CatholicXian said:
A syllogism.
Christ=Salvation. This we will agree on, correct?
This is all that is necessary to agree on. What remains to be gained is simply the reality of this in relation to creation.
CatholicXian said:
Christ (Salvation) was born through an instrument of God's choosing, Mary, correct?
Incorrect, in its gross misleading.
Concerning the birth of Jesus, Mary was a clay vessel that, as an instrument, was useful to God in Him gaining the human aspect of His Son.
Salavation, the risen Christ, had a glorified body that was such out of God and not Mary.
The fact is, the risen Christ has nothing in Him of Mary.
CatholicXian said:
Thus, it would be theologically correct to say that Salvation comes to us through Mary.
No it would not.
Salvation is a matter of the risen Christ entering into our spirit and regenerating it with resurrection life. This only became a possibility after Jesus had died on the cross, been buried, risen, ascended, and descended as the life-giving Spirit that enters into our spirit as we believe.
CatholicXian said:
Christ does come through Mary.
No, Christ comes through the Holy Spirit and was only manifested in the flesh.
The human aspect of Christ, which was in its unglorified state and thus was passing away (or in death) is what this Christ was manifested in while He walked this earth through incarnation and human living (John 1:1, 14). In the flesh means in the likeness, in the fashion, of man (Rom. 8:3; Phil. 2:7-8). Christ appeared to people in the form of man (2 Cor. 5:16), yet He was God manifested in man.
CatholicXian said:
Christ is born of Mary, that is how Jesus comes to us... as a MAN.
Absolutely........ as the man who died on the cross, but not as the One is resurrected and seated on the throne of God, and that comes to live in us.
CatholicXian said:
A true, human of flesh and blood... born of a woman chosen by God. Salvation (Christ) comes through Mary ONLY in the sense of Theotokos.. Mary's motherhood. NOTHING in virtue of Mary, but EVERYTHING in virtue of Jesus Christ, the Savior (... Salvation).
Absolutely..... but once again, Jesus died on the cross.
But, your mentioning the matter of virtue is interesting...... yes, Mary had nothing in herself, everything was of Christ, even her own salvation, based on the fact that this Christ was the Lamb slain from the foundation of the earth.
A question..... do you know what virtue really is?
In love,