Eventide said:
Using your premise.. why don't you disprove what I've been writing..
I'll try explaining the situation more clearly to you with a very crude simplified analogy - make an effort to understand... ask me for clarifications where you need them.
This is called the 'correlation does not imply causation' logical fallacy - .
Mr.A - Without the car key, you cannot start the car. Therefore, the key starts the car.
Mr.B - That's a logical fallacy. The key cannot be turned unless you, the driver, turn it - therefore it is you, the driver, who starts the car.
Mr.A - What part of my premise is not true? Can you disprove any part of my premise?
Mr.B - I cannot disprove your premise because your premise is true and I too agree with that. But it is your conclusion that is logically flawed and that is where I'm adding the extra premise to resolve the flaw.
Mr.A - How is my conclusion wrong? Can you start the car without the keys?
Mr.B - Well, since I'm the driver who has control over the keys and since I'm fully able to turn the keys, your question becomes hypothetical and therefore invalid in a logical discussion. Your conclusion is wrong because you have assumed that starting a car can have no other cause except the keys.
Mr.A - But you still haven't proved what I've said is false...
Mr.B - And I never will - because what's false in your argument does not involve your stating an untruth - it deals with your denying the truth. What part you hold is true but when you deny the entire truth, then what you hold needs to be concluded differently and there it becomes false. Instead, evaluate what added truth I have given you and the flaws in your conclusions(not premise) - test its validity and then draw your final conclusions.
["starting the car" = "believing" ; "key" = "man's ability/goodness/wisdom/will/works in the flesh" ; "Driver" = "God"]
Hope the issue is clarified as are the following too -
Eventide: "How about disproving that the Lord Jesus Christ is the elect of God. "
Nothing to disprove here. We're just not referring to the same thing. Search for "apples and oranges" in post#157.
Eventide: "How about disproving that all in Adam are under the same condemnation.. "
Nothing to disprove here. You're just assuming that God needs some reason in us to choose/elect us. Read the difference between inherent value and God's sovereignty in post#157.
Eventide: "How about disproving that Adam could hear and understand the voice of God after he fell in disobedience.. "
Nothing to disprove here. Refer to the analogy presented above in this post. Also post#174 first para.
Eventide: "How about disproving that Christ is that true light which lighteth every man that comes into the world.."
Nothing to disprove here. I'm focusing on the differentiating causes - not the common causes. Refer to posts#174,#156.
[if you find it difficult going back to these referenced posts, inform me and I'll add links to them.]