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scripture please - what is commonly understood is not always accurate - God always speaks truth - man not so well

Is this the truth?

Jesus said He came to fulfill the law, and until it was fulfilled nothing will pass from it.

Now that it has indeed been fulfilled by Jesus the Messiah, the law has been set aside, taken out of the way, abolished in His flesh because it has become obsolete.

17 “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. 18 For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.
Matthew 5:17-18
Were animal sacrifices made to take away sin....
You're answer is YES.

I and others have plainly said that the blood of animals can not take away sins, only atone or cover the sin; not take away.

I have never said animal sacrifices were made to take away sins.

Here is the scripture I and others given repeatedly, over and over to validate my claim that the blood of animals can not take away our sin.

4For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.

I guess the Old Testament is pretty complicated then....
since God destroyed the earth because of evil men.

I guess He forgot to overlook the sins of those in the time of Noah.

God was longsuffering towards that evil generation (1 Peter 3:20) but still eventually punished them with a flood.
Yes Wondering I answered your question with scripture.

No Wondering you are mistaken, I didn’t skirt your question.

Please refrain from this type of dialog.

You mean....
like what you're doing right now?

I'll refrain, and more.
Hebrews 9 & 10 go into great detail to your questions.

In regard to OT sacrifices.
Day after day every priest stands and performs his religious duties; again and again he offers the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins.

Jesus was required for the inward cleansing. In Jesus sins are eternally taken away. And sacrifices and offerings were/are no longer required.

God was not pleased with the OT sacrifices anyway though the law required them to be made.
Thanks Randy.

But that brings up another question:

If God inspired the O.T............
And it states that God requires blood for the forgiveness of sin.......
Then how come God didn't like sacrifices?
If HE'S the one that asked for them?
I and others have plainly said that the blood of animals can not take away sins, only atone or cover the sin; not take away.

I have never said animal sacrifices were made to take away sins.

Here is the scripture I and others given repeatedly, over and over to validate my claim that the blood of animals can not take away our sin.

4For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.

ONLY atone?
What does atone mean......
Maybe the meaning of atone has changed too.
I really don't want a reply.
Covering Sin
Taking it away

This is rather interesting.
Most Protestants really dislike Catholicism.
I've never really understood why since we wouldn't be here if that church
had not held together against heresies way back at the beginning.

So, I happen to know their doctrine.
What they say is that Protestants believe that sin is COVERED.
We do use at least 3 verses that say we are covered by Jesus...NOT His blood,,,
by HIM. I'm not going to list them because there's been too much debate on what verses

Instead they, the CC, believe that sin is WASHED AWAY when one goes to confession and that this method is far superior to just COVERING sin.

And this is interesting because one member here is stating that in the O.T. sin was "covered" but not taken away. And in the N.T. sin is taken away. This is NOT what most Protestants believe.
Most Protestants believe our sin is COVERED by Jesus.

This is a deep theological discussion,
too deep.
Covering Sin
Taking it away

This is rather interesting.
Most Protestants really dislike Catholicism.
I've never really understood why since we wouldn't be here if that church
had not held together against heresies way back at the beginning.

So, I happen to know their doctrine.
What they say is that Protestants believe that sin is COVERED.
We do use at least 3 verses that say we are covered by Jesus...NOT His blood,,,
by HIM. I'm not going to list them because there's been too much debate on what verses

Instead they, the CC, believe that sin is WASHED AWAY when one goes to confession and that this method is far superior to just COVERING sin.

And this is interesting because one member here is stating that in the O.T. sin was "covered" but not taken away. And in the N.T. sin is taken away. This is NOT what most Protestants believe.
Most Protestants believe our sin is COVERED by Jesus.

This is a deep theological discussion,
too deep.
it could be a really good discussion if people could just share what and why they believe what they do - there is no way to prove who is right or wrong - if the bible made it that clear everyone would agree -
it could be a really good discussion if people could just share what and why they believe what they do - there is no way to prove who is right or wrong - if the bible made it that clear everyone would agree -

I take the time too share and use scripture.

You and Wondering for some reason don’t seem to want read what I write or don’t care to study.

I don’t understand what the big deal is.

The Bible says so plainly that the law of Moses has been taken out of the way, nailed to the cross, abolished in His flesh having become obsolete.

Why don’t people believe what is so plainly written?

The scriptures say that the blood of bulls and goats can not take away sin.

For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins. Hebrews 10:4

I don’t understand why anyone would have a problem with this.

The scriptures teach us that if we are led by the Spirit, we are not under the law.

But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. Galatians 5:18

Why is this hard to believe?
it could be a really good discussion if people could just share what and why they believe what they do - there is no way to prove who is right or wrong - if the bible made it that clear everyone would agree -
Do we ever wonder why it was not very clear?
Maybe it's because it was clear at the time because persons of that day knew what was expected of them?

Sometimes I think that just reading the same version might help.
I've started reading The Living Bible....Started out with the NASB....I think I'll go backwards.
It sure is easier to understand.

