John the Baptist said:
And some always talk of robbing God in tithes alone. Yet, the Malachi 3:6-8 verses state that God does not change! And He also states the robbing of offerings as well. So as one goes, so goes the other. :o
Yes, they do speak of God not changing. However, none of this has had anything to do with God changing. What it speaks of is the Law. The tithe was tied directly to the temple and the Levites as the collectors. Now, if you can show me where the word of God authorized the shift from the one temple building and Levites to multitudes of man-made buildings of organized religion and ushers, then we'll have something with which to go forward. This picking and choosing from the Law what is still applicable today is suspect to say the least. Trying to trip the subject up to land in your favor with a form of contrived spiritual dynamic is no different than a vanilla ice cream cone dipped in chocolate. Underneath, it's still vanilla. I've seen all this before, and those who stand behind this tactic never rely upon any authoritative statement from scripture, but always pull key verses up out of context and weave together a pseudo-spiritual tapestry that is easily seen for its contradictory nature to what ALL scripture has to say on the subject. Talking like the other "just doesn't get it" is nothing more than the fallacy of "reduction to absurdity".
But your message comes along as the servant of whom???
Ahh, yes. The next step is, of course, association with a less than desirable comparison. Good, successful tacticians know that shifting strategy and being creative is always a better policy. This all reads like a textbook chronology. Not much of any spiritual origin in that. The Spirit of God is infinitely creative and doesn't miss the mark like this post of yours.
No, it does not take much Love for Christ, to understand His Words in Matthew 23:23 & Matthew 23:3 for His Truly Born Again ones. Each Word of Christ leaves us with Commandment to not leave the other undone, along with pointing out the reason of following HIM, that of LOVE!! (Recreated Love, and He was seen from start to finish in the O.T. by these ones)
Ah, yes. Love, love love. Tell you what, friend. Merely talking about love will never become the catalyst that allows anyone to successfully corrupt the word of God with pseudo-spiritual warps and twists. Jesus was not talking to us in Matthew 23, He was talking to a pharisee, who was still under the requirement to obey
ALL the Law, which included the tithe from the crop of spice he raised.
It gets really old hearing charismatic, pseudo-spiritualists ignoring so many of the keys within scripture that gives us an understanding of the truly spiritual depths of the freedom we have in Christ Jesus. People like that, in spite of their seemingly spiritual flare, turn right around and bind the heavy burden of the Law right back upon the shoulders of their listeners and followers. Pseudo-spiritualists are very much like the pharisees. They build up a shabby theological construct, hoping that its weaknesses won't be noticed by their followers.
What's so spiritual about declaring that Jesus required us all to continue the Law of tithing, but rather than the nonexistent temple, but to organized, man-made religious institutions with buildings and real estate? Can you answer that? Hey, I have no problem with a group having a building in common, and I have no problem with people wanting to tithe, but you don't have to be even a spiritual babe to realize that the tithe going to support a dead building rather than meet needs clearly is a violation of not only the Spirit of the Law, but also is exemplified
NOWHERE in the word of God in either testament. If you think you can make a case for it being right, that it's ok for the primary portion of our giving supporting buildings, then, friend, I'd like to see it. Please address this rather than meander around aimlessly in an area I didn't ask about, like so many have done in the past.
They see a real message by just the several verses there alone. That of Christ's LOVING COMMANDMENT'S. *Weightier MATTERS OF THE LAW! And even tells these ones what the 'bottom line' of His Eternal Covenant Law it is. JUDGEMENT! MERCY! FAITH!
I agree, but this doesn't give anyone license to dredge up from the Law the tithe as a requirement upon the followers of Christ. The weightier matters of the Law certainly are
higher, realities that are obviously above tithing to the Levites.
Here's the real thrust of all this. Can you show me where the word of God authorized a shift in emphasis of the tithe from strictly meeting needs over to being used for real estate and buildings? Can you show that to me from scripture? I'd very much appreciate your discussing this.
And seeing that this also is most likely troublesome for your understanding? see Matthew 22:35-40. I suggest that you best read these verses!! :o You know, a few verses back was the Word 'Judgement'.
Ok, so what's your point? Can you be more specific? What revelation is there that Jesus upheld the Law and the commandments, especially before He had established the New Covenant? The Law still stands today. I agree, but I dare say that you violate it on a daily basis. Are you wearing garments woven together with more than one type of fiber? Watch out for that bear trap, for it might snap off your leg. :o
[/quote]And we also see the very opposite extreme from your postings! I call these ones 'loose cannons'. For we even see some on the boards
calling for no organization, Christ is my leader.
Sure He is.

: And
then cannot understand the Godhead's Eternal Gospel order!? [/quote]
Nothing like a little dishonest misrepresentation of my statements in order to keep the contention going, eh? Well, I gotta tell ya. Recognizing the fact that being a leader within organized religion doesn't automatically qualify one as a leader within the Church is no real revelation to those who take God's word seriously. I'm not at all against a group banding together and hiring professional clergy to head up their religious ceremonies. I prefer what was practiced in the NT Church portrayed within the Bible, which is meeting in homes in fellowship, mutual edification, teaching and worship. If you prefer buildings, and being a part of an audience, and sitting in pews (or chairs), looking at the backs of other people's heads rather than fellowshipping with them, that's fine by me. I prefer something more meaningful, where I can put to use my spiritual maturity among my brothers and sisters. Being a functional part of the gathering of believers is much more preferable to me than being just another face within a passive, non-functional audience.