God draws us to Him by that of Jesus and His finished works on the cross, John 6:44.
How did the natural man understand Jesus works? We agree that he doesn't understand spiritual things.
Faith says yes we do believe Jesus died on the cross for our sins and we are sinners needing Gods forgiveness and that only comes by Gods grace through faith, Ephesians 2:8
Eph 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, .
Whether we understand "it is the gift of God" to refer to grace or faith, that faith that "says yes" is still expressing an understanding of spiritual things; which the natural man can't do.
Faith according to Hebrews 11:1 is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Faith says I can only hope at first until it is revealed to me by the Spiritual rebirth/renewal of my inner man until I gain Spiritual knowledge to understand in full why Jesus died for me.
I see nothing in the grammar to indicate that there is a hierarchy of the substance and evidence. Faith is both of these things, with no indication that one depends upon the other in time or logic. If one has faith it is the substance of his hope; if one has faith it is evidence of things that can not be seen.
So my question remains; what is that which creates:
understanding of Jesus works,
faith that says yes,
the substance of hope,
the evidence of things not seen?
It is that which God uses to draw. And that is that which has drawn everyone who has, does, or ever will believe; it is a new heart given by God through the Holy Spirit. And that is what makes a new man, a regenerated man.
Nicodemus was a Pharisee taught under the teachings of the prophets in the OT but like all the Pharisees he too had no Spiritual understanding and after hearing what seemed to be strange teachings to him he asked Jesus how could these things be, pertaining to the rebirth. Jesus ask him since he was a master or another word a priest of the Temple why he could not understand that of the rebirth as it was taught by the prophets. Nicodemus then by faith became Spiritually reborn again, but had to hide it from the other Pharisees as he feared what they might do to him. [/QUOTE]
Do we know that none of the Pharisees have spiritual understanding? What about Paul? Sounds like a new thread to me.