This is just wrong, plain and simple.. The rapture was talked about as early if not earier than 375 AD.
All the saints and elect of God are gathered together before the tribulation, which is to come, and are taken to the Lord, in order that they may not see at any time the confusion which overwhelms the world because of our sins. -Pseudo-Ephraem (c. 374-627)
Question for you post tribers. Can you show me where in history any writing of a "post trib view" and I don't mean the bible, Because we see the same verses and have different views, anywhere in history ?
As you can see and check for yourself, the mention of rapture was around at lease 1000 yrs before Darby. So just to say the 1800 is the birth of the pretrib view is wrong, wrong.
I have never heard of Pseudo-Ephraem before, so I googled him. I found the text from which your quote was taken. He says some other interesting things in the same text.
Pseudo-Ephraem said:Dearly beloved brothers, believe the Holy Spirit who speaks in us. We have already told you that the end of the world is near, the consummation remains. Has not faith withered away among mankind? How many foolish things are seen among youths, how many crimes among prelates, how many lies among priests, how many perjuries among deacons! There are evil deeds among the ministers, adulteries in the aged, wantonness in the youths--in mature women false faces, in virgins dangerous traces! In the midst of all this there are the wars with the Persians, and we see struggles with diverse nations threatening and "kingdom rising against kingdom." When the Roman empire begins to be consumed by the sword, the coming of the Evil One is at hand. It is necessary that the world come to an end at the completion of the Roman empire. In those days two brothers will come to the Roman empire who will rule with one mind; but because one will surpass the other, there will be a schism between them. And so the Adversary will be loosed and will stir up hatred between the Persian and Roman empires. In those days many will rise up against Rome; the Jewish people will be her adversaries. There will be stirrings of nations and evil reports, pestilences, famines, and earth quakes in various places. All nations will receive captives; there will be wars and rumors of wars. From the rising to the setting of the sun the sword will devour much. The times will be so dangerous that in fear and trembling they will not permit thought of better things, because many will be the oppressions and desolations of regions that are to come.
He predicted that the rapture and tribulation would be connected with the fall of the Roman Empire. It's hard to put an exact date on it, but the latest generally accepted date for the end of the Roman Empire is in the early 7th century. According to Pseudo-Ephraem, we are now a full 1300 years past the rapture.
If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the LORD does not take place or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him. (Deu. 18:22 NIV)
While this does indeed appear to be an example of belief in a pre-trib rapture from well before the 19th century, according to the biblical standard, Pseudo-Ephraem was a false prophet. While this doesn't necessarily mean that he was wrong about everything else, it does mean that he is not a source that we can base our doctrines on.