I just can't fathom why God would make us wait a literal thousand years after Christ returns and cast the beast and false prophet into the lake of fire and then binding Satan for a literal thousand years before casting him into the lake of fire. What would be the purpose of a literal thousand years. After Christ returns the door of God's salvation will be closed as final judgement will be made when the books are opened.
Good question, ask yourself this question. Why would God even bind satan for any amount of time whether it’s 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 years, 200 years, or even 400 years. Then set him loose for a short period just to turn and then throw satan chained into the lake of fire forever and ever? That doesn’t make any since either. Why not chain and bound him, throw away the key, throw him into the lake of fire with the beast and false prophet before the thousand years.
God has a reason and purpose behind everything He does, therefore there has to be a meaning and purpose of the thousand years.
I’ll give you another explanation why I feel this may possibly be a time of rest. God, worked 6 days and rested on the seventh, and God told Israel that for 6 days they shall work and on the seventh is to be a holy day, a day of rest.
Then there is satan, to my knowledge satan hasn’t taken any days off from trying to destroy all that God has made good, especially mankind. Him and his minion’s causing havoc within so many people throughout the world. Trying and doing all he can to keep people in the dark by whatever means. But for a handful of us, we come to the truth and we step out of that darkness into light, that drives satan crazy. So he goes after Christians also, we end up fighting unbelievable spiritual battles. Killing Christians by the multitude around the world, trying to keep the Good News of Christ reaching the ears of others. Satan doesn’t want Jesus to have what belongs to Him. Satan has been at it for 6000 years and working over time now.
That thousand year reign I can’t help but believe is very possibly, going to be a holy day, a Sabbath, a day of rest where no evil will be able to have its way. Jesus will rule, having us with Him. Business isn’t done yet though, satan will be let loose again for a short time, and why that is, I cannot explain, wish I could. Just know I have to trust God and know He knows exactly what He is doing.
I hope this makes sense, and though it’s a theory of mine, its one of many I’ve worked on over the last couple of decades and know also during that timing of a thousand years there is other things going on. Just until I learn more I can’t speak on that.
Lord Bless