The US, not the RCC is like Babylon of Old and Reigns over the Kings of the Earth, Rev.17:5,18

Her description starts at verse 1.

The purpose of a harlot is to go out into the world and collect from the world in this case error of other gods and religions... then like the leven of the pharisees and a harlot it infects the Truth with error... and ways of other religions... clearly God tells the Israelites to destroy the high places and their gods

If you take up their ways might as well take up their gods too
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I deleted the post of Scripture Says and sent a violation of the ToS 1.4.
The harlot babylon referred to is in bed with the kings of the earth, therefore is not governmental James.
Babylon the great reigns over the kings of the earth, which means it is a country not false religions, False Religions is a bizzare idea to attach to to these scriptures.
The name of the worlwide Church led by Pope Francis is the Catholic Church not Roman Catholic Church.
The latter was a pejorative term invented by Protestants at the Reformation.

See this thread Catholic Church (CC) vs Roman Catholic Church (RCC)
Then why do some Catholic church's have a sign outside that reads Roman Catholic Church while others just have Catholic Church?
Then why do some Catholic church's have a sign outside that reads Roman Catholic Church while others just have Catholic Church?
The Catholic Church is a cult. The Bible says when we genuinely believe in Jesus we are baptized with the Holy Spirit and thereby into Jesus going to hell for our sinning, and as a result sinning is removed from we genuine believers in the resurrection. The Catholic church says to confess your sins to a Priest and when he says your sins are forgiven they are removed and you get to go to heaven. Wrong! Lie out of hell. What makes it even more of a cult is the fact that they teach that there is more than one way to get to heaven. They teach that when you partake of the Eucharist administered only by a "Catholic Priest" your sins are forgiven. Both are phony salvation messages that keep you on your way to hell.
The Catholic Church is a cult. The Bible says when we genuinely believe in Jesus we are baptized with the Holy Spirit and thereby into Jesus going to hell for our sinning, and as a result sinning is removed from we genuine believers in the resurrection. The Catholic church says to confess your sins to a Priest and when he says your sins are forgiven they are removed and you get to go to heaven. Wrong! Lie out of hell. What makes it even more of a cult is the fact that they teach that there is more than one way to get to heaven. They teach that when you partake of the Eucharist administered only by a "Catholic Priest" your sins are forgiven. Both are phony salvation messages that keep you on your way to hell.
You need to be careful saying this as there are many Catholics that I know are Spiritually born again from above and indwelled with the Holy Spirit that like the Catholic church even though they do not agree with some doctrines. To bash any religion is a violation of the ToS 1.4 so please be aware of that.

BTW, that question was for Mungo being that he is a Catholic.
Then why do some Catholic church's have a sign outside that reads Roman Catholic Church while others just have Catholic Church?
I don't know why some do and some do not. Perhaps there are other rites in the area and they wish to make it clear they are Roman rite.

However that is not relevant to the name of the worldwide Church led by Pope Francis. He is Pope for all the different rites.
The Catholic Church is a cult. The Bible says when we genuinely believe in Jesus we are baptized with the Holy Spirit and thereby into Jesus going to hell for our sinning, and as a result sinning is removed from we genuine believers in the resurrection. The Catholic church says to confess your sins to a Priest and when he says your sins are forgiven they are removed and you get to go to heaven. Wrong! Lie out of hell. What makes it even more of a cult is the fact that they teach that there is more than one way to get to heaven. They teach that when you partake of the Eucharist administered only by a "Catholic Priest" your sins are forgiven. Both are phony salvation messages that keep you on your way to hell.
Nasty. I'm surprised for_his_glory hasn't deleted it.
You need to be careful saying this as there are many Catholics that I know are Spiritually born again from above and indwelled with the Holy Spirit that like the Catholic church even though they do not agree with some doctrines. To bash any religion is a violation of the ToS 1.4 so please be aware of that.

BTW, that question was for Mungo being that he is a Catholic.
As an evangelist I have met numerous Christians who remained in the Catholic Church who told me they were afraid to leave the church. I learned through my conversations with them that they are afraid to leave because they were indoctrinated with the Catholic beliefs.

While I met with a Christian Catholic friend, Jesus revealed to me that a curse remained on her house because she kept a bust of Mary, which is a demon, on her cuboard in her house.

On another occasion after I shared that the USA is Babylon the great with the same woman, we prayed and asked Jesus to show her a sign that I was telling her the truth. Later she told me that on her way home she saw a vision of a rainbow in the sky on clear bright sunny day.

I answer to Jesus alone and I am sickened by the false teachings that are being taught in the churches by academia in Christianity.
Nasty. I'm surprised for_his_glory hasn't deleted it.
As an evangelist I have met numerous Christians who remained in the Catholic Church who told me they were afraid to leave the church. I learned through my conversations with them that they are afraid to leave because they were indoctrinated with the Catholic false teachings.
While I met with a Christian Catholic friend, Jesus revealed to me that a curse remained on her house because she kept a bust of Mary, which is a demon posing as Mary, on her cupboard in her house.
On another occasion after I shared that the USA is Babylon the great with the same woman, we prayed and asked Jesus to show her a sign that I was telling her the truth. Later she told me that on her way home she saw a vision of a rainbow in the sky on clear bright sunny day.
If you are a genuine Christian and still practicing Catholicism you need to be made aware that when the Antichrist emerges on the scene and the falling away takes place the Catholic church is going to fall away, turn on we Christians and join the Antichrist. I answer to Jesus alone and I am appalled by the false teachings being taught in the Christian churches by academia in Christianity.
As an evangelist I have met numerous Christians who remained in the Catholic Church who told me they were afraid to leave the church. I learned through my conversations with them that they are afraid to leave because they were indoctrinated with the Catholic beliefs.

While I met with a Christian Catholic friend, Jesus revealed to me that a curse remained on her house because she kept a bust of Mary, which is a demon, on her cuboard in her house.

On another occasion after I shared that the USA is Babylon the great with the same woman, we prayed and asked Jesus to show her a sign that I was telling her the truth. Later she told me that on her way home she saw a vision of a rainbow in the sky on clear bright sunny day.

I answer to Jesus alone and I am sickened by the false teachings that are being taught in the churches by academia in Christianity.
As an evangelist you should be spreading the gospel of Jesus and not spending your time insulting both PERSONS, as in another thread, and DENOMINATIONS...since every denomination has something about it we might not agree with.

If you address yourself to the OP, fine.
If you intend to bash the CC and other members, you will soon be banned from this thread too.