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"The Word of Faith"

You have COMPLETE faith in God?

Well you must be moving some great mountains?
Complete faith walks on the water?
Its described very well in scripture! Faith calls those things that BE NOT as though they were!

Heb 11 gives very good examples of true biblical faith!

Tomas had to see to believe! He was never mentioned again in the scriptures!

That might be because he ended up in India and didn't converse with other churches like Paul did, not that has been established anyway. The "doubting Thomas" story has been grossly misunderstood. I'll get my book on it done once I can concentrate for longer than 5 minutes at a time.
I said that I do not understand your position. You seem very adamant that you need evidence. You also at least implied that God has helped you, yet you didn't seem to say that you took that as evidence in the least.

When God helps me, I know it brother! I have my evidence, though it is in my heart. Perhaps you should expound on your position, because it is a little confusing to me. Again, don't take offense. We're just talking and working things out. Please.

It wasn't a reference to you Edward, we're all good :)

Evidence has been the bedrock of my faith. Now I'm here, I don't need anymore evidence, I trust God but I didn't until I had knowledge of him that he could be trusted. Without evidence, I would not be a Christian

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It wasn't a reference to you Edward, we're all good :)

Evidence has been the bedrock of my faith. Now I'm here, I don't need anymore evidence, I trust God but I didn't until I had knowledge of him that he could be trusted. Without evidence, I would not be a Christian

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I am sorry if I have offended? but again, true faith is decribed rather well in the scriptures. I believe God meets us where we are. He will give us the evidence we need but it is not evidence as man sees as physical evidence. I do believe if one looks back on the post that have been made, that there was conversation and a point made about faith that leaps, and trust!
This is what I believe the scriptures declare and what God desires.

This is what Edward expressed and he should not have been challenged but he should have been honored! For God honors faith and so do I!

For just shall live by faith! edward seems very alive!
I am sorry if I have offended? but again, true faith is decribed rather well in the scriptures. I believe God meets us where we are. He will give us the evidence we need but it is not evidence as man sees as physical evidence. I do believe if one looks back on the post that have been made, that there was conversation and a point made about faith that leaps, and trust!
This is what I believe the scriptures declare and what God desires.

This is what Edward expressed and he should not have been challenged but he should have been honored! For God honors faith and so do I!

For just shall live by faith! edward seems very alive!

The evidence to which I refer is not just physical evidence in terms of science and history although those have played a significant part.

Not to take this off topic but I'm assuming the Bible enforces or re-enforces or brought about your faith? How is that not evidence?
The evidence to which I refer is not just physical evidence in terms of science and history although those have played a significant part.

Not to take this off topic but I'm assuming the Bible enforces or re-enforces or brought about your faith? How is that not evidence?

Well I have not taken the position that the biblle is not evidence? Please do not put words to my account that I have not made.

And again I believe that this small conflict of terms and words came as a challenge to edwards expression on faith that leaps and trust. Again I affirm that his position is biblical and the desired approach to faith.

As I have stated, God meets us where we are.
Some have great faith, because they dared to get out of the boat, or have taken a leap! Some have small faith because they always need to see before they believe.

I believe that God is pleased with those who leap! and would have all of us trust Him in the way that Edward expressed.
Didn't Jesus say that you only need the faith the size of a mustard seed to move mountains?

Isn't this whole issue about use of evidence and how much people need and when?

You make it sound like I'm less of a Christian or God is not as pleased with me because I've needed more evidence to get to this point

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Didn't Jesus say that you only need the faith the size of a mustard seed to move mountains?

Isn't this whole issue about use of evidence and how much people need and when?

You make it sound like I'm less of a Christian or God is not as pleased with me because I've needed more evidence to get to this point

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grazer, I am not trying to judged your faith, but you did seem to judge others faith?
Now the fact that the scriptures show some at different levels of faith is clear. Some have and use thier faith in great ways! In which God is pleased with "great faith" Which Jesus showed us! Now the issue of having mountain moving faith, is not the great size of the faith but that the doubts that hinder its power.
In my jugdment, edward expressed a faith that did not allow for the doubts to hinder its working. I believe this is an expression of true biblical faith, apart from the doubts that our natural mind seem to always find.
I am very glad for your faith! But that which edward expressed is to me the faith that God desires in all of us.

