Brother Mike
The text in 1st Sam 28 says nothing about Abraham's Bosom. It says Samuel came up from the ground/out of the earth.
Sometimes it helps if you examine the whole and understand the spiritual side of things and not take the scripture in a dogmatic way. When Jesus hit the earth on both feet, lots of things were introduced that the Language at the time had trouble conveying. The best words were used to understand the real spiritual concept.
Heaven was not an option for Abraham or Samuel. As Heb 11 states it was a concept of something they could not achieve yet until Jesus did the work He was assigned to do. Abraham ended up in Hell, but Hell separated by a large Chasm. The wicked dead ended up on the side where there was torment, those not wicked ended up in paradise or Abraham's bosom.
We can see both spirit and soul intact in these regions and even cloths and water so it was just not all spiritual but had physical substance. When Samuel was seen He would have appeared in cloths and as he always would have. He would also had to be waiting for the promise in Abraham's bosom.
So, you must define what exactly the soul is........... It's us and connects to the physical organ called our brain. Memory is not stored in a brain in fact some there is a soul that the brain allows access to this outside world.
Paul said He believes into the saving of the soul or saving the person just as they were personality wise intact with the persons spirit.
However, Soul sleep is a myth, spirits can't be killed nor do spirits sleep. We are spirits with soul and body.
Since Abraham and the rich men both remembered their past life, the rich man wanting to warn his people, also means the soul and spirit are intact.