That's not hate though. Human cultural terms can't apply to a sacred and holy spirit. Likely more akin to justice is mine. Vengeance is a sin for humans.
I think if you read the whole of the Bible starting with the Old Testament, you'll see that God very much carries the characteristics of humans. And why not? We are made in his image and likeness.
Prior to our species fall in the garden after the first newborns He created and in his foreknowledge knew would eat of the fruit he planted there to give them knowledge of good and evil, which means intellect and discernment to choose obedience and disobedience, which they did not possess prior, no more than a newborn baby human does today, He predestined all that transpired then to now. His own words tell us this.
What we're doing is walking in the steps predetermined by the great step-maker. There is no thing Omniscience, (eternal knowledge/gnosis) does not know. And when God himself tells us all about what He is and what He has planned for this life of ours, it is blasphemy to disagree and argue otherwise.
God does hate. God does seek vengeance. God does murder. God did send his Israelite armies to slaughter men and women , babies, children, the unborn. And we have to see that when God's words report it to our attention in the Old Testament. God murdered the first born of every Egyptian household. That means even those in the womb who would be firstborn had they lived.
God is said in the New Testament to be a God of forgiveness.
If that were true, God would have forgiven the mistake Adam and Eve made as unconscious, unaware, newborns when the Satan was allowed to enter the garden of Eden and lead Eve to eat of the forbidden tree God himself planted there bearing the fruits that His omniscience knew, due to his plan, would lead them to damnation. And he would have utterly destroyed Satan, his adversary, his nemesis so that the world would remain paradise.
But he didn't.
Long ago Dualism was decreed a heresy by members of the Catholic's church. And yet, dualism is what propels the scripture and this reality through to the end of time.
Isaiah 45 and particularly verse 7 tells us , no matter how we feel, everything is God!
It can be no less than that. Because God himself said, He is the beginning and the end of all things in this creation. And yet he himself has no end. No thing that exists can come from any source but the creator of all that exists. God tells you, he is Sovereign. There is no other.
God hates! God drowned the entire world but for one family, due to the sin upon the earth. That was there because of one lack of forgiveness in the beginning by the God that could have insured sin was never born. But he didn't. It is all part of his plan. And He tells you why. For his Glory!
“All things are from him and through him and
to him."
It is important to know the God you worship. And that helps to ease the self-deprecation nature we're led to accept as Christians. Expecting to be more than God himself and that God himself planned for the world and its people before He created the world and its people is folly. If you hate, realize why. Don't feel guilty. God hates. But, don't let that which deserves to be hated own you. Let it go. Because that which is hate filled consumes . While that which revokes hates power thrives. The hater will consume themselves. If you love you, you know you're worth more than to be led into the darkness the hate filled invite you into when they do things that make you want to hate them for it.
Let them go and live with themselves. You do not have to pay them any attention at all.
When God hates, he's God. He can do anything he wants to with his creation. His doctrine from beginning to end is not one of, do as I do. His is instead, do as I say!