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"The Word of Faith"

What I am questioning is your theology. I know that questions have the ability to cause strife and serve to confuse but that is not the fault of the questions or the questioner.

As I have said, I am not challenging you enthusiasm or faith. I am challenging your theology - and you insistence that you are right.

My opinion on Faith? First, I know how destitute I am with respect to faith. Secondly, rather than claiming some high moral ground I would urge that we consider the words of the prophet and walk humbly before the Lord, demonstrate love and offer our dedication to study as a sacrifice rather than burning offerings (Hosea 6: 6).

A humble man is one who thinks nothing of himself, but believes every word of God!
Christ Jesus was the most humble, yet the greatest and boldest of all. You will find that ever true man of God is bold in the Lord, not in themselves!

Pro 28:1

The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.

We are bold, because we know in Whom we trust, our boldness comes from confidence in His faithfulness to keep His Word!
Hmmm .... they say satan goes round like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

I think I through here.
Hmmm .... they say satan goes round like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

I think I through here.

The Lord is Called the Lion of Juda!
I guess one needs to decern which "spirit" is which?

For satan comes but to steal kill and destroy!
But Christ came that we might have LIFE and life in abundance!

Thank you, you helped to make my point of this post!:wave
Act 2:25

For David speaketh concerning him, I foresaw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved:
Act 2:26

Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad; moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope:

Mat 12:34

O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
Mat 12:35

A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.
Mat 12:36

But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
Mat 12:37

For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.
Rom 10:8

But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;
Rom 10:9

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Rom 10:10

For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Like David, when we believe, we speak!
Life and death is in the power of the tongue!
We call those things that be not, as if they were.

No one will begin to speak life from their mouth until they believe in their heart.
No one will attempt to keep a "believer" from speaking life unless they have death in their own heart.

1Co 2:4

And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:
1Co 2:5

That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. :biglol
1Co 2:6

Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought:
1Co 2:7

But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:
1Co 2:8

Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
1Co 2:9

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. :clap

1Co 2:10

But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.

When Peter declared boldly that "all these others might deny you Lord, but I never will" Noticed how the Lord responded to him?

First He warned Peter that satan wanted to test him, then He said that I have prayed that YOUR FAITH may not fail?

We all know that Peter denied the Lord with curses! and that the Lord in His grace rstored Peter.

Peter boasted in his own ability to stand but the Lord knew that Peter was boasting from the flesh! He did not pray that Peters confidence of self would remain but that Peters faith would stand!

There is a whole world of difference between being confident in self and being confident in Christ. Sometimes only in our failure do we see that we are really not in faith but just religious zeal, which can never stand the test of satan.

Now see this same Peter, full of The Spirit of Grace?
He confronted the Jews of Israel! YOU HAVE DENIED THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL!

ONLY BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH DO WE STAND, all else is just religious nonsense and fleshly zeal, it cannot stand against satan and he will defeat that kind of false faith every time!

But when we stand confident in Christ and His Strength by grace, we will not be moved!
When Peter declared boldly that "all these others might deny you Lord, but I never will" Noticed how the Lord responded to him?

First He warned Peter that satan wanted to test him, then He said that I have prayed that YOUR FAITH may not fail?

We all know that Peter denied the Lord with curses! and that the Lord in His grace rstored Peter.

Peter boasted in his own ability to stand but the Lord knew that Peter was boasting from the flesh! He did not pray that Peters confidence of self would remain but that Peters faith would stand!

There is a whole world of difference between being confident in self and being confident in Christ. Sometimes only in our failure do we see that we are really not in faith but just religious zeal, which can never stand the test of satan.

Now see this same Peter, full of The Spirit of Grace?
He confronted the Jews of Israel! YOU HAVE DENIED THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL!

ONLY BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH DO WE STAND, all else is just religious nonsense and fleshly zeal, it cannot stand against satan and he will defeat that kind of false faith every time!

But when we stand confident in Christ and His Strength by grace, we will not be moved!

