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The Sin Nature

Dorothy Mae

Positive argument demands that the opposite view be recognized in order for your position to be clarified.

It is my opinion that if one is sensitive to positive argument, they should refrain from becoming involved in it.
Ok , I will see If I can find an easier question for you .

What did you do Charlie24 ? And how did I get dragged into it ?

You and I were born a sinner! I believe in the age of accountability for our sins, but nevertheless we are all born sinners.

As I said before, there's not a single one of us who wouldn't have done the same as Adam and Eve when Satan lied and said we would become gods. We are just as guilty as they were, when you boil down the pot!
You and I were born a sinner! I believe in the age of accountability for our sins, but nevertheless we are all born sinners.

As I said before, there's not a single one of us who wouldn't have done the same as Adam and Eve when Satan lied and said we would become gods. We are just as guilty as they were, when you boil down the pot!
We are all born with the same nature Adam was created with , Human Nature .
As long as we are in these unredeemed Adamic bodies, Romans 8:23. we are sinners. Some religions teach that this unredeemed Adamic body can be re-habilitated by the works of the law. When you go to these churches, and you smell a musty odor that is the old Adam rotting away in the basement. They just cannot seem to re-habilitate him.
It's apparent you don't understand the difference between being a sinner and sinning.
I'm not a sinner but a child of God.
John 1:12-13
A checkpoint? To my knowledge, Jesus didn't tell his followers "hey, I'm sacrificing myself for the sins of the world, but conditions apply".

If this sin nature, which to me sounds like another name for human nature, was so important, why didn't Jesus talk about it? The question of sin itself after the crucifixion is one that's open to interpretation.

We have Christians here that believe sin was conquered through Christ. Others believe that one can still sin, but the saved are still saved and THAT is the significance of the crucifixion. Others believe in a sin nature, or that the crucifixion was merely one step in the direction of salvation.
What do You believe?
We are all born with the same nature Adam was created with , Human Nature .

Yes, I agree! That nature changed because of disobeying God. It will not be recovered by man until the resurrection.

I don't know exactly how this sin nature was passed down to the seed of Adam and so on, but as for me, that's all I need to know now as far as this subject. I will understand all of it at the resurrection.

None of us know what's it's like to live in an environment as did Adam and Eve, where there was no sin, for ever how long that lasted. Where there was no curse on man, animal, and plant life, not to mention the ground not being cursed itself.

We have no idea how close we could be to God and the effects of it, if sin had never entered the world. But those who believe in Jesus Christ will find out! And Brother I'm looking forward to experience it!
We are all born with the same nature Adam was created with , Human Nature .
This is surely true.
But the human nature has been tainted, stained, by the sin of Adam.
So, it's called the sin nature, or flesh, or concupiscense.
It's the effect of Adam's sin on our lives.
It's as good a word as any, I guess.
I don't know exactly how this sin nature was passed down to the seed of Adam and so on, but as for me, that's all I need to know now as far as this subject.
I believe you .
None of us know what's it's like to live in an environment as did Adam and Eve, where there was no sin, for ever how long that lasted. Where there was no curse on man, animal, and plant life, not to mention the ground not being cursed itself.
So, Adam and all of his descendants are cursed by God ?
We have no idea how close we could be to God and the effects of it, if sin had never entered the world.
You are seven words and taking action on them and being closer to God than you ever thought possible . It has worked for me :) . Here are the seven words .
Read your Bible with understanding and Pray .
I believe you .

So, Adam and all of his descendants are cursed by God ?

You are seven words and taking action on them and being closer to God than you ever thought possible . It has worked for me :) . Here are the seven words .
Read your Bible with understanding and Pray .

In context to being in or out of covenant with God, the word "cursed" means to be condemned to death.

All of us were condemned (cursed) before we came to Christ.

I heard an evangelist once say, who I personally know and have the utmost respect for, "The only prayer that ;God will hear from the unrighteous is, God have mercy on me a sinner.

He didn't mean those exact words, but implying the only thing God will hear from the unsaved is that of repentance.
In context to being in or out of covenant with God, the word "cursed" means to be condemned to death.

All of us were condemned (cursed) before we came to Christ.

I heard an evangelist once say, who I personally know and have the utmost respect for, "The only prayer that ;God will hear from the unrighteous is, God have mercy on me a sinner.

He didn't mean those exact words, but implying the only thing God will hear from the unsaved is that of repentance.
Some believe God does not hear the prayers of the unsaved.
If He didn't, none of us would be saved.
In context to being in or out of covenant with God, the word "cursed" means to be condemned to death.

All of us were condemned (cursed) before we came to Christ.
I agree .
I heard an evangelist once say, who I personally know and have the utmost respect for, "The only prayer that ;God will hear from the unrighteous is, God have mercy on me a sinner.

He didn't mean those exact words, but implying the only thing God will hear from the unsaved is that of repentance.
Do you agree with the evangelist on this ?
As long as we are in these unredeemed Adamic bodies, Romans 8:23. we are sinners. Some religions teach that this unredeemed Adamic body can be re-habilitated by the works of the law. When you go to these churches, and you smell a musty odor that is the old Adam rotting away in the basement. They just cannot seem to re-habilitate him.
Your interpretation of Rom 8:23 runs counter to Rom 8:9..."But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his."

You have inadvertently, (I hope), given autonomy to your hands and feet.
They can do nothing apart from your mind.
They cannot cause you to sin.
Besides, the reborn now bear the characteristics of God's seed...not Adam's.