brother Paul
- Apr 10, 2014
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Baptism into the Shem (name) of Messiah for the remission of sins is an immersion with and by the Holy Spirit of God into His presence and His authority. We are now identified with Him, and separated unto Him and by Him, as one of His. This imparts not only a new significance (new status) to its recipient in terms of ones relationship with the faith community, but when coupled with genuine faith there is an impartation of a new nature poured forth into the recipient. A new spirit person is born. The Old is as if it is passed away. We are now a new kind of creature after the order of the last Adam, Jesus Christ. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which born of the Spirit is spirit! Hallelujah! We are made into a new creature. We become partakers of the Divine nature He alone can impart (not just symbolically). For the time being, the physical part remains the same, and the soul aspect is still habitually impressed with the habits of the old nature with all of its ways and thoughts. But if you have been born from above, you have become a living spirit again, with a new nature made in His image awakened in you.
Immersion done with the wrong attitude or from an incorrect motive makes the ritual is meaningless. This is why baptized babies must be raised to have faith (parents and God-parents take an oath to do so) and later when the child confesses Christ at their time of confirmation, their baptism is made effectual. Until then it is somewhat in-potentia. The ritual alone is not effectual or else everyone who ever took a bath would be saved and this of course is absurd! For example, Simon Magi in Acts 8 is said to have believed and was baptized but he believed for his own sake that he could wield such power as he had seen and then he would be exalted. His heart was wrong before God. He sought to gain the Holy Spirit to exploit it for purposes of fame and wealth (as some do even to this day).
When the heart of the one being baptized is not right before the Lord, or is harboring false or impure motives, God knows this, in which case, all the dipping, sprinkling, or plunging in the world cannot, and will not, effect the rebirth of the person’s sin-deadened human spirit. Such concession by a family’s traditional Church community, or even by mere outward profession, does not make one a child of God. Those who teach that all you have to do is repeat this prayer are not telling the truth. Yes such a confession is important but it must be sincere, from the heart that seeks to be made right with God, not a free pass magical formula. If you are really in contrition over your sinful condition and you with a sincere heart fall before God seeking His grace, He will give it. The infilling received is eternal Life, and this can only happen through faith in the Lord’s gracious work in Messiah Jesus. The Holy Spirit within is the seal, or guarantee or down payment of that promise, and we are sealed until the day of redemption (the parousia) when that which is so promised is fulfilled. The Holy Spirit is our blessed assurance.
Those of the school of Hillel were baptized into the traditions, understandings, roles, and responsibilities, prescribed by Rabbi Hillel. They readily and willfully adopted and practiced these. The same was true for the followers/disciples of Rabbi Shammai. In Qumran, the men there had to be immersed into the traditions, understandings, and roles prescribed by the Zadokite Priests. So it is with the followers of Jesus to this day! I just want you to realize that this was not at all peculiar or uncommon in that time or culture, and that it was not something new, something “Christian”, but it was always something ordained by God.
Notice how in all these cases the recipient is entering into a renewed or new order of relationship, or is restored or graduated to a greater oneness in relation to or with something or someone other. In addition to the consecration function, and ceremonial cleansing, the attainment of conversion and a new identity was forthcoming.
It was also a service of dedication to a Holy Office and/or for engaging in Holy Service! Whenever a person entered a life of leadership in the Holy Community, such as a priest, a King, or an officiating prophet, there was always a confession or profession, there was an immersion (sometimes simply into the role, or in the word, or in the Holy Spirit) and there was always an anointing! Sometimes the anointing preceded sometimes followed. In the Old Covenant a pouring out of oil upon the person symbolized the spiritual action taking place, but in the new covenant the Father pours out the Holy Spirit upon us. Are we any less then priests and kings? Nay! Indeed we are a nation of priests and kings (1 Peter 2:9; Revelations 20:6).
Aaron and his sons had to be immersed into their priestly office (Exodus 29:4). Their garments were likewise immersed (Leviticus 6:27). The laver of washing always stood between the congregation and God’s presence (Exodus 30:18) and it is written “they shall wash with water so they will not die.” See also Psalm 51.
Every plate and utensil being made Holy by God to be used for service in the Temple had to be immersed first. So now you can see it was likewise, the lawful and logical thing for Jesus to do (to be baptized by John the Baptist who actually was not only God’s prophet, but a priest as well) in order to officiate His public ministry as Messiah. Every person or item sprinkled with the blood was to be washed.