The scripture declares that BY FAITH WE UNDERSTAND!

I have several threads on this forum and I know the things I have been saying seem to be hard to understand, and many seem to wrest with them!

But some are getting the mystery of Godliness!

How? your faith is allowing the Holy Spirit (the teacher) to make the "hidden manna" feed your spirit!

Grow in grace and Knowledge of Our Beloved Christ!
The scripture declares that BY FAITH WE UNDERSTAND!

I have several threads on this forum and I know the things I have been saying seem to be hard to understand, and many seem to wrest with them!

But some are getting the mystery of Godliness!

How? your faith is allowing the Holy Spirit (the teacher) to make the "hidden manna" feed your spirit!

Grow in grace and Knowledge of Our Beloved Christ!

Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith!

What is real faith? Religion has made it everything but what the bible says it is!

Looking to Christ Jesus, is faith!
Remember Peter, walking on the water, as long as his eyes and mind was stayed upon Our Lord, he was above the storm and had victory, by faith.

But winds, (false doctrine) and waves (cares of the world) caused him to take his eyes off the Holy One.

Like Peter, many have their eyes on other things, false doctrine has caused the "church" to see faith as a issue of mans weakness, and not the beauty of Christ.

Things of the world, troubles worry us and cause us to lose our faith. I have decided that I had rather be dead in faith, than to live in this world apart from trusting My God, with my every need.

Commit thy way to the Lord, sink or drown, matters not ! My eyes must see His beauty! -Mitspa
Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith!

What is real faith? Religion has made it everything but what the bible says it is!

Looking to Christ Jesus, is faith!
Remember Peter, walking on the water, as long as his eyes and mind was stayed upon Our Lord, he was above the storm and had victory, by faith.

But winds, (false doctrine) and waves (cares of the world) caused him to take his eyes off the Holy One.

Like Peter, many have their eyes on other things, false doctrine has caused the "church" to see faith as a issue of mans weakness, and not the beauty of Christ.

Things of the world, troubles worry us and cause us to lose our faith. I have decided that I had rather be dead in faith, than to live in this world apart from trusting My God, with my every need.

Commit thy way to the Lord, sink or drown, matters not ! My eyes must see His beauty! -Mitspa

A believers faith will never grow beyond their ability to see Christ Jesus as everything to them!

Do you want great faith?
Do you want to see the dead raised?

Behold the Risen Lord!
A humble man is one who thinks nothing of himself, but believes every word of God!
Christ Jesus was the most humble, yet the greatest and boldest of all. You will find that ever true man of God is bold in the Lord, not in themselves!

Pro 28:1

The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.

We are bold, because we know in Whom we trust, our boldness comes from confidence in His faithfulness to keep His Word!

Those who die to their own strength and ability, are granted access to Gods strength and ability. By the grace of God a man of God lives and has his being. By faith we understand that this world is just a temporary thing. That God has established in the eternal realm is what we need to live and overcome this world. A man must LIVE by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Not the letter, for the letter kills! But by faith the word is made spirit and life!

The just (righteous) shall live BY FAITH!
Those who die to their own strength and ability, are granted access to Gods strength and ability. By the grace of God a man of God lives and has his being. By faith we understand that this world is just a temporary thing. That God has established in the eternal realm is what we need to live and overcome this world. A man must LIVE by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Not the letter, for the letter kills! But by faith the word is made spirit and life!

The just (righteous) shall live BY FAITH!

I will share a story told by a great and mighty man of God years ago:
There was a young man, filled with Gods Spirit, and his father at a chruch service one day. The young man shouted GLORY TO GOD! One of the deacons of the church was offended by his shout of praise to God, and talked to the father of the young man. He ask him to tell him that he needed to be "established" before he should rejoice and such in the church.
Now on the way home, the fathers horse halted and refused to move forward toward home. The father in frustation said " what is wrong with this horse"? The young man said "he got ESTABLISHED"

likewise I have had many tell me, now dont get too excited about Jesus, be carful dont trust Him too much!


because I met Jesus! He is not afraid! He is not weak!


