a different subject for discussion.
As the consequence of SIN is EVIL, so too does the curse of EVIL follow the generations of Eve and Adam. All who are born to the race of Adam have lost their autonomy of choice. In other words, we have become "slaves of SIN" (Romans 6:20), victims of the circumstances of our own wickedness. Humanity continues to be able to to choose the right, but more often than not is self-destructive.
The autonomy once enjoyed by the inhabitants of Eden can never be restored - EVER.
It's like toothpaste or a broken egg. Once released from its container it can never be restored.
Why the fascination with Lucifer? The creature fell from grace because of its pride in itself. That's the Biblical version. What more does one need to know? Human pride opposes God and our fellow man - in the likeness of Satan do we live and breath. It's impossible for humanity to escape the trap it has made for itself.
Enter the LAW as given by God.
Enter the savior of mankind as required by the LAW.
Enter a semi-autonomous Christ inspired life by the LAW.
Enter escape from SIN as enabled by the LAW.
Apart from the LAW no one can be saved. Moses said it is possible to live by it and St. Paul wrote that those who do not live by the LAW will die by the LAW.
Unfortunately most people are too proud to humble themselves unto God who gives Christ for our Eternal blessing to those who forsake their OPINION and obey the LAW. It is the gift of Grace that enables this lawful obedience, yet the modern church denies it completely. To them the Holy Spirit is little more than a divine cheer leader. A spiritual high is sought in church rather than spiritual responsibility. Thus the consequences of SIN executes doom upon the church today. (1 Peter 4:17 & 1 Sam 4:21)
Hope this clears the air on a few matters.
that's me, hollering from the choir loft...