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The rapture of the Church


Total amount

I will have to take your viewpoints under consideration. You made some good points that I should weigh out and pray about.

You mentioned that I quoted from one of the websites on Latter Rain. Oops! Actually that was edited in after I had already posted my response. I found that site while doing the homework I spoke of. It agreed almost word for word with what I said, so I stuck it in there.

The one point I may disagree with you on is where you stated that the different rainy seasons affected different types of crops. Wheat would be planted in the fall, it would winter over in the soil and come up in the spring for harvest again in late summer. Fruit crops would not be re-planted year after year like wheat or barley would be. Once the tree became mature, it would bear fruit year after year. But the fruit trees would bloom in the spring, and the fruit would be ready for harvest in late summer at the same time, generally speaking, as the wheat. It would ripen with the same rainy season that ripened the wheat. Any farm boy would know that. Sometimes it is a benefit to have been raised on a farm. Form late August til up into November is harvest season. It is the busiest time of year on a farm, aside from planting season.

We aren't talking about two or three different rainy seasons with each specifically benefiting three different types of crops. The three rainy seasons equally benefitted all types of crops at the same time. We spoke of the wheat crop, but we could have been talking about the barley, flax, cumin, grapes or olive crops as well. Or we could have been talking about all of them inclusively. But instead, we singled out the wheat crop.
Vic said:
Let Us Reason does a reasonable job at explaining it better that I.

They have a whole page of links; I am about to check some out.

I personally wouldn't use these people. They flatly deny the scriptural authority of some things I am unshakably convinced are scriptural. Things plainly mentioned in the scriptures, they claim is...(what is the word they used...brb...ah, yeah!) "false teachings". How can they state that something spoken of clearly in the scriptures is false? Go figure! They go beyond that to state categorically that anyone who believes those things are "Anti-Israel."

I don't know of anyone in the leftovers from the Latter Rain movement that is anti-Israel. It is another prejudicial word that people like this nut-case use to slander what they don't understand. If the author of this garbage actually knew anyone from the Latter Rain movement personally (rather than heresay) he wouldn't make that statement. It is like claiming someone is anti-semitic because he believed in the Israel Identity message. Hogwash.

If I was looking for pertinent, factual information on Latter Rain when I found that website, I would still be looking for pertinent, factual information on Latter Rain when I left.

Latter has some very good information, but you have to pick your way through the rest of what they have to say to find it. There are lots of other very good informational websites on Latter Rain, but LetusReason isn't one of them. IMHO
Israel's 2nd rain is greater than the 1st

In Acts, no kids are used to do miracles, but kids are now used by God to open blind eyes, deaf ears & even raise the dead in Jesus' name

Quick feature about taking God @ His Word:-

Just time for a picture of our being instantly changed @ the Rapture - as in 1 Corinthians 15:51-58 - to meet the Lord in the air in a twinkling of an eye - as fast as ya can blink

Rapture Scriptures speak for themselves:- ... 215#318215

"Let God be true & all men liars"

If you open a pot noodle or packet vegetable soup, you see just powder, yes?

But added water produces perfect peas, beans, etc

"Nothing is too difficult for God"

Believers can counter atheist campaigns to deceive youth on YouTube at these 2 new sites:- ... 213#318213

Just time to add that my Bible College theology professor also said 'the Millenium must be a misunderstanding, as only Revelation 20 mentions it'

I said, "That's the only mention of the timespan, but as the Bible clearly promises Messiah will rule the world with a rod of iron from Zion & establish perfect peace & justice, you're calling God a liar if you deny it"

Your attitude to Coop @ the Great Tribulation sure seems similar

What if only 1 Scripture specifies timespan?

Joel 3, Zechariah 12-14 & Revelation 6, 8, 9, 13 & 16 etc will be fulfilled

& today's techno & prophecy-fulfilling alliances etc underline the urgency of completing the Great Commision of Matt 28 & Mark 16

Link for today's news & Christian TV specials @ Holocaust Memorial Day & Sunday International Day of Prayer for, & solidarity with, Israel:- ... 232#318232

From memory, several regular Israel & Bible prophecy update programs are linked there

Maybe offline 2/3 days, as I turn 59 on Sat, so I close by commending Isaiah 59 to any keen evangelists out there ;-)

As for Isaiah 58 fasting...