I can all things through Christ who strengthens me!
By grace through faith I stand!
I will share a story told by a great and mighty man of God years ago:
There was a young man, filled with Gods Spirit, and his father at a chruch service one day. The young man shouted GLORY TO GOD! One of the deacons of the church was offended by his shout of praise to God, and talked to the father of the young man. He ask him to tell him that he needed to be "established" before he should rejoice and such in the church.
Now on the way home, the fathers horse halted and refused to move forward toward home. The father in frustation said " what is wrong with this horse"? The young man said "he got ESTABLISHED"

likewise I have had many tell me, now dont get too excited about Jesus, be carful dont trust Him too much!


because I met Jesus! He is not afraid! He is not weak!


I can all things through Christ who strengthens me!
By grace through faith I stand!

For those who would follow Jesus? be sure that there is two places you will have to follow Him? He will first led you to the wilderness as He did the multitudes. There you will learn of His provision and his abundance for every need. Then be sure He will take you to His Cross, here you will learn that love seeks not its own good, but the good of others. Here you will learn that nothing profits anything, but faith working by love.
When Peter declared boldly that "all these others might deny you Lord, but I never will" Noticed how the Lord responded to him?

First He warned Peter that satan wanted to test him, then He said that I have prayed that YOUR FAITH may not fail?

We all know that Peter denied the Lord with curses! and that the Lord in His grace rstored Peter.

Peter boasted in his own ability to stand but the Lord knew that Peter was boasting from the flesh! He did not pray that Peters confidence of self would remain but that Peters faith would stand!

There is a whole world of difference between being confident in self and being confident in Christ. Sometimes only in our failure do we see that we are really not in faith but just religious zeal, which can never stand the test of satan.

Now see this same Peter, full of The Spirit of Grace?
He confronted the Jews of Israel! YOU HAVE DENIED THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL!

ONLY BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH DO WE STAND, all else is just religious nonsense and fleshly zeal, it cannot stand against satan and he will defeat that kind of false faith every time!

But when we stand confident in Christ and His Strength by grace, we will not be moved!

A true prayer of faith is not telling God how big the mountain in your way is? A true prayer of faith speaks to the mountain about how big your God is!
Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith!

What is real faith? Religion has made it everything but what the bible says it is!

Looking to Christ Jesus, is faith!
Remember Peter, walking on the water, as long as his eyes and mind was stayed upon Our Lord, he was above the storm and had victory, by faith.

But winds, (false doctrine) and waves (cares of the world) caused him to take his eyes off the Holy One.

Like Peter, many have their eyes on other things, false doctrine has caused the "church" to see faith as a issue of mans weakness, and not the beauty of Christ.

Things of the world, troubles worry us and cause us to lose our faith. I have decided that I had rather be dead in faith, than to live in this world apart from trusting My God, with my every need.

Commit thy way to the Lord, sink or drown, matters not ! My eyes must see His beauty! -Mitspa


The law is not of faith? We think that by our religious works that somehow God might be pleased with us? These works and efforts often are the greatest witness against our unbelief.
I believe and know that real faith has real works of faith. Being justified by faith we labor in the Kingdom, by His grace.

All works that we do to gain a sense of earning some favor from God, are dead works. All works that we do empowered by Gods favor are living works and testify to Christ.

Now some would say what is the difference? Well the difference is life and death.

Nothing profits anything but faith working by love!
A humble man is one who thinks nothing of himself, but believes every word of God!
Christ Jesus was the most humble, yet the greatest and boldest of all. You will find that ever true man of God is bold in the Lord, not in themselves!

Pro 28:1

The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.

We are bold, because we know in Whom we trust, our boldness comes from confidence in His faithfulness to keep His Word!

To him who has more will be given. To him who has not even what little he has will be taken away?

The law of faith?
Jesus said that when you pray believe that you have it, and then you will have it!

True faith believes in the promise of God! For in Christ all the promises of God are yes and amen.