Paul was a very deep theological thinker. Even Peter said he was difficult to understand...2 Peter 3:16. But sometimes I think we pay more attention to what Paul said than what Jesus said.

Then I hear that when Jesus spoke it was BEFORE the cross and then things changed.
This is pretty amazing to hear....didn't Jesus KNOW things were going to change???!
So do we not pay attention to HIM?
HE'S the one that came to us to teach us how to be united with God.

it appears the meanings of words vary drastically - too bad - that could have helped to make things clear -
Agreed. But we use words we're personally familiar with.
Words we learned from those that taught us our faith and that we also use.
Too much disagreement that comes from trying to convince someone to use OUR term is just a waste of time.

but beyond that most people do not read the bible cover to cover over and over - that one point alone would cause us to be more unified in our beliefs - cherry picking scriptures rather than reading entire letters or entire books of the bible means context is never properly examined
We should use scripture to back up what we believe...but it DOES have to be in context.
In the very verse I used before, 2 Peter 3:16...Peter exhorts us to be blameless...this refers to behavior.

It states that the heavens and the earth will pass away...just like in Matthew 5:18....
and also in other verses. And yet, Matthew 5 is understood to mean something different.

i offered to prove that the law issue paul speaks of is keeping law for salvation vs keeping it for faith but it would require reading the entire book of Galatians - Hebrews - Romans - Ephesians - etc - one of these would do - that is really the only way to clear up what paul was saying
We keep the law out of love for God and because we have faith in Him for our very life....
but Jesus Himself said that we must keep the Moral Law and all the laws to keep our salvation.

There's disparity in what Matthew 5:17 means.
Jesus said He did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it.
As some explain the word FULFILL,,,,Matthew 5:17 would read like this:
"I have not come to abolish the law - but to abolish the law".
How many posts does it take to get to this point?
Very many as I've noted. And then there is still no agreement.

Jesus is pretty clear - He kept the law and He said anyone who does not and teaches others to not keep the law is the least in the kingdom of heaven - He also said those who are trained in the old and the new have treasures from both treasure chests
All Jesus did was speak about how to be saved by doing good deeds/works.
John 5:28-29, Matthew 5:28,,,,even Matthew 4:17 What does REPENT mean anyway?
It does not mean to feel contrite but to turn around and change our direction.
I don't think so.

The priests slaughtered them and purged the altar with their blood to atone for all Israel, for the king ordered the burnt offering and the sin offering for all Israel. 2 Chronicles 29:24

Atone — Strongs H3722 — kāpar

  1. to cover, purge, make an atonement, make reconciliation, cover over with pitch
    1. (Qal) to coat or cover with pitch
    2. (Piel)
      1. to cover over, pacify, propitiate
      2. to cover over, atone for sin, make atonement for
      3. to cover over, atone for sin and persons by legal rites
    3. (Pual)
      1. to be covered over
      2. to make atonement for
    4. (Hithpael) to be covered
Thanks Randy.

But that brings up another question:

If God inspired the O.T............
And it states that God requires blood for the forgiveness of sin.......
Then how come God didn't like sacrifices?
If HE'S the one that asked for them?
Perhaps it was put in place as a shadow of things to come meaning Christ Jesus. The temple on earth was noted as a copy of the one in heaven. Other than that I don't know. I do know it is NOT for man to choose how to forgive sin.
Thanks Randy.

But that brings up another question:

If God inspired the O.T............
And it states that God requires blood for the forgiveness of sin.......
Then how come God didn't like sacrifices?
If HE'S the one that asked for them?
I think it is similar to when parents are put into a position of punishing a child for wrong-doing. The punishment is necessary for training, the parents are the one's that require it, and yet the parents do not like it. Their preference hand's down would be that the child would obey and not put them in a position to have to exercise the punishment and likewise God would much prefer that we would obey and not put Him in that position.
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Do we ever wonder why it was not very clear?
Maybe it's because it was clear at the time because persons of that day knew what was expected of them?

Sometimes I think that just reading the same version might help.
I've started reading The Living Bible....Started out with the NASB....I think I'll go backwards.
It sure is easier to understand.
good points - i often think God made the important things clear like love God and love man - the other things were meant to instruct us on how to love God and love man but man makes them debate fodder

i also think sometimes man complicates simple things and turns them into something they are not
read the whole thing - he's talking about the man made division between the 2 groups of people
I see not one indication - either direct or by implication - that the issue here is man-made divisions. What is your evidence for such a claim?

By contrast, it is, I suggest, quite clear that Paul is referring to the Law of Moses. Why? Because it is abundantly clear from the Old Testament itself, as well as from what we know from history, that the Law of Moses was for Jews only and functioned to set them apart from the Gentile nations.

I don't see how this can be disputed. In Leviticus 20:25 God clearly indicates that the food laws (part of the Law of Moses) function to set the Jew apart from the nations.

So when Paul refers to a "law of commandments" being abolished to bring the Jew and Gentile together, he has to be referring to the Law of Moses. Do you deny this?
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