cupid dave
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- #61
No matter what, cupid dave, thanks for getting back to me. You're right. You are getting bombarded with people's replies, and are doing a pretty good job keeping up, I must say.
It just seems to me that one must take some pretty big leaps in assumption to come up with what I see as weak connections from the Theory of Evolution to the Bible. Come on!
"Gen. 7:3 (Psychologically), of (the) fowls, ([Hebrew: oph = covered with wings]:spirit-like) also of the air, (the place of your thoughts), by sevens, (the Id, Libido, Ego, Anima, Self, Superego, Harmony), the male and the female (psychic attributes); to keep seed alive, (by your Homo Sapiens ways, ideas, and social relationships), upon the face of all the earth."?????????????????
With these types of wide open targets, I could connect any book to the Theory of Evolution. You name it. Gulliver's Travels, The Count Of Monte Cristo, The Catcher In The Rye, The Cat In The Hat . . .LOL!
Hi Mr ShallConceive,
Thanks for leveling the playing field with the observation that this type of medium is really one of Cross Examination.
People tend to challenge what I say and follow thru with a string of questions intended to dispute my testimomy.
If it were a book, I would have the opportumity to present.
I could build my case and explain things with a reference to science in order to support a gradual unfolding of these insights and ideas.
In forums, I must redirect my responses dependnig on the question asked or the counter observation of the moment before proceeding with my case.
And, here, the instantaneous reaction to these new ideas is often shock and oppose. (Like the seven spirits before god you question above,... being Freudian?Jungian archetypes.
I contend these seven are inside the kingdom within our mind, that Ark of Modern man).
1)Id = Lucifer
2)Libido = Satan
3)Ego = Mammon
4)Anima = Devil
5)Self = Beelzebub
6)Superego = False Prophet
7)Harmony = False shepherd
But the Bible does support the comparison of beasts and spirits when we read Ezeliel 1 and 10.

Perhaps you have been following my interpretation of the flood in other threads?
If so, you'd remember that I see Noah as carrying the ark on his shoulders, which is really his whole brain and central nervous system.
It was within his mind that he contained the image of everything, including the animal world.
It is thru his modern mind that we shall see and understand all in the new age of Modern Homo sapiens.
The old has been burned up and past away with the absence of the previous domination of all those earlier human-like creatures whch went extinct over the last 40,000 years.
You might also check my hypothesis concerning the cube shaped geometry of the Urim and Thummim on that other thread.
I hold out that the U/T is a geometric model for the Pattern to the Temple of our mind.
In other words, the U/T is a model of how we organize and use the information which the seven (7) senses deliver through the twelve (12) Cranial Nerves into the twelve (12) Cortex Functional Areas of our triad (3) brain:


Tefillin cube worn on the head when praying to God, according to the instructions in the Torah.
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