Adullam said:
I have consistently said that the relationship to both God and the brethren are required for discipleship. You have only been able to pick up on the one your brain misfires at. Your voices say that this is not possible. Christians see this type of reasoning in non-believers. Since I believe in the power of the Holy Spirit and the new birth, you attack you do not believe in a direct relationship with God. You believe in the intermediary organization of your church....which to you equals closeness to God. So you follow the cult of the RCC religion. This is not the same as being a Christian.
I don't think you are in a position to tell anyone who is and who is not a Christian, given the history of Chrisitanity includes "organized religion", which you would prefer, allied with the gates of Hell, to bring down...
It is satan who desires to bring down the Church, so any attempt to have God's children put aside what HE established is certainly from satan. :naughty
Our relationship with God is enhanced through
Divine Liturgy, but you choose to dismiss something you know nothing about. The "
intermediary organization" is in place BY Christ FOR Christ...
We receive our birth from above THROUGH Baptism, a
visible means where God has chosen to work through. And as you again conveniently ignore, baptism is always done by the community, through an organized religious body. Christ certainly could have chosen to actually DO AWAY with organized religion. However, as this overly long thread has shown, He never did. He did the OPPOSITE by forming a heirarchy and giving this heirarchy the power to bind and loosen. He gave them MORE rituals to follow. And in each case, we find various communities of followers, with leaders and structure and organization. Organization is abundantly found in the Scriptures among Christian believers. You have no concept of what Christianity is because you are not familiar with Scriptures and Christian history.
Wow!!!!!! There is so many errors and lies here the mind is boggled! Divine liturgy? Intermediary organization? Birth through child baptism or any baptism? Visible means?
These cultic statements are so outlandish as to warrant no comment. They are not within the realm of a Christian forum to discuss. I won't even ask for biblical references to these aberrations...they have nothing to do with Christ, whatsoever.
Adullam said:
francisdesales said:
Vanity tends to express itself and its own. Just like you.
Nastiness makes what point?
Do you deny that you are vain with your comments? Sometimes the truth hurts, but one needs to hear it to reform.
You resist the truth.
Adullam said:
This thread is about the dangers of human organization displacing the power of God.
No, it is about whether Jesus was against organized religions. :crazy
YOU are TRYING to make this into "the dangers of human organizations", which is quite bizarre. You refuse to see that it is the HUMAN WITHIN the organization itself that is the cause of the problem. The organization itself was not formed to prevent man from coming to God. That is clearly wrong.
Thus, whether THAT person is in the "catholic church" or whether he is on his own, the problem remains - his spiritual growth has stopped - perhaps reversed - as he becomes more proud in his own righteousness. The Catholic Church was formed by Christ for reason - to bring men of the world together in Christ. This organization protects the doctrine of the saints once given.
Without such an organization, there is no "revelation". It is strictly opinions that are intermixed with modern day cultural biases, such as your own ideas of individualism. This was NEVER part of the cultural practices of 2000 years ago and is not found in Scriptures. You feel the need to reinvent Christianity into YOUR OWN IMAGE.... It no longer is a "revealed religion" given to us by God through the Apostles. Christianity as per Adullam has become whatever makes Adullam feel good about himself...
And if someone disagrees with Adullam??? Then they couldn't possibly be a "true" Christian, because "everyone knows" that Adullam is infallible because of the same "spirit". Whatever, dude...
Oprah and Dr. Phil would be proud of what you have done with Christianity. Twisted it from a revealed religion to a religion of conceit.
The institution that calls itself catholic (a stolen name) came into it's ecclesiastical power with Constantine the pagan. Catholicism is a syncretism of Christian doctrine and pagan tradition and ritual. To call these divine is blasphemy.
You stated...Without such an organization, there is no "revelation".
This denies that God can reveal something directly to a person. One cannot be born from above if the only way to receive revelation is at the hands of religious hierarchies. Rather, a saint is one who is born in the Spirit by the will of God. You don't know this, as you have only your carnal birth to draw from. You have been fooled into believing that water baptism cause you to become spiritually enlightened. This visible means is used by all sects to ininiate their members into their cult. But only God can open one's eyes to the eternal reality.
Adullam said:
Men always try to know better.
Exactly, Adullam. Say that while looking in the mirror and you'll get my point. Thus, the necessity of having an organization that is BEYOND your own pitiful opinions. It is a guard against becoming too arrogant. It is
MEN who think they know better, not the organization... The organization was formed with proper goals and the means to achieve that goal. It is when particular men go astray, esp. men in power, when problems begin. The blame is to be placed on men. Thus, leaving the organization because of particular men in search of some "holier way" is action in the wrong direction.
God still speaks directly to men. Apparently just not to you!
Adullam said:
But God confounds the understanding of men...
Again, the prophet speaks but does not heed his own advice... Hypocrisy abounds where love has left.
And has been replaced by clericalism.
Adullam said:
You are avoiding scriptures as you say. You deny the birth from above.
I never wrote or implied such nonsense. You have already preconceived notions of ALL Christians who worship as part of a larger community. Thus, when the subject comes up, I naturally "deny the birth from above". It is you who deny it, since you think only the "perfect" are "true" Christians. All "ordinary" Christians have not yet been "born from above". Wonderful... Your conclusion is woefully inaccurate - but I realize you won't believe that, since you are infallibly correct.
You have stated that a sect can baptize members into the Holy Spirit themselves through visible means. How very convenient! This is wishful delusion that only the "faithful" can be convinced of. The duped, as it were. Can you say brainwashing?
Adullam said:
You hide behind the skirts of religious priests and rail against the truth.
Hiding? I rail against the truth??? :biglol
What a hypocrite...
Where is your evidence of Jesus speaking out against organized religion??? It is you hiding by constantly talking about everything BUT the topic at hand. You constantly ignore points that are made that hurt your paltry ideas of what God wants and how the Scriptures relates His desires to mankind.
I have grown tired of this. I am beginning to think these responses are merely trolls from satan to try to tempt me to say things I'll regret. I think I will just await for your evidence from Scriptures on how Jesus condemned organized religions. Until then, it is you who are the fool by constantly pretending you know what you are talking about but putting forth
no evidence.
You hide behind the "spirit", but it is not the Spirit of God. God's Spirit has made it clear HOW Christianity will be practiced and has done so for 2000 years. We can look to Scriptures and find out what Christ and the Apostles taught. Yours is a new-fangled invention with precious little evidence from the Book inspired by that same Spirit of God. Since your proposals have no backing from Scriptures, just the opposite, I'll assume that you are NOT being moved by the Spirit in your ramblings.
Constantly ignoring what the Spirit has written is proof positive that you are following another "spirit".