Now I have tried to reason my position and the truth of scripture to you in an way that would not offend you? I hope we can just agree to disagree?
I guess I find it difficult to see how anyone can believe on the basis of zero evidence. Without evidence, how can we say that Islam is wrong or atheism is wrong? Without evidence, you really can believe whatever you want.

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But we've come to the point that we agree that there is plenty of evidence, haven't we? Are you seeking evidence of Christ's existance, or Divinity?

My faith has brought me to a point that I look around and see Gods hand everywhere. I find it hard to believe that any do not believe! The evidence is everywhere. Archaeological findings, writings, testimonies, animals that defy evolution, even old non-christian writings by people who hated the Christians but were loyal to truth in their writings (Josephus?) wrote all about Jesus and his life. It's all over You-Tube. Do a search for biblical proof and you'll get a gazillon vid's to watch.

Neither, I'm already there :) my point is (and always has been) is that it took evidence to get me there.

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If you understand that the evidence is only circumstantial and received it, this is taking it on faith and correct. You are not a theologian or scientist (I think), so you made a decision to place your trust in God. :)

Praise the Lord!

Depends on what you mean by circumstantial

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Consider those that the Lord said had "great faith" in the gospels? They were gentiles! They were not under law! For the law is not of faith!
You see it is our own sin and our own weaknesses that are brought to light by the law. Thats its purpose! To make all guilty and to condemn all who look to it!

Great faith sees Christ alone and trust in His strength! Its does not consider ones own sins and weaknesses!

This is why the church is still sick and weak! They do not see that the charge of sin is lifted from those who are justified by Christ and that all the results of sin are overcome by His Work also!

Believe in His Blood and His Body will heal you!
If you have little confidence in His Blood, you will have little confidence in any promise He Made!
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Consider those that the Lord said had "great faith" in the gospels? They were gentiles! They were not under law! For the law is not of faith!
You see it is our own sin and our own weaknesses that are brought to light by the law. Thats its purpose! To make all guilty and to condemn all who look to it!

Great faith sees Christ alone and trust in His strength! Its does not consider ones own sins and weaknesses!

This is why the church is still sick and weak! They do not see that the charge of sin is lifted from those who are justified by Christ and that all the results of sin are overcome by His Work also!

Believe in His Blood and His Body will heal you!
If you have little confidence in His Blood, you will have little confidence in any promise He Made!

Jesus Christ the Author and Finisher of our faith.
For it is written that He was the Lamb slain before the foundations of the world?

We see that when Adam and eve did sin, that God covered them in the wool of a lamb.

We see that Able offered to God a sheep from the flock and was accepted as righteous before the Lord.
Cain that wicked servant, labored in the ground that God had cursed, and tried to offer to God that which God had cursed.

We see the same thing today! We who offer Christ alone and have no confidence in ourselves are accepted before the Father, and blessed by Him.
The wicked yet labor by the flesh, in the law, that God has cursed! They are not accepted before the Father. They hate us who are! With murder in there heart they would destroy the righteous from the earth.
Wicked and cursed servants who walk as cain, marked by the beast for they have made themselves an enemy of the Cross.

Hebrews 11:1Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

John 20:29Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed
Hebrews 11 is really relevant, yes.

'He that comes to God, must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.' (Hebrews 11.6)
Hebrews 11 is really relevant, yes.

'He that comes to God, must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.' (Hebrews 11.6)
Wow brother! I have been meditating on that scripture all day!
I was going to make a post on it this AM! You have just been used by God! Blessings upon you!
Wow brother! I have been meditating on that scripture all day!
I was going to make a post on it this AM! You have just been used by God! Blessings upon you!

M: Something to do with the Holy Spirit, Who indwells all born again believers, I reckon.
Edward - experience is evidence. Whether people accept your evidence is a totally different matter. I really should get on with my book on why Thomas and the incident in the room with Jesus are grossly misunderstood in my view.

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