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The Rapture is wrong !

First I'd like to tell my friends here that I am back from an extended illness.
I am recovering slowly but very pleased to be back posting.
John Bronzesnake

I notice I can't access any highlite options such as bold text, quotes, underlines etc.
Anyone lese having any similar problems?

OK let's go!

freeway wrote - The Rapture is wrong !
The rapture or the rupture as I call it is a myth and a fairy tale and an old wives tale.

Bronzesnake Replies - I’ve heard this argument in relation to the entire Bible!
I expect this kind of attack from non believers but I have also heard believers (kind of oxymoron when they deny major doctrine) say this very same thing about the Genesis scriptures and many others.

freeway wrote -People who are untrained and unlearned act as if they understand the Bible.

Bronzesnake Replies - (heavy sigh...eyes rolling) OK right off this is extremely condescending. Anyone who disagrees with your interpretation qualifies as People who are untrained and unlearned I presume.
It would be far better to leave out such self promoting language out of the discussion and simply lay out your evidence...anyway...

freeway wrote - To escape the wrath to come they invent the rapture.
Well if you do in fact promote this point of view then let’s take it to its logical conclusion and proclaim that all sinners have invented Jesus and His work on the cross and resurrection due to the fact that we are all doomed to Hell, so in order to escape the eternal Hell to come we invented Jesus and the cross.

Also, I assume Moses would have simply drowned if he had not have invented the ark to escape the flood.

Take care freeway.
Hi bronzesnake glad to hear you are doing better, but of course I did not know you where ill... just the same glad to hear... not to the comment at hand.. bronze you must have read the thread wrong, or mis quoted want you wanted to say... as follows.
John Bronzesnake
freeway wrote - The Rapture is wrong !
The rapture or the rupture as I call it is a myth and a fairy tale and an old wives tale
No I did not say that, I believe in a pre trib rapture.. that quote was from::::
elvispelvis;;The rapture or the rupture as I call it is a myth and a fairy tale and an old wives tale.
Bronzesnake Replies - I’ve heard this argument in relation to the entire Bible!
I expect this kind of attack from non believers but I have also heard believers (kind of oxymoron when they deny major doctrine) say this very same thing about the Genesis scriptures and many others.
???? not sure what you're saying here.. please explain..
freeway wrote -People who are untrained and unlearned act as if they understand the Bible
Broonzesnake again, I looked back through the thread,, lots of them, could not find where I said that. Also that does not sound like me.. please show me where I said that...
Bronzesnake Replies - (heavy sigh...eyes rolling) OK right off this is extremely condescending. Anyone who disagrees with your interpretation qualifies as People who are untrained and unlearned I presume.
It would be far better to leave out such self promoting language out of the discussion and simply lay out your evidence...anyway...
refering to the post, I don't believe I said that.. am going to look again..
freeway wrote - To escape the wrath to come they invent the rapture.
Well if you do in fact promote this point of view then let’s take it to its logical conclusion and proclaim that all sinners have invented Jesus and His work on the cross and resurrection due to the fact that we are all doomed to Hell, so in order to escape the eternal Hell to come we invented Jesus and the cross.
Again I believe in a rapture, I did not say it is..
People who are untrained and unlearned act as if they understand the Bible.
To escape the wrath to come they invent the rapture
. that was elvispelvis in his opening post... not me...
Also, I assume Moses would have simply drowned if he had not have invented the ark to escape the flood.
Man you must have been fired up over this, Moses would have drowned, but not in the ark, but in the Red Sea.;). Now Noah needed the ark.. could'nt help.... sorry..
Take care freeway.
Walter said. Yeah, and I always wondered how letting a plane load of people plow into the ground becuase their pilot was "raptured" would further the cause of Christ.
Now this is just supreme... You're saying how can a loving God let people die to futher his cause... Now I can not of course tell you why God lets things happen as they do.. Like the Lockaby plane crash, the Jet blue plane crash in the Ocean, the Plane in the Florida everglades, Oh and of course the Twin Towers plane crashes where 1000's of lives where taken.. In those crashes christian and non christians where killed, true... Now if a plane crashes after the rapture, well sadly those people are not God loving people, What about when the children of Israel went into the promise land. What did God tell them to do.... yes kill everyone, man woman and child....I believe God is better at this then we want to give him credit for..... freeway
The Truth will set you free, and XTruth will help lead you there!

Very well said XTruth!