In Judaism, just as in Christianity, certain prayers were said over the water before immersion, and thanks and praise followed. With the benediction, supplication, and prayers God sets them apart for Holy or Sacred purpose. Holy water therefore, is water that has been “set apart” or sanctified for the Rites of the Holy Community of Faith, and has no special power in and of itself, as one might think from watching some of today's popular movies, or so-called deliverance ministers. This idea of passing through the waters to enter into a new life goes way back.
Did not Noah and his family have to pass through the waters to have a new life? When Moses led the children of Israel though the Red Sea they were leaving their old self, held in bondage behind and entering a new Holy covenant life with God. Before Joshua and the consecrated generation could enter the promised land they had to pass though the rushing Jordan.
Spirit motivated baptism is the way into Messiah (Galatians 3:27). It is a baptism of faith. The mysterious transformation by grace is performed by the Holy Spirit, and in most cases, but not all (see Simon Magi in Acts 8, versus the Centurion’s household in Acts 10), this accompanies the temporal immersion, which is representative of the gospel itself. It is a form of death (repentant death to unbelief and intentional sin), burial (immersion with Him), a being lifted up, a resurrection (justified regeneration upon rising from the mock watery grave, or womb, to walk in newness of life). However, the Spirit can immerse a faith filled believer into Messiah before any ritual (but in the Bible these are immediately called to be immersed), and even void of the temporal ritual if it cannot be performed (like the thief on the cross), and finally in some cases there are those who are baptized but do not receive the Spirit until later.
So in light of this I can see where Jesus questioning Nicodemus says to him, “Are you not a teacher of Israel, and yet you do not know of these things?” The question was a rhetorical one. Of course Nicodemus knew what He was saying only he could not admit it yet.
So for us, to say “I am saved already because I believe, therefore I do not need to be baptized” is in grave error! God designed that all that He was setting apart (making Holy), even instruments and utensils, should be immersed in the waters. Now if you have confessed Christ go and be baptized…it is indeed essential. Not for the reasonableness of one theological argument versus another, but because God made this to be the way. Your argument is with Him. Any who says “I’m already saved so I won’t be baptized” should examine their faith, for may not be saved and are still children of disobedience.
Jesus said to be baptized in water, commanded us all to baptize...the Apostles ALL practiced it (as well as the deacons)...the earliest church was taught that all must be baptized and they all baptized everyone coming to Christ...and the whole church always did this until shortly after the Reformation...So I believe you have the Holy Spirit and are if this is true then go and be baptized...God made this a part of the way He consecrates you unto Himself. Do not resist the Holy Spirit within, I know He is speaking to your heart on this and I would find it hard to believe that one person of the Godhead would say to your not bother, it is not necessary. Look at Cornelius's household, the Spirit fell on all of them and what was the next thing Peter did? He brought them to the waters..."Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we?" Imagine if they said NO I don't need it?
Immersion done with the wrong attitude or from an incorrect motive makes the ritual is meaningless. This is why baptized babies must be raised to have faith (parents and God-parents take an oath to do so) and later when the child confesses Christ at their time of confirmation, their baptism is made effectual. Until then it is somewhat in-potentia. The ritual alone is not effectual or else everyone who ever took a bath would be saved and this of course is absurd! For example, Simon Magi in Acts 8 is said to have believed and was baptized but he believed for his own sake that he could wield such power as he had seen and then he would be exalted. His heart was wrong before God. He sought to gain the Holy Spirit to exploit it for purposes of fame and wealth (as some do even to this day).
When the heart of the one being baptized is not right before the Lord, or is harboring false or impure motives, God knows this, in which case, all the dipping, sprinkling, or plunging in the world cannot, and will not, effect the rebirth of the person’s sin-deadened human spirit. Such concession by a family’s traditional Church community, or even by mere outward profession, does not make one a child of God. Those who teach that all you have to do is repeat this prayer are not telling the truth. Yes such a confession is important but it must be sincere, from the heart that seeks to be made right with God, not a free pass magical formula. If you are really in contrition over your sinful condition and you with a sincere heart fall before God seeking His grace, He will give it. The infilling received is eternal Life, and this can only happen through faith in the Lord’s gracious work in Messiah Jesus. The Holy Spirit within is the seal, or guarantee or down payment of that promise, and we are sealed until the day of redemption (the parousia) when that which is so promised is fulfilled. The Holy Spirit is our blessed assurance.
Those of the school of Hillel were baptized into the traditions, understandings, roles, and responsibilities, prescribed by Rabbi Hillel. They readily and willfully adopted and practiced these. The same was true for the followers/disciples of Rabbi Shammai. In Qumran, the men there had to be immersed into the traditions, understandings, and roles prescribed by the Zadokite Priests. So it is with the followers of Jesus to this day! I just want you to realize that this was not at all peculiar or uncommon in that time or culture, and that it was not something new, something “Christian”, but it was always something ordained by God.