Must go

BenJasher said:
I personally wouldn't use these people. They flatly deny the scriptural authority of some things I am unshakably convinced are scriptural. Things plainly mentioned in the scriptures, they claim is...(what is the word they used...brb...ah, yeah!) "false teachings". How can they state that something spoken of clearly in the scriptures is false? Go figure! They go beyond that to state categorically that anyone who believes those things are "Anti-Israel."

I don't know of anyone in the leftovers from the Latter Rain movement that is anti-Israel. It is another prejudicial word that people like this nut-case use to slander what they don't understand. If the author of this garbage actually knew anyone from the Latter Rain movement personally (rather than heresay) he wouldn't make that statement. It is like claiming someone is anti-semitic because he believed in the Israel Identity message. Hogwash.

If I was looking for pertinent, factual information on Latter Rain when I found that website, I would still be looking for pertinent, factual information on Latter Rain when I left.

Latter has some very good information, but you have to pick your way through the rest of what they have to say to find it. There are lots of other very good informational websites on Latter Rain, but LetusReason isn't one of them. IMHO
Well you could have simply said you disagreed with them based on what you thought was misinformation or misunderstanding. You may not like them calling anyone a heretic, but when you are dealing with groups like the ones mentioned, who think they are apostles and believe in Israel replacement nonsense, the shoe fits. This new movement was rejected by the Assemblies of God themselves!

That whole group, Oral Roberts, Branham, Copeland, Hagin, Hinn and the rest of them and their Restoration concept, gives me chills right down to my very soul! There is no "restoration" for the church (we were "restored" 2,000 years ago, if you think about) nor will there be any latter day rain for us. What there WILL be is apostasia!!! We are seeing it grow and increase by the year and when Jesus does come back, He may NOT fond any real Faith here on Earth.

Israel had it's first outpouring some 2,000 years ago; most rejected it and brought this dry season (which we call the church age) upon themselves. God promised restoration (latter rain) for them, but only when:

Rom 11:25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.

Your best source for truth is not from any of these sites, but from a little knowledge of history and most of all...
Scripture! :angel:
Vic C. said:
Well you could have simply said you disagreed with them based on what you thought was misinformation or misunderstanding. You may not like them calling anyone a heretic, but when you are dealing with groups like the ones mentioned, who think they are apostles and believe in Israel replacement nonsense, the shoe fits. This new movement was rejected by the Assemblies of God themselves!

That whole group, Oral Roberts, Branham, Copeland, Hagin, Hinn and the rest of them and their Restoration concept, gives me chills right down to my very soul! There is no "restoration" for the church (we were "restored" 2,000 years ago, if you think about) nor will there be any latter day rain for us. What there WILL be is apostasia!!! We are seeing it grow and increase by the year and when Jesus does come back, He may NOT fond any real Faith here on Earth.

Israel had it's first outpouring some 2,000 years ago; most rejected it and brought this dry season (which we call the church age) upon themselves. God promised restoration (latter rain) for them, but only when:

Rom 11:25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.

Your best source for truth is not from any of these sites, but from a little knowledge of history and most of all...
Scripture! :angel:
Ditto!!! :biggrin
I apologize Vic, if I seemed to come across a little strong. People like that wear me out and turn me off. They trumpet so loudly about something they have no business voicing an opinion on. I could drop a few names of people on here that do the same thing. But I won't.

Vic said:
...You may not like them calling anyone a heretic, but when you are dealing with groups like the ones mentioned, who think they are apostles and believe in Israel replacement nonsense, the shoe fits. This new movement was rejected by the Assemblies of God themselves!

No one I know of personally refers to themselves or anyone else as an Apostle. It is unheard of in my circles. And the same goes for replacing Israel. No one claims to be, or acknowledges any need for a replacement for Israel. Beware of prejudicial garbage pukers.

As far as a new movement that was rejected by the Assemblies of God, I know of none. I know that the AOG didn't like the Latter Rain movement, but that was egotism and politics. At that time the AOG thought they had the market cornered on the Holy Spirit, and didn't like the competition. (They are still that way) Maybe there is another, newer move. I don't know. But then I don't stay in the loop of what I call religious Babylon.

Maybe I need to go back and read that article again. Obviously you gleaned things from that article I didn't even see.

