CF Ambassador
- Dec 26, 2015
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Not a problem from my point of view as I don't believe God loves (volition to favor) everyone the same amount. I agree, this is a problem from your view point.
Agreed ... billions of people were never told of the gospel. God is more than capable of ensuring that they did at least hear the gospel for 'libertarian free will' is of no use if the person(s) are ignorant of the choice ... this all assumes libertarian free will (indifference in regard to having salvific faith) is true.
Not sure what "God cannot love everyone to salvation" means. Sounds like you are saying God doesn't want everyone to be saved ... but that conflicts with previous statements you made. (confusing)
Again, people that have not heard the gospel are not saved by the gospel and therefore, since God did not give them a chance to believe one must conclude God does not favor (agape love = favor) them. Now, God could have had all people that would not be saved, be saved by dying before the age of accountability if He loved (favored) them ... but He didn't and therefore this is overwhelming evidence that God does not love (favor) everyone the same.
Aside: I read later that you don't believe God loves everyone the same. (I don't know why you believe now in this regard).
In post no. 185 you posted the following:
If God loves (favors) everyone salvifically then He must love (volition to favor) "
YOU invented the phrase that God loves salvifically....not me.
God has conditions that must be met for salvation to occur.....
Acts 16:30-31
I don't make up my own definitions.I don't know what you mean by "God loves His creation ... it lack definition. The rain falls on the good and the evil ones, and to that extent God loves (favors) everyone .....
Not sorry enough to save them, for He is more than capable of seeing everyone is saved. Example: billions of cases of those dying before the age of accountability.
This is in conflict with verses like:
Aside: I've never heard the doctrine of "God hated us before and loves us". Favoring (loving) person(s) that one hates (disfavor) creates and perplexing conflict. "I died for you because I hate you but there is a small chance that I may love you if you by the theory of "libertarian free will" (indifference to situation such that you could choice to "A" or "B" in the same circumstance) change me mind even though Job 35:7-8 and Job Job 22:2 clearly state that God is not affected by ones act of righteousness.
- Eph. 1:4 I knew you before the foundation of the world [God knew who you would be so why change His mind] (note: Open Theists don't think God can't look into the future so for those Arminians this point is mute)
- Job 35:7 “If you are righteous, what do you give God, Or what does He receive from your hand? 8 “Your wickedness affects only a man such as you, And your righteousness affects only a son of man [but it cannot affect God, who is sovereign]”
- Job 22:2 “Can a vigorous man be of use to God, Or a wise man be useful to himself? 3 “Is it any pleasure or joy to the Almighty that you are righteous? Or is it of benefit to Him that you make your ways perfect?
- God's immutability ... – God cannot be eternally what he was; that is, he cannot have a true eternity, if he had a new knowledge, a new purpose, a new essence; if he were sometimes this and sometimes that, sometimes know ‘this and sometimes know that, sometimes purpose this and afterwards hath a new purpose. Stephen Charnock
Hmmm, then we are at an impasse as I don't understand your theology in this area. Who does God love and why? Who does God hate and hate? Does God hate everyone that never heard the gospel and thus sends to hell? Does he love everyone that dies before the age of accountability even though they did nothing to deserve it?
Maybe we are of the same opinion. God loves the elect and hates the non-elect. If so, we are in agreement.
????? But I am sure that is not where you are coming from.
Well, you may have your own definition. Dr. Google does not agree.
Reformed and Free Will: Man is depraved so badly that none seeks God. Their father is Satan. God regenerates the elect causing them to change such as they, because of God's work, freely believe, repent and obey (the latter imperfectly)
- " free will is incompatible with causal determinism, and agents have free will. They therefore deny that causal determinism is true. " .... incompatible with causal determinism = indifferent
- free will is logically incompatible with a deterministic universe .... [your will is not determined, it is indifferent] (Wikipedia)
- man operates independently, not controlled by others or by outside forces. According to this view, a person who freely made a particular choice could have chosen differently, even if nothing about the past prior to the moment of choice had been different.” .... Gotquestion.org ... man destiny not determines by anything (indifferent)
- statistically, if libertarian free will be true then, like the flipping of a coin 1/2 would believe and 1/2 would not believe ..... that is emperically shown to be not true
Gee.... so you don't think God loves everyone the same .... I am so confused.... so many nuisances of belief.
So, the billions of people God does not present the Gospel too ... I guess you agree with me that God hates them?
I tire of repeating the same statements to you over and over.
If you want to post some verses that prove we don't have free will,
I'll be happy to answer...otherwise we're just wasting time here and I don't have much of it.