We will know in about 6 hours whether he is leading us to the truth. He has predicted that the rapture will be today, before sunset in Jerusalem. That will be at 6:51 PM, local time.
We will know in about 6 hours whether he is leading us to the truth. He has predicted that the rapture will be today, before sunset in Jerusalem. That will be at 6:51 PM, local time.

So can I now know that there won't be anymore posts from him? I mean, he has to prove himself right, right? And what better way to do this than never post here again so we all believe he was raptured.
Good ridence!

Anyone else not here? Please sound off, time for an attendance record.
So can I now know that there won't be anymore posts from him? I mean, he has to prove himself right, right? And what better way to do this than never post here again so we all believe he was raptured.
Good ridence!

Anyone else not here? Please sound off, time for an attendance record.

Well, he did write this in another thread:

This is my last post I hope, and my last warning for people not to be left behind; however, I post this as a remaining letter for those who are left behind. If you are a believer and left behind, then you must be confused, mad, scared. Many professing Christians don't follow Christ... this is the reason you were left, or will be left unless you repent and sin no more. Jesus is coming back for the righteous... the sinless

"That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish (Eph.5:27)."

(Emphasis by Theo)

Since then he's made 6 posts. If we're all still here tomorrow (which I believe we will be), he will probably keep posting to explain why his timeline (which actually goes back to last July) still isn't wrong. To be fair, he does say that Sept. 25 is another possible date for the rapture.

The Valley of the dry bones of the Seals 1-4 will come first with the completion of Seal 5 which is the culmination of the Prophecy at 1335 days, counting since Moses in the appearance of the false prophet gog which was as balaam and the times of the nephilim along with 10 worldwide rulers who will given their power in one purpose to the beast from the sea/earth in implementing the image with breathe of life and the mark of the number of the name of the false prophet gog. I AM against you gog and magog is the brother of Gomer.
We will know in about 6 hours whether he is leading us to the truth. He has predicted that the rapture will be today, before sunset in Jerusalem. That will be at 6:51 PM, local time.
Hmmm...I must have missed that line...if so that is so wrong!
As we all well know, no one knows but the Father.
Hmmm...I must have missed that line...if so that is so wrong!
As we all well know, no one knows but the Father.

It was in another thread.

If I may, None of the Bible is wrong. Our interpretations may be wrong, but to call other out for misinterpretation when we have not checked our own interpretations is probably more wrong than either....
Problem is "We are not either in Heaven or Hell until God's judgment...After the second coming.." I would ask you to do more research before you settle your mind to resolve such a premise...Until God brings us all forward to present our sins , we will not be with him for the eternity he promises each of us.
If I may, None of the Bible is wrong. Our interpretations may be wrong, but to call other out for misinterpretation when we have not checked our own interpretations is probably more wrong than either....
Problem is "We are not either in Heaven or Hell until God's judgment...After the second coming.." I would ask you to do more research before you settle your mind to resolve such a premise...Until God brings us all forward to present our sins , we will not be with him for the eternity he promises each of us.

Some things people say are obviously wrong. I think the rapture is one of them. Yet another rapture prediction has come and gone with no rapture. 2000 years worth now. I think it's pretty safe to say there is never going to be one. The earth is ours to take care of and make better. Too many use the second coming/rapture to abdicate responsibility for any actions they take here.
Amen coffee, the idea is to go back to the garden, the restoration of all things.

When I received the Kingdom in 2000 I was caught up in the air (pneuma ''breath'') with the Lord in the clouds (spirit) and in a twinkling of an eye was forever changed. It's the soul not just the spirit that will return to God. Those who overcome will not know the second death (death of the soul).

So it all depends how you look at it, with natural eyes or with eyes to see and ears to hear...

So if only the Father knows the day and hour that Jesus returns, then it stands to reason that we will know only when Jesus is actually back walking the earth.

There is a difference also between the coming of the Lord (coming as a thief) and the revealing if the Lord (all eyes will see Him).

Like the first time. And go tell the martyrs of the world for the sake of Jesus the tribulation they are going through is a figment of their imagination.

Tell them about the pre-trib rapture while they're beaten and bruised for the savior.
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The Truth will set you free, and XTruth will help lead you there!

Very well said XTruth!

I respectfully disagree:

Apparently He uses Dake's Topics as his source without a link. It's a board in honor of Finis J. Dake/Bible.