That whole group, Oral Roberts, Branham, Copeland, Hagin, Hinn and the rest of them and their Restoration concept, gives me chills right down to my very soul! There is no "restoration" for the church (we were "restored" 2,000 years ago, if you think about) nor will there be any latter day rain for us. What there WILL be is apostasia!!! We are seeing it grow and increase by the year and when Jesus does come back, He may NOT fond any real Faith here on Earth.

Again, religious Babylon. Maybe that is why I am unfamiliar with their Restoration concept. Benny Hinn causes me to think of an overstuffed haggis every time I see him.

This last statement of yours points out a difference in understanding between you and me. The Church wasn't "restored" 2000 years ago. It was "born" 2000 years ago. Remember the woman in Revelations that gave birth to the Man-child?

Since that time, we have experienced the apostasia. How else would you define or explain the Dark Ages? It certainly wasn't a time of great blessing or advancement of the Gospel. The light of the Gospel was put out. The Vicar of Christ exalted himself to be God, and spoke great blasphemies with impunity during that time. At the height of the Dark Ages, the Vicar of Christ, the Pontifus Maximus, was the most powerful man on earth. Hundreds of thousands, and maybe even millions of innocent people died for no other reason than it was the wish of the Holy See. (He was just chock full of Christian love, wasn't he?) It lasted 1000 years. It was by no means an insignificant event eschatologically.

The Church was planted in the Fall, in accordance with the Hebrew planting schedule. It wintered over in the soil during the Dark Ages. And for the last 500 years we have been in the growing season. The Church has been growing and maturing and is being brought to the time of the Harvest, which should be soon by the clock I just specified.

Israel had it's first outpouring some 2,000 years ago; most rejected it and brought this dry season (which we call the church age) upon themselves. God promised restoration (latter rain) for them, but only when:

That outpouring started in Israel, for sure, but it wasn't more than a few months and it was spreading like a wildfire amongst the Gentiles. It has had it biggest reception among the Gentiles. If the former rain was upon the fertile soil of the Gentiles, the latter rain would by necessity have to be upon that same fertile soil.

And if you took Romans 11:25 and compared it with what Peter said and what Paul said in other places on the same subject, you will find a completely different eschatological event, one which is to occur after the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. If the rejection of Israel brought glory unto the Gentiles, how much more glorious shall their acceptance be but life from the dead?

Much of what alleged was false teaching is spoken of very clearly in the scriptures. It is the prejudicial garbage pukers that would want you to think otherwise.

In case you haven't noticed, I have a solid foundation in history. It isn't one of my favorite subjects by choice, but it is something that just "sticks to me." I was one of those guys in History class that could barely pay attention, not even take notes, and outscore everyone else. Sorry! It isn't something I do on purpose. I promise. And I am not ashamed of myself as a student of the scriptures. I have spent over thirty years studying them. I think I am at least familiar with them. A little bit anyways. :wink:
I know you are versed in scripture, which is why I was taken back by what I considered a defense of this latter day rain movement. This is a subjet that has crept up on me from time to time and I didn't pay much attention to it until I was more aware of OT End Times prophecy. The more I learn about this movementm the more I see how it lines up with New Age philosophy. My head wants to explode. :lol:

2 Tim 4:1 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
2 Tim 4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
2 Tim 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
2 Tim 4:4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
2 Tim 4:5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.

Much of what alleged was false teaching is spoken of very clearly in the scriptures. It is the prejudicial garbage pukers that would want you to think otherwise.
No need to apologize for how you feel about them and their site. I too have to read past their rhetoric, pick that which I see as sound and fit, do the homework to see if it lines up with scripture and run with it. I stumble sometimes too. I was hasty in my assessment of the rainy seasons, but still do see a second season for "Israel", when once again an outpouring of the Spirit will come upon this remnent. I just don't see it as part of the "church" age.

That outpouring started in Israel, for sure, but it wasn't more than a few months and it was spreading like a wildfire amongst the Gentiles. It has had it biggest reception among the Gentiles. If the former rain was upon the fertile soil of the Gentiles, the latter rain would by necessity have to be upon that same fertile soil.
Maybe I'm wrong, but wasn't it some 3 1/2 years after Pentecost, when the Gospel moved in among the Gentile nations?... and yes, the gentiles were recipients of this 'rain', but unlike the Jews, they (Gentiles) didn't squander (reject) the rain. No need for a second outpouring upon the ekklesia. We have Jesus; they do not, as of yet.

