- Feb 16, 2010
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glorydaz said:LOL That's funny because I'm just trying to get you to think things through. But you are "stuck".Mysteryman said:Hi gd
I ask you these questions to make you think things through. But, because you are stuck on your personnal belief . My efforts are falling by the way side.
A dead person can not preach ! If his soul did not die, then mankinds soul is not redeemded from the dead , nor the grave. Jesus Christ had to die both body and soul, in order for mankind to be redeemed. Please read Acts 2:31 --- The word "hell" is a poor translation. It means the grave. This verse tells you that Jesus Christ soul went to the grave. At his death, he gave up the spirit (spirit of man) "ghost" in the kjv translation. It is the "spirit of man" - "ekpsucho" - to breath out - last breath.
Jesus himself said, that the son of man shall be in the heart of the earth, like Jonah was in the heart of the whale for three days and three night. Did Jonah preach to anyone while he was in the belly of the whale ? Jesus was put into a tomb/sepulchre . A sepulchre is a grave ! It is in the hebrew - "geburah" or "geber". In the greek , it is "mnemeion", which means monument. But , the other greek word is "taphos" which means - "burying place" - Matthew 27:61
Your suggestion that Jesus was not put into the heart of the earth is contrary to the very words of Jesus himself ! < Matt. 12:40
And Peter reminded everyone that the grave of David < - Acts 2:29 -- is still with us, and David is still dead !
Jesus did not have to die both body and soul for mankind to be redeemed. That's just silly.
The soul that sins will die. Jesus did not sin...his soul did not die.
He bore our sins in his body...just as a lamb would.
He bore our sins in his own body...He was the sacrificial Lamb of God.
Jonah wasn't dead at all, so you certainly can't claim Jesus' soul had to die by using Jonah as an example. Jesus was talking about his body being in the grave. Jesus most certain could and did descend into the place of the dead to preach to the prisoners there. His body was in the grave, His spirit was with the Father...that only leaves His soul. The grave of David is still with holds his body, but not his soul.1 Peter 2:24 said:Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.
Hi gd
What is silly, is to suggest that only his body died. Have you forgotten, that he took the sins of the world upon himself, and was made sin for us.
Yes glorydaz, his soul had to die for us, or else our soul would not be redeemed from the sin of death.
Our bodies are not going to be resurrected ! Our bodies will return to dust , as promised by the Lord God, that they will return to dust from whence they were taken. Flesh will not enter into the Kingdom of God - I Corinth. 15:50. There is no logical reason for God to go against His Word, and raise someone's flesh body. No logical reason whatsoever ! The only flesh bodies that has been raised from the dead, have died again. Jesus Christ was not raised in his flesh body, as many suspect/speculate. He was raised in a body fashioned liken unto a body of an angel, which is a spirit body, that can manifest itself to be seen . It can take on the form in which the Lord God fashions it. Jesus was there one moment and poof, gone in a split second. Appear and disappear right in the midst of them. A flesh body can not do that ! Jesus Christ was raised in his celestial body, not his flesh body.
And what do you mean by claiming that Jonah was not dead in the belly of the whale ? Are you suggesting that Jesus Christ was not dead in the heart of the earth ? Because if you are, then Christ didn't die for our sins ! ! Jonah prayed before he died ! Jonah chapter 2. And his soul became faint, and then died ! He actually drown in the water, with reeds wrapped around his head.
Did you read Acts 2:31 and 32 ?