Dake Bible Discussion Board • View topic - [DAKE] Thank God for Dake

Search also found --- History of Dake and His Heretical Teachings | – Dake Bible, – Dake’s Books, – Dake’s Trial, – False Teachings, Finis Dake | Finis Dake and Dangerous Cults | Finis Dake and Dangerous Cults: The Truth About Dangerous
Matthew 24
48 But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming;
49 And shall begin to smite his fellowservants, and to eat and drink with the drunken;
50 The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of,
51 And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Jesus in this passage is prophecying of pretrib believing backsliders.

if someone is not right with God, why would they even THINK they would go up in the pre-trib rapture? There will be many lukewarm believers left behind. There will be many posttrib believers left behind, because they will not be watching and they will have no faith for a pretrib rapture.

However, all that aside, there will be some who will be ready and watching, and Jesus will come to the air, and call us up, before the 70th week and Day of the Lord has even started. When God has made a way of escape, and set no appointment with His wrath, why would I want to stay behind? No! NO! I am taking the way of Escape which is HIS PLAN for all believers. I don't want to miss the wedding or supper.

The rapture or the rupture as I call it is a myth and a fairy tale and an old wives tale.

People who are untrained and unlearned act as if they understand the Bible.

To escape the wrath to come they invent the rapture.

One simple scripture shoots down the rapture in flames!

Scripture must agree with scripture to stop people from wresting scripture.

2Cr 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things [done] in [his] body, according to that he hath done, whether [it be] good or bad.

The total disregard for these Bible verses shows me people who dont understand the old testament.

How can you go before " The Judgment Seat of Christ" to receive good or bad if you already are in heaven from the rapture .

The thought that you are called away to heaven is not scriptural.

The language of 1 thes 4 is hard to be understood those that are unlearned in the old testament
wrest to their own destruction.

2Pe 3:16 As also in all [his] epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as [they do] also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.

Mat 12:36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

If scripture is to agree with scripture everyone goes to the Judgment Seat of Christ to answer EVERY IDLE WORD YOU SPOKE.

How can any one fit this scripture into the rapture theory!

If you are raptured away how did you get taken to heaven before the Judgment Seat of Christ.

No where in 1 Thess 4 does it say heaven however it does say' in the air'.
What does" in the air" mean?

For this we have to go to the old testament and allow scripture to interpret scripture!

2 Tim 4 ;

1 In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge:
2 Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage–with great patience and careful instruction.

3 For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.
4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.

5 But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry.

Psa 78:5 For he established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their children:

Isa 8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, [it is] because [there is] no light in them.

"To escape the wrath to come they invent the rapture." I want to be there when you tell Paul that he invented the rapture!
One simple scripture shoots down the rapture in flames!" You did not show us which one! Unless perhaps is is this one in your imagination:

2Cr 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things [done] in [his] body, according to that he hath done, whether [it be] good or bad.

Did it occur to you that perhaps people are raptured to heaven (where He is) FOR this judgment?

"How can you go before " The Judgment Seat of Christ" to receive good or bad if you already are in heaven from the rapture ."

Very simple, the judgment seat of Christ is IN HEAVEN where HE is.

The thought that you are called away to heaven is not scriptural.

Does "in my Father's house are many mansions" & "I go to prepare a place for you, that where I am, there you may be also" ring any memory bells?

The language of 1 thes 4 is hard to be understood those that are unlearned in the old testament wrest to their own destruction.

I am convinced most 5th graders could understand this passage. It is in quite simple language.

"No where in 1 Thess 4 does it say heaven however it does say' in the air'. "What does" in the air" mean?"

It also says clouds. If we look up into the air, do we not see clouds? However, it is understood from John 14 that He has gone to prepare a place for us, that where HE is, there we will be taken to be with Him. He went to heaven. That is where the mansions are built for us. He added, "and so shall we ever be with the Lord." Do you imagine that forever more Jesus will stay in the clouds and in the air? There are other scriptures that disprove this theory.
However, since you wrote this so long again, it may well be you are gone.

More than likely, our generation will die before the rapture. Therefore, we will rest in Sheol grave until Bema seat.
More than likely, our generation will die before the rapture. Therefore, we will rest in Sheol grave until Bema seat.

Are You ALIVE in Christ right at this moment Urk? Why in the world would Christ put us back in a Grave as believers, when He rescued us From Death and the Grave in the first place?

Don't fall for religion trying to take away the promise and Joy of Heaven for the Church.

The moment a believer physically dies we are face to face with the Lord and in Heaven.