This last statement of yours points out a difference in understanding between you and me. The Church wasn't "restored" 2000 years ago. It was "born" 2000 years ago. Remember the woman in Revelations that gave birth to the Man-child?
Yeah, my fault; bad choice of words. When I think of the work finished at the Cross, I think of Romans 12:2 and
2 Corinthians 5:17. I was also thinking on a personal level, not on the level of the ekklesia as a whole. I guess I could throw Romans 12:4 in there too. Maybe the word "renewed" would have been a better choice.

In case you haven't noticed, I have a solid foundation in history.
I know you do. Consider this though; the events which have taken place over the last 100 years or so are part of the church's history too. ;-) Let's not let them redefine Scripture. I know I mentioned the best sources are history and Scripture itself, but let me know what you think of this, which I am reading this evening.
I need to go in 9 mins

God often talked @ restoring His people to Him in times of apostasy - as in Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel etc etc

We now are in the Laodicean church age - Revelation 3:18-21

Revelation 3:18-21 (New International Version)

18I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see. 19Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent. 20Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me. 21To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne.

Again, Pentecost corresponds to Israel's spring rains

& the global outpouring that I've been involved in praying for since I was saved in 1962 is Joel 2:21-24 Latter Rain

21 Be not afraid, O land;
be glad and rejoice.
Surely the LORD has done great things.

22 Be not afraid, O wild animals,
for the open pastures are becoming green.
The trees are bearing their fruit;
the fig tree and the vine yield their riches.

23 Be glad, O people of Zion,
rejoice in the LORD your God,
for he has given you
the autumn rains in righteousness. [d]
He sends you abundant showers,
both autumn and spring rains, as before.

24 The threshing floors will be filled with grain;
the vats will overflow with new wine and oil.

Dad was born the year of the Welsh Revival - 1904 - when God used litle kids to preach in the playgrounds & lead teachers to faith

Now we see what Acts didn't - kids being used of God to open blind eyes, deaf ears & even raise the dead in Jesus' name

Back to print..

See more @ & click hisory @ &

Must go

Ok, I see we are still friends, so I will relax my stance a bit. My quills were standing straight up for a bit.

Maybe you are seeing a different "side" (maybe?) than what I am familiar with as far as Latter Rain is concerned. The ones I know personally are good solid Christian folks, they don't seem to be kooky new age types. And the things you say about them are foreign to me. Maybe there is a recent movement that is calling itself by the same name. I dunno.

I do know that my Dad answered the door one time to some Latter Rain folks preaching door to door when I was a young child. I sat in the floor in the corner while one of the men told my Dad things that only he and God knew about. This man had what I would guess was the word of knowledge. Instead of making a believer of my Dad though, it made him angry and he threw them out of the house.

In the 43 of my life since that time I have remained convinced that there is no one going to have a word of knowledge that strongly in him without an authentic operation of the Holy Spirit in his life. Wannabe's and other types won't be able to speak the way this guy did.

The stories I hear is that during the outpouring in the late 40's, called the Latter Rain by those who were involved, if you were the type that did not believe in the operation of the Holy Spirit, it would be plum scary to be in one of their services. But ah well...

Romans 12:2 "Be not conformed, but be transformed, by the renewing..."
Notice that that word has the prefix "re". It indicates that at one time our minds already existed (at one time in the past) in a state that we knew what the good, and the right, and the perfect will of God was. But now, we need to be transformed somehow to be able to return to that state.

1Corinthians 5:17 "If any man is in Christ he is a new creature..."
If you are in Christ, you are no longer a sinner saved by Grace. A sinner saved by grace is recycled junk. (That is what I teach my congregation. And I use this verse as a springboard when I do.) But anyone who is in Christ is a New Creation. You are no longer dead in your sins. You are dead to your sins, and the life you now live is hid with Christ in God. But this isn't a platform for me to preach on. Guess what I am preaching on in the morning? :)

I am aware that the day we live in is a significant time in history and eschatology. Probably the most significant. All of the last 6000 years has brought us to this point in time. We are the ones born into this time. It wasn't Peter and it wasn't Job. But if I read things aright, they would trade places with us if given the chance.

