Serving Zion
- Nov 30, 2019
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It reminds me of an example of the perfection of God in Jesus: when He was a boy, they all went to Jerusalem and He found Himself engaged in conversation with the religious teachers in the temple. They were astounded at the wisdom and insight of His questions, and while He was doing that ministry there, His parents left Jerusalem assuming that Jesus would have joined the group that was travelling together. Jesus decided to stay in the temple and serve the needs of God to minister through Him, but His mother soon discovered that Jesus wasn't travelling with the group. After searching the whole group and couldn't find Him, she became worried, returned to Jerusalem and eventually found Him in the temple. She was upset with Him, saying "why did you make us worry?" And He asked her "why did you worry at all? ... Don't you know that I ought to be about my Father's business?".One of the Ten Commandments says "Honor your father and mother", how is this consistent with hating one's parents in favour of being faithful to Christ?
Even though we put family second place to Christ, we are still obligated to honour them. Hating them is not honoring them.
In that example it shows that her lack of faith had caused her to not trust God and to not trust Him, and perhaps most hurtful, to be angry at Him for having been doing the good deeds of a servant to God (eg Proverbs 17:13). Also keep in mind that Mary had knowledge from the start of the purpose upon His life (Luke 1:35-38). It is then written that although He had preferred to remain in Jerusalem doing His Father's work, "nevertheless He returned with His mother and remained obedient to her".