Notice how in all these cases the recipient is entering into a renewed or new order of relationship, or is restored or graduated to a greater oneness in relation to or with something or someone other. In addition to the consecration function, and ceremonial cleansing, the attainment of conversion and a new identity was forthcoming.
It was also a service of dedication to a Holy Office and/or for engaging in Holy Service! Whenever a person entered a life of leadership in the Holy Community, such as a priest, a King, or an officiating prophet, there was always a confession or profession, there was an immersion (sometimes simply into the role, or in the word, or in the Holy Spirit) and there was always an anointing! Sometimes the anointing preceded sometimes followed. In the Old Covenant a pouring out of oil upon the person symbolized the spiritual action taking place, but in the new covenant the Father pours out the Holy Spirit upon us. Are we any less then priests and kings? Nay! Indeed we are a nation of priests and kings (1 Peter 2:9; Revelations 20:6).
Aaron and his sons had to be immersed into their priestly office (Exodus 29:4). Their garments were likewise immersed (Leviticus 6:27). The laver of washing always stood between the congregation and God’s presence (Exodus 30:18) and it is written “they shall wash with water so they will not die.” See also Psalm 51.
Every plate and utensil being made Holy by God to be used for service in the Temple had to be immersed first. So now you can see it was likewise, the lawful and logical thing for Jesus to do (to be baptized by John the Baptist who actually was not only God’s prophet, but a priest as well) in order to officiate His public ministry as Messiah. Every person or item sprinkled with the blood was to be washed.
In Judaism, just as in Christianity, certain prayers were said over the water before immersion, and thanks and praise followed. With the benediction, supplication, and prayers God sets them apart for Holy or Sacred purpose. Holy water therefore, is water that has been “set apart” or sanctified for the Rites of the Holy Community of Faith, and has no special power in and of itself, as one might think from watching some of today's popular movies, or so-called deliverance ministers. This idea of passing through the waters to enter into a new life goes way back.
Did not Noah and his family have to pass through the waters to have a new life? When Moses led the children of Israel though the Red Sea they were leaving their old self, held in bondage behind and entering a new Holy covenant life with God. Before Joshua and the consecrated generation could enter the promised land they had to pass though the rushing Jordan.
Spirit motivated baptism is the way into Messiah (Galatians 3:27). It is a baptism of faith. The mysterious transformation by grace is performed by the Holy Spirit, and in most cases, but not all (see Simon Magi in Acts 8, versus the Centurion’s household in Acts 10), this accompanies the temporal immersion, which is representative of the gospel itself. It is a form of death (repentant death to unbelief and intentional sin), burial (immersion with Him), a being lifted up, a resurrection (justified regeneration upon rising from the mock watery grave, or womb, to walk in newness of life). However, the Spirit can immerse a faith filled believer into Messiah before any ritual (but in the Bible these are immediately called to be immersed), and even void of the temporal ritual if it cannot be performed (like the thief on the cross), and finally in some cases there are those who are baptized but do not receive the Spirit until later.
So in light of this I can see where Jesus questioning Nicodemus says to him, “Are you not a teacher of Israel, and yet you do not know of these things?” The question was a rhetorical one. Of course Nicodemus knew what He was saying only he could not admit it yet.
So for us, to say “I am saved already because I believe, therefore I do not need to be baptized” is in grave error! God designed that all that He was setting apart (making Holy), even instruments and utensils, should be immersed in the waters. Now if you have confessed Christ go and be baptized…it is indeed essential. Not for the reasonableness of one theological argument versus another, but because God made this to be the way. Your argument is with Him. Any who says “I’m already saved so I won’t be baptized” should examine their faith, for may not be saved and are still children of disobedience.
Jesus said to be baptized in water, commanded us all to baptize...the Apostles ALL practiced it (as well as the deacons)...the earliest church was taught that all must be baptized and they all baptized everyone coming to Christ...and the whole church always did this until shortly after the Reformation...So I believe you have the Holy Spirit and are if this is true then go and be baptized...God made this a part of the way He consecrates you unto Himself. Do not resist the Holy Spirit within, I know He is speaking to your heart on this and I would find it hard to believe that one person of the Godhead would say to your not bother, it is not necessary. Look at Cornelius's household, the Spirit fell on all of them and what was the next thing Peter did? He brought them to the waters..."Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we?" Imagine if they said NO I don't need it?