Yeah, obviously everything I just wrote has no bearing on scripture.. are you serious ?
I know for certain that neither YOU or me are the elect.. and that CHRIST is and the only reason that people are referred to the elect in scripture is because they are IN CHRIST.. who IS the elect.. AND that's what THIS THREAD is about.. the Lord Jesus Christ being the elect of God.
No kidding...
So you don't think that God could decide things (like blessing all in His Son) before the foundation of the world.. ?
And do you ignore Eph 2 which I just posted that plainly says that prior to trusting in Christ that we were dead in trespasses and in sins... are you going to argue that you were actually in Christ before the foundation of the world when you didn't even exist yet..
Or maybe you deny the simple biblical fact that ALL are condemned in Adam.. and all justified freely IN CHRIST..
Maybe it's time to leave the teachings of Calvinism and actually agree with the word of God.
Yeah, obviously everything I just wrote has no bearing on scripture
Im not saying that, what I am saying is your post seem to have more of what you think then what the bible declares, and that could be avoided if you would post scripture.
I know for certain that neither YOU or me are the elect
Believe what you will - but try to refrain from putting me in your category, for you do not if i am a elect or not, based on your doctrine evry christian is a elect, which is untrue.
Maybe it's time to leave the teachings of Calvinism and actually agree with the word of God
I dont follow Calvinism, jumping the gun a little arent we...
Anyhow all a readers must do is read the simple verses i posted and your idea of elects goes right out the window..
1) According as he hath chosen us in him
before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:
2) Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.
3) 11 for the children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of the One calling,
See here is where your doctrine falls apart notice the term "not yet being born" Your whole theory rest upon people who believe in Christ are the elcts
NO the scripture tells us clearly "
not being born yet" perhaps you should re-think your posistions as it is against the word of God....
So you don't think that God could decide things (like blessing all in His Son) before the foundation of the world.. ?
scripture please?