Now this is worthwhile thread!
Nothing worthwhile... Good.
So, if you go back in time with a time machine and kill your grandfather... will woulder if you have you ever lived in first place?
Not! Not, if you are from the conglomerate of inter-dimensional and inter-planetary rescue squad... assigned to earth and all it's inter-dimensional counterparts. Which looks for unstable threads within inter-dimensional counterparts wich should have never been in first place!
You have no idea what I am talking about? Ok..first rulke of inter-dimensiuonal physics and all i's sub-uneversal counterparts. (Please note they are so intellegent they do not know how to spell? I side affect from traveling so much between every possibility that ever happens!"
So... what does that mean in laymens terms?
Yum yum... you see an icecream man. This is great. You know he had chocolate or vanilla. Yum. So you up to him and you have to make up your mind? Chocolate or Vanilla? Yumm. 50/50 decision!
"Alarm.. Alarm... we have a person going into decision. Priority one!"
"Ok." THe head of logistics says, "We have a person trying icem cream cone and it's in red!"
The red means, "Universal analizer."
So he says, "We have a woman or man..can't tell by the readouts I have that a person will chooze a flavored Icecream cone.
Logistics... " Situational analizer, do we have a bearin g on this peson and what that "Alien: we take?"
Situational analizer, "We have a spiral within the grid... we have no idea what is right or what is wrong... in this area..."
"Figures... Bring up the agent for this particular earth and bring him here."
I am sitting at my desk... watching a video of something eating something from an earth movie.. twirling my long hair... since guys wear there her long in this place. When I get, "We need you right now for an emergency."
"On screen." twirling my long locks... I see a person asking for an icecream cone... same old thing. Someone asking something... and millions of future people will be destroyed if the person gets the wrong flavor. How about giant war... or things into space... those are fun. No.. just a girl or boy...can't tell anyways... but, who cares I am an androgenous alien anyway... Male, female, all the same!
"On my way."
Sparrowhawk1161..guy who thinks he is--"
"Quiet on that part... haven't figured that out yet... species thing you know..."
"--You have a person trying to figure out what flavor the icecream is."
"A girl or boy..."
"Right up my ***...OK, will work on it?"
"Do we at least know the flavor," I asked.
"Don't know it... but, what ever this person does.. flavor or not... the descendants of this person will either create a beautiful societyu or kilkl a million people in the future..."
"Yey, no wonder me to do this..."
"Open up the gate and I pick myself," I told the controller.
A spark of light and a triangular form of multi-colored lighting, creating a pattern of a prism of mutil-colored light, to upon a dimensional portal.
And I was through it in your time your earth and your area... my long hair vanished to a short style and I put my comb through my short hair and I was encompassed by overalls and jeans...
Figures..look like father john... stupid portals can never get whats on your mind...
Now I was looking for someone...woman or man who was eating a vanilla icecream or chocolate....
Long day...