True faith is all based upon Gods goodness and faithfulness, it is never about our goodness.

True faith believes that Christ has fulfilled every demand of the law! That because of Him, we are righteous and the prayer of a righteous man is always answered.

SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS and all these things will be added to you.

So to him who has HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS more will be given.

To him who does not have HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS even what little he has will be taken away.
When my children were very young, we had bunk beds and me and one of my kids were playing around in the bedroom and my son would sit on the top bed and throw himself off of it, trusting that I would catch him. I marveled at this, the faith he had in me that I would catch him. There was a danger of him being injured, yet he would mindlessly leap off of the bed in total trust of me, that Dad would catch him.

This is the kind of faith that we must have in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. As a child. A leap of faith.

This faith does not come from knowledge or one ability to keep the Law, it comes from the heart. Choose to put trust and faith in the Lord and take that leap of faith. When he catches you, you know it, and more is added unto you. How wonderfully simple can it get?!

Yes! Thank you edward! Its all by faith!
Grace and righteousness by faith and power over sin, is a leap of faith.
When I saw the truth that only grace could overcome my weakness, my mind and all religion told me that God would not catch me! But I told myself" if I cannot trust His Word and His Grace I had rather perish any way! I died to all attempts to justify myself by works of law or religion. I found that My Father was well pleased! That His love for me came in a mighty way! Then I understood the meaning of the scriptures!

Obedience first, "jump" Then comes the understanding! "I have have got you son" To him who HAS more will be given!
When my children were very young, we had bunk beds and me and one of my kids were playing around in the bedroom and my son would sit on the top bed and throw himself off of it, trusting that I would catch him. I marveled at this, the faith he had in me that I would catch him. There was a danger of him being injured, yet he would mindlessly leap off of the bed in total trust of me, that Dad would catch him.

This is the kind of faith that we must have in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. As a child. A leap of faith.

This faith does not come from knowledge or one ability to keep the Law, it comes from the heart. Choose to put trust and faith in the Lord and take that leap of faith. When he catches you, you know it, and more is added unto you. How wonderfully simple can it get?!

But it would have only taken one time you didn't catch him and that trust is gone. He would have evidence you couldn't be trusted. Faith and evidence go hand in hand
But it would have only taken one time you didn't catch him and that trust is gone. He would have evidence you couldn't be trusted. Faith and evidence go hand in hand

True, but until that time came that dad failed to catch him, he needed no evidence. He trusted without evidence. Name a time when God failed us!
But it would have only taken one time you didn't catch him and that trust is gone. He would have evidence you couldn't be trusted. Faith and evidence go hand in hand
Well If one believes that God can fail or lie? then I doubt that real faith has been used?

Faith is the confidence of things hoped for the conviction of things NOT SEEN.

i do accept that Peter look his eyes off the Lord and started looking at the storm and hearing the winds! Jesus said WHY DID YOU DOUBT?

so looking for evidence is not faith! Faith is leaping and the evidence will catch you!

I do accept that we all must learn to trust God, but those who have not learned, should not try to teach those who have! They should listen that someday they may need to have real faith also?
Faith without evidence makes no sense to me. Even in the example of a child, you've been looking after them, they've built up evidence that you can be trusted they've just done it subconsciously. It's the same with friends, I make a first leap and if they dont violate that trust, its built up but the blocks are put in place first.

If God had let me down that first time, I wouldn't be a Christian now. But you don't trust someone you have doubts over.

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Forgive me Grazer, I don't mean to offend, but it sounds like you are saying that you have no faith in God, yet you seem to admit that he has been there for you. I don't understand your position.

I have complete faith in God. I'm not sure why there should be confusion.

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I have complete faith in God. I'm not sure why there should be confusion.

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You have COMPLETE faith in God?

Well you must be moving some great mountains?
Complete faith walks on the water?
Its described very well in scripture! Faith calls those things that BE NOT as though they were!

Heb 11 gives very good examples of true biblical faith!

Tomas had to see to believe! He was never mentioned again in the scriptures!