Hey Choir loft,
I think you misunderstood my post to you.

I never said Jesus abolished the Law....
Then I distinguished between the CIVIL, CEREMONIAL and MORAL LAW...
I can't be sure of what you're speaking....
What Jesus DID accomplish is that He was perfect.
This perfection is what made Him be our expiation, our atonement.
Only a perfect lamb could do this (Exodus) and Jesus was the perfect Lamb of God.
As to what we accept, I think you'll have to explain.
What you write above is CIVIL LAW. You call it Case Law. I've never heard it called that, but it's the same as Civil Law.
Again, I agree and this is what I stated in my last post to you.
Pope Francis has taken a few undoctrinal stands, which he promised not to change BTW, when he took his oath as Pope. Most Catholics are waiting for him to retire.
You said that persons had to ask forgiveness themselves, personally, before the Lord.
How do you reconcile that with the necessity of offering sacrifices at the temple for the forgiveness of sins - in which case priests were used.?
Your own statement reveals you are uncertain about the function of the LAW.
Early in the above post you state you "
never said Jesus abolished the LAW" then you go on to distinguish between civil, ceremonial and moral LAW. Please allow me try to focus the discussion a bit.
Jesus' perfection is NOT the FULFILLMENT of the LAW he spoke of in Matthew 5:17 (
I did not come to abolish the LAW. I came to fulfill it.") You also wrote His perfection is "
what made Him ... our expiation/atonement." You get close to it when you say He is the perfect Lamb of God, but still aren't quite on target. Jesus' perfection is what
enabled or allowed His sacrifice to be accepted, but it wasn't fulfillment. Here is my point and the
fulfillment Jesus spoke to in Matt 5:17:
You shoot all around it, but never hit the nail on the head.
The fulfillment of the LAW Jesus spoke of AND that which does not abolish the LAW is His death on the cross. The ironic thing about this is that Jews didn't and still don't "get it" either. Jews pretend to know the LAW, but don't look in the direction it points - to Jesus. They are rather like children who see someone point to the sky and say, "look at the bird." Instead of looking up they look at the pointing finger ... and miss the bird completely.
What is the function of the lamb in the LAW? Let's use the passover story as an example: lamb's blood was used as a sign of FAITH by those who applied it. Death passed over those who did and destroyed those who did not. As it was in Moses' day so it was in Jesus' day and so it is today. God had to die so that we, by faith, may be 'passed over' at the time of judgment BY THE LAW.
This is why I write
Civil LAW in the OT as well as in NT is demonstrated and underlined by CASE LAW. They aren't two different things. For instance, read Jesus'
parable of the Good Samaritan. Jesus is using the same technique as used in the Tanakh to underline and teach LAW. Do you know which LAW the parable refers to? Try #2 - love thy neighbor. The second commandment is LAW while case law is the parable. That's all there is to it. It's also why there are 613 laws in Torah. A lot of it is case law. A lot of those laws are mitzvah, or duties that give purpose to or explain LAW. Gentiles generally lump the whole thing into tradition as do many Jews, but they are merely examples of case law which still qualifies as part of the whole enchilada. Secular attorneys study case law so as to apply the letter of the law in court.
Finally you asked: "
How do you reconcile that (personal sacrifice) with the necessity of offering sacrifices at the temple for the forgiveness of sins - in which case priests were used.?"
There are a lot of different types of sacrifices specified to be performed at the temple in Mosaic LAW. I'd have to go into the actual layout of the Wilderness Tabernacle and Jerusalem Temples in order to be exactly specific, but I'll try to have a go anyway.
The temple was built as a pattern of the Eternal Heaven. Read about the pattern God gave to Moses in Exodus. It was composed of a series of areas, each bigger than the one inside. There was only one entrance - a gate or curtain on the east side. Church folks like to say Jesus is the only way to God, but don't realize they are speaking LAW when they do it.
With but a few exceptions individuals were required BY LAW to enter at the gate where the first piece of tabernacle/temple furniture they saw was the altar. Individuals were then required to take their sacrifice (specific as to the situation - sometimes a bird, goat, grain, etc.) to the altar and in the case of an animal slaughter it there. In other words, Hebrews were not allowed to approach God without a sacrifice in hand. (The LAW still stands for no one today is allowed to approach without a sacrifice either. Our sacrifice is Christ, BY THE LAW.) Hebrews were required to perform the ritual themselves with the priests dividing the meat and performing clean up duties. Priests could NOT perform the ritual act of sacrifice.
Unfortunately the RCC has usurped this legal requirement. Their priests perform the sacrifice themselves at the altar each mass - actually crucifying Christ each time when scripture says He died once for all (1 Peter 3:18).
Once a year the High Priest would enter the Holy Place, a curtained or walled area inside the temple, which is in turn divided into two parts. A huge veil or curtain divided the Holy Place into two compartments. What happened to this curtain when Jesus died on the cross? What does this event mean BY THE LAW?
The inner compartment is called the Holy of Holies and contains only two pieces of furniture - the Ark of the Covenant and the Mercy Seat. Once a year the High Priest would sacrifice a spotless lamb FOR THE NATION and offer the sprinkled blood to God on the Ark. If you remember Exodus the Ark was an open box. Inside was the two tablets of Moses, THE LAW. Bear in mind the LAW condemns us of SIN. Upon the Ark rested the LID also called the Mercy Seat. The Mercy Seat, along with the sacrifice, protected the people from the wrath of God. Remember the movie INDIANA JONES AND THE LOST ARK? One of the final scenes shows the Mercy Seat being removed from the Ark. Within the Ark is death. Jones told his girl friend to close her eyes and not look at it (the LAW). Thus they were saved by Hollywood understanding of the LAW. It should be noted that prior to Jesus' execution the High Priest Caiaphas also stated that it was necessary for Jesus to die FOR THE NATION.
Here is now revealed 2 thorny items that many will refuse to accept - one of the heavy matters Jesus' referred to. The salvation of Christ is made available to the nation - to the group of those who ask for mercy. Those who are saved become Jews (Romans 2:29).
Jesus didn't die for each of us as individuals. He died for us inasmuch as we are incorporated into the Kingdom of Heaven as Jews. Modern preachers like to declare that "Jesus died for me, or that Jesus died for you." He didn't if scripture is to be believed. Jesus died for the nation, for His Kingdom.
Consider this - that when we give our allegiance to Christ we JOIN His kingdom. Thus the kingdom is saved and all the subjects of Christ with it - as it was when God (Adonai) delivered Israel from Egypt after the passover. All the aspects of life in this new kingdom are discussed in the epistles of the NT, but in effect they are references to citizens of the Kingdom of God in Christ. As citizens of the kingdom we reap its benefits. Those outside the walls of the kingdom are never blessed nor are they given life.
This is all rather simplified albeit a lengthy post. I hope it helps a bit.
that's me, hollering from the choir loft..