Sorry I missed this very important idea which explains how the animals fit inside this Ark of the last human skul to avoid extinction and pass into the new age after the other species of man disappeared forever.
Gen. 6:19
And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark (of the skull which holds this Modern brain),
to keep them alive with thee (in the mental constructs) which thou shalt devise; they shall be male and female.
Gen. 6:20
Of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing of the earth after his kind, two of every sort shall come unto thee (mentally stored),
to keep them alive.
Gen. 7:1
And the LORD, (almighty Reality),
said unto Noah, (Archaic Homo sapiens),
Come, (grow and mature into Modern Homo sapiens),
thou and all thy house, (your species),
into (the mental world of this enlarged Consciousness),
the ark (of this next evolution)
for thee have I seen righteous (in your rational contemplations of my Reality)
before me, (the Almighty Reality),
in this (early Homo sapiens')
generation (of evolving mankind).
Gen. 7:2
Of every clean beast, (that is, the devices of your mind, the seven Freudian archetypal entities of thinking), thou shalt take to thee (these Freudian archetypes)
by sevens,
the male and his female (attributes):
and of beasts that are not clean, (all life forms external to your psyche),
by two, the male and his female (representations in your mind).
Gen. 7:3 (
of (the) fowls, ([Hebrew: oph = covered with wings]:spirit-like)
also of the air, (the place of your thoughts),
by sevens, (the Id, Libido, Ego, Anima, Self, Superego, Harmony),
the male and the female (psychic attributes);
to keep seed alive, (by your Homo Sapiens ways, ideas, and social relationships),
upon the face of all the earth.
Gen. 7:4
For yet seven days, (the seven Epochs of the Cenozoic Era),
and I will cause it to rain (a new species of man, Modern Homo Sapiens),
upon the earth (with a great population explosion),
forty "days," (each one thousand years long),
and forty nights (of a thousand years each);
and every living substance (of thought)
that I have made (conscious to previous humanoids)
will I destroy from off the face of the earth (but, afresh in your mind).