I have the link you specified open right now in a different tab. When I am done here, I will go read it. I will let you know my thoughts on it tomorrow.
Israel's 2nd rain is greater than the 1st

In Acts, no kids are used to do miracles, but kids are now used by God to open blind eyes, deaf ears & even raise the dead in Jesus' name

Good point Ian. Not only that, but there is a vast difference in whom the Holy Spirit is going to poured out upon in the Latter Rain.

Just time for a picture of our being instantly changed @ the Rapture - as in 1 Corinthians 15:51-58 - to meet the Lord in the air in a twinkling of an eye - as fast as ya can blink

Ok. The twinkling of an eye has more to do with a shift of focus that how fast your eye blinks. Enatomos enhripe opthalmos. In a moment, at the jerking of the eye. It is indicating a shift of focus.

Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye here gazing into heaven? We have been watching the skys since He left, looking for His return. That ain't where we need to be looking if we are to see Him. We need a shift of focus, a jerking of the eye.

Your attitude to Coop @ the Great Tribulation sure seems similar
My attitude toward Coop was borne out of the fact that he was a fool. All he could do was giggle like a silly girl at anything I said to him, or ridicule anything I had to say. He never once made an attempt to meet me at a place where we could reason together intelligently.

You can't fight a case for your client if you are arguing on the merits of corporate law, and he wants to counter with maritime law. that is where Coop and I were. We didn't have joinder. I presented exegetics. He responded with eisigetics. And then laughed.

The definition of stress said:
When your mind exerts the superhuman effort necessary to override the body's overwhelming desire to knock the smile off of someone's face

I was left with no alternative but to disdain him and place him on my ignore list.

Makes no difference how funny the joke is, once you hear it enough times it ceases to be funny.

I don't have an attitude toward the Great Tribulation, except maybe the Futurist interpretation of it.

We now are in the Laodicean church age - Revelation 3:18-21

Prove that exegetically, please. The overlay of the letters to the seven churches onto the history of the Age of Grace and the Church is an extrapolation. To say that we are in the Pergamus age or the Philadelphian age is basically meaningless if you intend for those statements to be taken as facts and sound doctrine. They make for good preaching and serve to get a point across. But these things cannot be taught as sound doctrine. If you try, it soon falls apart like a house of cards.

I think there is only one way the letters to the seven churches can be taught as sound doctrine: That they were written to each of these churches individually and addressed problems each of them were facing or dealing with individually.
You said something I intended to respond to, but didn't at the time.

...I was hasty in my assessment of the rainy seasons, but still do see a second season for "Israel", when once again an outpouring of the Spirit will come upon this remnent. I just don't see it as part of the "church" age.

I agree whole-heartedly. Almost. (You didn't think I would agree completely did you?) There is a second season for Israel.

Israel has been abased. Israel has the heritage of the presence and voice of God. But God turned His face away from Israel and has turned Jerusalem over to be trodden under foot by the Gentiles.

When God has gotten all the Gentiles He has elected to apprehend, the times of the Gentiles will be over. (Pardon my crude manner of speech) God will once again turn His attention toward Israel.

Paul talks about this at length. He says all Israel will be saved. He states that the glory of their acceptance will be such that life will spring forth from the dead. (It ain't important now what I think that means)

Paul also says that eye has not seen, nor has ear heard the great things God has reserved in store for those that love Him.. And this was spoken in context of Israel being accepted once again.

Timeline? I think this will be what finishes out the Age of Grace, what we have been calling the Church Age. I really want to someday devote some time to an in-depth study of this subject. It is a subject that is dear to my heart.
Ben said,

Ok, I see we are still friends, so I will relax my stance a bit. My quills were standing straight up for a bit.
I'm having visions of you standing up, trying to type with a priceless antique quill :fadein:

Not as old as ya theology, is it, Ben? :wink:

Altogether now, Phatfish fans...


We will meet Him in the air

& then we will be like Him

for we shall see Him as He is

Oh yeah!!!

Then all pain & strife will cease

& we'll be with Him forever

& in His glory we shall live

Oh yeah!!! Oh yeah!!!

You're thru to the next round, y'all!!!!!!!! :angel:

I'll read the last 3 posts Mon, DV :wink:


GO, MAN, GO!!!! :multi:

Ian :-D
I'm having visions of you standing up, trying to type with a priceless antique quill

You really are a limey aren't you? I was speaking of porcupine quills, not writing quills. :) I guess they don't have porcupines in England do they?

