Tree of Knowledge


Fight the good fight of faith
Apr 22, 2011
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Adam, after eating from the Tree of Knowledge, now had his eyes opened to what was good and evil. Adam knew he and his wife Eve had sinned against God. They realized they were naked, as only knowledge of good and evil could have revealed that to Adam, and they tried to hide from God, but God knew where they were and clothed their shame with animal skins. (First blood sacrifice for atonement of sin that leads us to the final sacrifice that Jesus made for all who will believe by faith in Him).

Adam, Eve and all generations to come were now forced out of the beautiful garden to till the land in what would become a sin cursed world, Genesis 3:1-24. With sin running so rampant in the world it repented God that he created man and was going to destroy them all, but found favor in only one man whose name was Noah, Genesis 6:6-8, whom God gave instruction to build an ark and save his family as He was about to flood the earth with water doing away with all things within it. When man began to populate the earth after the flood sin once again abounded and God gave the laws to Moses, but it carried a curse with it if not followed to the letter. Man once again continued to transgress the law following their own desires of lusting after other gods.

There was also the Tree of Life in the midst of the garden. God had to stop Adam and Eve from eating of the Tree of Life as then they and all generations to come would attain eternal life in a sin cursed world and for this reason God sent them out of the garden and blocked the entrance to it. Adam not only lost that fellowship with God when he sinned, but also lost the purposed eternal life living in the garden of Gods beauty and brought on physical death and Spiritual death to all generations. God purposed man to live forever and take care of His creation, but now God said His Spirit would not always strive with man and later before Noah's flood God shortened man's lifespan to 120 years, Genesis 6:3.

God showed His grace in refusing to allow mankind to live forever in a world filled with sorrow and suffering and provided the way for man to live an eternal life in a place where there is no more death, sorrow and pain, Revelation 21:3-4; 22:3. God loved the world so much that He by His grace gave us His only begotten Son Jesus (The Tree of Life/final blood sacrifice) that those who will believe in Him should not perish, but have life eternal, John 3:3-16; 14:6. Jesus is our Tree of Life that through the Spiritual rebirth we will have life eternal in paradise, Rev Chapter 21, 22.