It was a reference to the defensive posture of a porcupine. :wink:
The Laodicean Church Age - 1

A comprehensive study of the Seven Church Ages and the various major doctrines ... CHAPTER NINE. THE LAODICEAN CHURCH AGE. Revelation 3:14-22 ... - 12k - Cached - More from this site

A Bible Prophecy Study on todays Church

... at the condition of todays church in light of the scriptures ... the Laodicean church age. ... how blind and wretched this Laodicean church age is. ... ... church.htm - 111k - Cached - More from this site


The Laodicean Age began around the turn of the ... that this Laodicean church age group is lukewarm. This lukewarmness demands a penalty from God. ... The Laodicean Church Age.pdf - 237k - View as html - More from this site

These Last Days ~ The Laodicean Church Age

... Beliefs >> Christianity. These Last Days ~ The Laodicean Church Age. This is Not My Ministry. ... are living in the "Laodicean Church age? The Last Church Age? ... - 19k - Cached - More from this site

The Laodicean Church Age - 5

A comprehensive study of the Seven Church Ages and the various major doctrines ... God says this church of the Laodicean Age is "wretched" ... - 12k - Cached - More from this site

The Seventh Church Age

... was/is the Message to the Church of the Laodiceans and the Laodicean Church Age. ... Revealed Word in this Age, Christ spewed (vomit) the Church out of His mouth ... - 6k - Cached - More from this site

Laodicean is a Costly Age

Laodicean Church Age is Expensive. to a Bible Believer Today ... But it appears that the Laodicean church doesn't have to "pay" anything as these ... - 32k - Cached - More from this site

The Laodicean Age

... indeed finally in the Laodicean Age of the church, the age of of The Great Apostasy. Jesus had a lot to talk to us about concerning this Laodicean Church Age. ... - More from this site

Twentieth Century Prophet
"The Messenger To The Laodicean Church Age" is gratefully dedicated to those ... the Spirit of God is foretelling the exact condition of the Laodicean Age Church. ... - 175k - Cached - More from this site


I yahoo to encourage others to be hungry to know more of the Lord

No time to yahoo Daniel's 70th week

Back Thu DV

One of these days Ian, we must take the time to have an unhurried discussion.

You are always in a hurry. "Just seconds to go to type this, must hurry..."

Much of your last few posts have been nearly impossible for me to comprehend. What is the point you are trying to get across?

Your last post just validates what I said earlier about trying to make the letters to the seven churches into a prophetic timeline. It makes for good preaching. But it isn't the kind of thing you could make sound doctrine out of. I am not a preacher, therefore I have no use or time for the foolishness of preaching. I am a pastor. I have been for twenty plus years. I am more of a teacher than anything else. But I am not a preacher.

What do you want me to do? Should I go through your whole seven letters thing and use a fine-toothed comb on it? Should I show you why it isn't a timeline? If not, what point am I missing?
Hi Ben!

It's these public PCs

Funny enough, having yesterday begun

Online Bible study aids

& Online daily Bible reading devotionals

I resolved to act like a doctor/nurse & move quietly & calmly thru this mad, rushed world 8-)

& the Lord seemed to take my time & multiply it...
mind you, that's exactly what I asked Him to do :wink:

So I've just clicked the last 3/4 links & added the new thread titles

Just time now for another wonderful picture of the Rapture - the title of a hilarious John Cleese comedy that's regularly on TV @ holiday times..


In it, he plays an apoplectic, frenetic headmaster, in a hopeless country-wide race against time, to get to a UK-wide Headmasters' Conference, at which he's the first ever small-town guy ever to be invited to give the keynote speech

He's so far behind schedule that I can just picture him looking up to Heaven & asking, "Where is this 'coming' that is promised?"

Staying in character like the actor/mimic I am...

Right, class...

you know that the subject of THIS thread is the Rapture of the church...

to avoid confusion, I therefore propose to start new threads for both Laodicean church age ... 250#319250

& Daniel's 70th Week

Left back, right? :bday:

Ian :-D
MrVersatile48 said:

Blown da Coop agin.. :roll:


Do you ever click links & read 'em? :roll:


Yea, I clicked one link, and read about one sentence that led to yet another link. That is why I said, "do you ever write?" Maybe you just hate to type?



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